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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. They were just more manufactured krap. They get little respect from me unless they can write and play the instruments, Im sure that worries them though. I dont rank Elvis either for that reason, popuar as they may have been.
  2. No, they should give them two phones so they can thin them out even faster
  3. Todays fad tomorrows nobodies.......they of course write all their own music, play all the instruments and will be remebered in 5? 10? 20 years......no didnt think so. Manufactured drivel for the mass market teenyboppers, no doubt successful currenty like the brief fad of The Spice Girls but long term nothing, No creative abiltiy such as Lennon MCartney, Brian Wilson, George Michael . Mozart Bach etc
  4. disagree, any pain makes you think twice regardless of its source whether right or wrong self inflcited or not. There is a clear difference between the fire and the punishment but the fact remains you remember due to the pain.
  5. Youre the one insisting the "poor" have no work yet blindly ignoring the fact there is work available and any work is better than no work, In other words talking ballcocks........ plssssssssssssssss dont bother trying again, do everyone a favour
  6. My Govt told me to buy a diesel vehicle to save the planet............. then my govt told me not to buy a diesel vehicle as it was destroying the planet....my govt is full of scientists that apparently know NOTHING I'd love to be around in 100 years when they look back at this like the Luminiferous Aether
  7. You think the cost of electric in Thailand is not going to go up? And I did mention UK. Id be concerened about warranty, dissappearing with change of owner? and rust shouldnt all cars be now galvanised? Checkout also this real Russian review at this point
  8. The gap on running costs is closing dramatically with electric cars in the UK
  9. Interesting test of self parking, but later am sure this will become the norm for full on driving too.
  10. I walked to work for 3 years 3 miles each way daily at 18, remember walking on the canal in some winters it was frozen that thick to save money to get a car, did the same at school when all my friends got the bus I saved the fares, to buy a bike.. Ddint get the bus once in 5 years. Worked some <deleted>ty part time jobs for pocket money as a kid (15-16 yrs old) one of the hardest was Safeway supermarket starting at 6 am to 10pm at night, stacked shelves, did the tills ran round like a crazy thing having to check prices when labels were missing, 30 mins lunch that was it. Did saturday jobs once I got the push bike, even that was 8 miles away. Nothings free and nothing comes easy, free from debt my entire life due to diligence and graft. Brought up in UK through the 1-10 unemployed period late 70.s early 80.s.use d to go for job interviews and there'd be maybe 80 people waiting for an interview for some rubbish job. Did those to save money to go self employed, which I finally did Some of the older Thais know the meaning of graft.
  11. There is actually more sense in that answer than most others, food is very easily grown here due to the year round clinate, seed to veg in weeks always amazed at the speed of cucumber growth here, they dont have to cope with a winter whereas Europeans would have months where nothing wou;ld grow requiring more planning, many still own rural but abandoned land, plenty been abandoned round here for that city job, they dont have to pay much if anything in the way of property tax . That said many people wordlwide dont save any more, think that good times are always going to be here, short sighted is the norm, nuts Shelter can be minimal.
  12. sounds normal from what Ive seen, lacking in any work ethic. Ive done many a job I didnt want to over the years as Id rather have savings than owe anything to anyone.
  13. The other posters stated they seem only to be able to work in tourist industyr jobs....so they should adapt to work on the land instead if no other work's available.instead all I hear is whinging that they are poor and got no work. The works there they just dont want it.
  14. Yeah whats more degrading having no job with no money or having a job with money. Get off your moral high horse Mr saviour of the "poor"
  15. Hey your'e the one bringing deers into it, at least I'm sticking with the subject matter...dogs
  16. Cant afford it , dont buy it, bicycles are cheap, Thai way borrow more than you earn then fail to make payments yet they all seem to be sporting more expensive phones when a dumb phone is cheap. You dont need a phone to work in the fields where there are many jobs available. Field workers get transported usually by pick up from the boss man. Jobs are theere Thais dont want them.
  17. Had two implants 12 years ago in the uk from a dentist i TRUST, Not had any problems with them at all still going strong, great things. Its harder in an upper rear jaw due to lack of bone may require bone graft. Cost back then wa s about 1800 quid each...I also had iv sedation for it and there was ZERO pain, great things. Id go for the ones which arent stuck in in one day, the ones where they let the bone inetgrate with the implant and finsih the tooth after about 5 months.
  18. "bellowing eh" I believe BELLOWING looks like this........however, there is WORK available and you seem to be changing the subject now from no work available, my point, if i need to explain it is many dont want any work they want EASY (bellowing) work........when theres no work whats the better choice..no work no money, I resent the word "servant" my kid aint a servant he can leave anytime he wants. Here's the "servant" being subdued in Hua Hin couple weeks ago where we go for a weekly trip out....... now lick my boots clean boy..a phrase he always loves to hear from the master.
  19. same old krap , year in year out...............maybe they think the local governers forget and need this yearly reminder. At least if a dam breaks they can use fat toad face to block the hole
  20. As stated "adapt or die" .if you can only do one job u may as well. All thos e metnioned by you could easily work on the land where there is a huge demand for workers. Is it better to have no job and whine about it with no money or a job possibly with less money but some dignity. Theyre lazy simple as that. Have you any experience of finding someone to work on the land..even as a caretaker where a lot of downtime is normal? MY one lad gets 15k a house ,electric, water, food, fish, motorbike 2 hours for lunch. 7-11 then 2-5 he does the work with ease with 3 fingers missing. His salary rise to 16k end of this year, rural location............meanwhile Thais all round whinge and moan they have no work , our neighbours with land also say the same.cant find any staff amongst all those unemployed, the going rate is 500 a day. What they want is to be a security guard so they can sleep all night for 12 k. Thats the reality. Even had a cleaner once years ago, took her 4 hours to clean my house 50m2, I do it myself in 1 hour, thats another story entirely though....time and motion. What I do see now is everyone and his friend opening a roadside stall selling food, mostly junk food for the remaining farm workers /construction crews, most of them overweight, another job where they barely get any income and can sit down all day, theyd rather do that than get a d ecent regular higher income.
  21. Had similar krap from imigration on extension renewal, big push for changing from marriage to retirement........ same ending, she says next year get retirement...I just ignore them. Reason for that is its easier for them....which keeps instilling my Thais are lazy attitude towards them.
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