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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. "bellowing eh" I believe BELLOWING looks like this........however, there is WORK available and you seem to be changing the subject now from no work available, my point, if i need to explain it is many dont want any work they want EASY (bellowing) work........when theres no work whats the better choice..no work no money, I resent the word "servant" my kid aint a servant he can leave anytime he wants. Here's the "servant" being subdued in Hua Hin couple weeks ago where we go for a weekly trip out....... now lick my boots clean boy..a phrase he always loves to hear from the master.
  2. same old krap , year in year out...............maybe they think the local governers forget and need this yearly reminder. At least if a dam breaks they can use fat toad face to block the hole
  3. As stated "adapt or die" .if you can only do one job u may as well. All thos e metnioned by you could easily work on the land where there is a huge demand for workers. Is it better to have no job and whine about it with no money or a job possibly with less money but some dignity. Theyre lazy simple as that. Have you any experience of finding someone to work on the land..even as a caretaker where a lot of downtime is normal? MY one lad gets 15k a house ,electric, water, food, fish, motorbike 2 hours for lunch. 7-11 then 2-5 he does the work with ease with 3 fingers missing. His salary rise to 16k end of this year, rural location............meanwhile Thais all round whinge and moan they have no work , our neighbours with land also say the same.cant find any staff amongst all those unemployed, the going rate is 500 a day. What they want is to be a security guard so they can sleep all night for 12 k. Thats the reality. Even had a cleaner once years ago, took her 4 hours to clean my house 50m2, I do it myself in 1 hour, thats another story entirely though....time and motion. What I do see now is everyone and his friend opening a roadside stall selling food, mostly junk food for the remaining farm workers /construction crews, most of them overweight, another job where they barely get any income and can sit down all day, theyd rather do that than get a d ecent regular higher income.
  4. Had similar krap from imigration on extension renewal, big push for changing from marriage to retirement........ same ending, she says next year get retirement...I just ignore them. Reason for that is its easier for them....which keeps instilling my Thais are lazy attitude towards them.
  5. I always dress up in a dog suit when walking aywhere in Thailand now ....no probs just lie in the road any place I like, cross where I want watch them all slam the brakes on..works a treat.
  6. That was my first thought................, TV missed an opportuntiy though if the dog had been black.
  7. Many posters havent a clue here what its like employing anyone and how many really are.......unsuitable for almost anything, Got a kid with only half a hand, he works harder than two people as such he gets paid well.
  8. Theres many who simply dont want to work.....Ive offered jobs to people and they either dont show or are bone idle on arrival... over a 10 year period, many of their ideas of work are do 2-3 days then [iss it all up the wall on beer, stay home until sober then go do the same thing again, lack any work ethic and as soon as your backs turned they sit down. Found two decent people over a 10 year period, rest are useless.
  9. Plenty of work about, theyre too lazy to do it...hence Burmese and Cambodians..who they threw out and also brought in ridiculous regitsration process to employ them with crazy fines for employers.... They borrow money for stuff they dont need, show me a Thai without a phone or motorbike.....try again
  10. bs, BIG C should also have responsibilty in this allowing the dog to sit out there, same outside 7-11s tripping over the things
  11. meanwhile the "owner" of the dog is nowhere to be seen for his/her/its irresponsible beahviour.....next time maybe the dog will knock some kid off their bike and kill them.......too many of these dogs in the road, its plain ridiculous and negligent
  12. Ok so to sum up..self inflicted , no one to blame but themselves, now theyll squeal like pigs that they want the govt to help them...the "poor"
  13. Thailand number one....... .good news Doom n Gloom at record high, Thailand declares itslef "doom capital of the world"
  14. Good to know he's keeping busy and even better protecting the nation, They should make him a Saint.
  15. ive had dealings with one "charitable" foundation here, it was the winding up of the will of a foreigner in which he'd left some real etstae to the charity............never seen such a pack of money hungry grabbers in all my life, like a pack of hyenas.......childrens foundation, constantly demanding this that and the other., pushing all the time.
  16. I prefer the term my Wife uses.......farang kee nok.............tells me it s a term of endearment
  17. Now 7-11 dont give out bags.....where are the police going to get their supply from??? concerned citizen
  18. are they gonna claim this as "another" Thai invention...if so I have some news for them and its old news https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20211102/breath-tests-for-covid
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