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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Thais will. Most end up sitting in those salas with no bra and a flappy sarong thing out in the sticks, they look about 90 but in reality 60ish, told my wife if she ever starts wearing that stuff im off
  2. and land, theyll strip a pond bare of ANY size fish
  3. Ive found this due to poor drainage pipes on them, I re installed 2 of mine with new drain pipes and they have never dripped since, the third I didnt do as the drain was in the floor and I suspect has a dip in it where water sits and pools. This one fills up in the drain tray and pipe with a clear jelly which I wash out every 5 months I also stick a wet vac on the pipe to suck the sludge out then pour bleach down it. I bought aircons all new with an easily removal drain tray as it was a big problem before. If they made the drain trays with a wider drain hole and a wider drain pipe it would help a lot.
  4. A job Thais can do and Thais want to do though eh, and then a job Thais can do well.... is another factor
  5. The problem is my wife lives in a condo of 270 rooms and its adjoining condo another 400 all the same developer (27 and 37 floors ) and these arent cheap condos, they start at 4 million for a studio and up to 22million, they have installed 2 charging points. Theyre going to need to stick a charging point in every car park space they have and thats going to be an incredible challenge from many angles.
  6. why have you had 4? or is it a 4 adult household? if you only keep them a short time how will you know their longer term reliability and manufacturers adherence to their guarantee?
  7. isnt keeping them fully charged and "every night" going to degrade your battery faster? Current electric pick ups have VERY low range when loaded up, checkout Ford F150 lightning range when towing etc
  8. could you elaborate as to why? I think James May summed it up pretty well for me, I certainly dont hate them in fact acceleration and looks wise wise theyre "it," range no thanks, charging points need millions as James May mentioned and charging time still too long.
  9. so drive on the wrong side of the road dont wear a helmet, tailgate I mean "when in Rome" Which is it obey the laws or when in rome?
  10. Can arrest Johhny foreigner for being a taxi but cant arrest Somchai for not using the meter. It all makes sense now
  11. after you pick it up, which I commend, find the nearest Thai and give them a good kicking, this would get way more press attention and you could ( no pun intended) toss in the fact you were cleaning up their crap every day for years and finally in a moment of madness etc etc etc
  12. Had similar at a condo, spent sometime tracking it down, it only happened between 6-7am every morning..........Then one morning I opened the front door of the condo into the corridor and all their ceiling lights were flickering too!!! Problem solved!
  13. Govt has failed since forever, witness many roads with no pavement at all forcing pedestrians onto the road entirely. Poor planning by city planners
  14. Not saying their good but try Gulf Air and Oman Air ive found them way cheaper
  15. Told the wife shes gotta walk everywhere from now on, even the dogs on its own now too
  16. Like your own self importance.
  17. Oh Ill willingly give you that, I hate typing, punctuation didnt like English at school and this new laptop has keys rammed up to each other which is awful dell xps13 Anyway hows those mini satellites you were going to launch? Im sure you found the NHS great when you were back there though and I really think they are.
  18. Funny how I just said the same by pm here to another member, congrats you proved my point about not knowing anything about me. I still miss Colin by the way.
  19. Theyll have the special forces knitting jumpers for them next.
  20. Do you want me to post the full video from start to finish so you can make a full assessment, tell you what Ill send it you by message
  21. Theyre just teasing the air force brass of Thailand.
  22. Booo hoo hoo hooooooooooo ,are we doing this all day as I need a dump soon and somethings have to take priority.
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