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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. pah I use that just for the electric gates.thats the problem with solid gold, its darn heavy
  2. and dont forget to "sack my cook Monica"
  3. Whne requested by local media how to fight your way out of a paper bag Prayut declined to answer.
  4. Ah those useless projects, got one down the road from me, thrown money at it they have, going to give free trees to the locals to plant......all I see is a load of dead stumps, grass 3 foot high a shiny new unused building, a caretaker /daytime sleeper...........been like that for over 3 years now. Wife went down to ask about when they were opening............soon....3 years now..she ended up buying trees to plant herself form a REAL nursery. Now it slowly declines daily, give it a few years it will all be abandoned.
  5. Poor sod, my local Police hut has a bed they can lie down on.........and they make full use of it.
  6. Wont bother one family in my village who have been stealing it from a foreign neighbour and when caught the Police head of village and PEA did nothing, didnt even remove the illegal cables tapped inot their meter quite a few thousand bahts worth. Promised to pay it back, neighbour has received nothing.
  7. Never see young Thai kids doing this down Petkasem Road at 2 am with no lights on....no sirree never seen that on all my trips down to Hua Hin
  8. Lad who works for me lost 3 fingers in a work accident in Thailand, Burmese, never saw a farthing from the employer, he can do the work it takes 2 Thais to do, when theyre not whining about how hard it is.
  9. scheming money grabbing attention seeker imo...........dont care what she looks like, wouldnt touch her with two barge poles
  10. Hm and they sure look good eh, just like 60 yr old women with nose rings I see in the UK sometimes
  11. Pah, they cant even get electric poles in from new straight by me, many been propped up with another one at 30 dgree angles.
  12. Be aware any staff will treat it like krap and it will end up broken.
  13. Finding someone who isnt lazy/useless is a difficult task, in over 10 years Ive had only two good workers, the rest are useless. Many start off ok then within anything from a day to a month degenerate. Ive been through countless staff. They simply have no motivation and salary IS irrelevant....so ignore the pay peanuts get monkeys brigade of know it alls who are bound to throw in their drivel here. I have one guy lives on site, he gets 15k going up a 1000 a year + many other benefits, he might stay 18 months then gets bored, he keeps coming back after some time away, he doesnt drink..many do. Used him on and off for those 10 years. I can leave him alone he will get on with it, many when you have gone will sit on their lazy asses all day. He can take care of 15 rai with no problem, often had two staff previously who cant even manage it as they were lazy whingers. Your chance of finding someone reliable honest decnt are ....well...........slim. I include a motorbike, food, house, electric water etc Monthly will work out cheaper than by the job probably .
  14. "if" you get cancer of the bowel there is always the final solution, and thats MY choice.
  15. Extra cab models have no belts in the rear in Thailand, however models made for the Australian market do...certainly in my Chevrolet anyway..wonder if Chevvy would supply the parts to fit in Thailand....the interior panels have all the cut outs for the seatbelts and all the mountings, but nobelts.yeah its a tax thing also here
  16. So you want me to not wear a helmet, throw my rubbish out of the car onto the road, speed, drive drunk, drive the wrong way on roads using the hard shoulder (motorcy).........I mean you cant have it both ways
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