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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Has hamster boy got it in his cheeks?
  2. You wreck the driving instructor car gears in the uk before buying your own😆 I never had a problem with car gears, bike gears they should make all drivers start on a bike to understand road conditions more.
  3. Theyll just go with the higher price forever, thats why. Always looking to screw you more seems to be the want of many comapnie s now
  4. Autos more to fix, manuals last longer and more reliable.................so i read, look it up
  5. Ill willingly include any generation after 1990 i dont want to offend any of those generations, I couldnt live with myself if i did
  6. Im deeply offended by your languagist comments here you language bigot mysognist racist homphobe transphobe mis pronouning you grrrrr grrr grrrr im gonna damn well squeam an squeam on tiktok about you to anyone else dumb enough to gawk at me............please give me a like
  7. Always reckoned it was time for another war in the world to level things up and show genz (whatever we need these new dumb words for) what the real worlds like, see how good their tiktoks are when theyre holding their best friends head half missing in their hands on a battlefield, all of a sudden you wont see any offended pronouns sheite again from them.
  8. Must be making money by doing this, new price $13,424969731.50
  9. Any weekend drive down to the beach at Sam roi yot huddled under the trees families sit with their plastic bags polystyrene food containers...............come sunday night all left under the same trees. Best one i saw was a brigade of temple fund raisers going thru the village with loudspeaker and about 50 villagers in tow walking behind the vehicle with music blaring. They stopped close to my house all sat down had a plastic container with pull off lid . Stayed their 20m minutes with thud thud thud at deafening level then finally buggered off. I went outside and sure enough collected 50 empty plastic cups and the lids. Took then down the temple and left them at their entrance. Its not 1-2 people its the vast majority.
  10. jesus everythings Racist these days isnt it, everyones offended bunch of soft lily livered (insert expletive of choice) whats the matter with people these days, toughen up.
  11. Poor lamb must be worried sick..........bunch of freaks imo the lot of them
  12. or in fact almost anything of importance, although seeing the election gives you the answer.
  13. Bet all the govt ministers are sheeting themselves
  14. Thats hilarious, who invents this stupidity, what happens if the lights go out one night wonder if theres an emergency number to call?
  15. Gosh hot season who would of though that, 6 years ago we had about 3 years very hot and dry, 42.1c on one day, havent seen that since in fact the last 3-4 years have been much wetter and cooler. This year is drier though, pesky weather always changing. Prachuap/
  16. Yeah she surely was beaten to within an inch of her wallet.
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