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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. Yes I do get it, but again 180 days = resident but should i rewrite that as TAX resdient, theres a discrepancy in some wording in a previous post I think it should say tax resident not resident, ok its here in your reply below The DTA applies to persons who are residents of the Contracting States. In order to be classified as a Thai resident and be entitled to treaty benefits, a person must be one of the following: - An individual who stays in Thailand for a period or periods exceeding in the aggregate 180 days in a tax year; Ok so 180days = "resident " according to the above qoute you posted? ( no mention being a tax resisdent in that, though i accept i would be) but the above staes I would then be resident?
  2. I see a world where EVERYTHING you do is watched / checked /monitored its quickly going that way, the abandoment of cash the introduction of technology in cars to control the vehicles speed even to stop you using it at certain times of day is virtually already there and peoples willingness to accept it, the "if youve nothing to hide people" until a mistake happens, its way past Orwellian already. Thankfully Ill be dead by the times its all done and dusted.
  3. Ok so as I will be here more than 180 days this means I am a resident? and as such should be taxed at the more beneficial rate? in my case that would be zero on the UK state pension. The real problem is resident and tax resident wordings, they should give one a new name. If I bring NO income to Thailand I assume I am liable for no tax? unless they go down the worldwide income remitted or not route..........of course this will be followed at Immigration with how I "live" in Thailand. I did bring in 2 million in 2019 tax paid with document from the UK tax dept showing that at 20% but again Thailand would want 35% of that...sheeeeeesh it just gets worse, I think Ill go to the tax dept give them ALL my money to save time then step off the balcony.............hoepfully in the tax dept and aim to get the head man on impact on the way down.
  4. Yes Thanks I do know that, its all rather unclear in almost every sense of the wording. How about the contracting state part?
  5. They want to class me as "resident" for tax, two words in their "residents of Thailand" then "and contracting states" of which the UK is a contracting state
  6. But then again read below from the tax depts Thai website , the UK tax is zero they should apply that rate according to them as thats the better rate. I for one will certainly bring in no more than 150k and live of my Wifes income if they start this stupidity .https://www.rd.go.th/english/23520.html 5. What happens if the rate of tax stipulated in the Revenue Code is different from that of an agreement? - Apply the rate which is more beneficial to the taxpayer.
  7. yes you just cant beat slitting an animals throat without stunning it because your imaginary friend told you thats how it should be, praise be to allah eh!!! Vile.
  8. For a resident who is 65 years of age or older, an exemption is granted on income up to an amount not exceeding THB 190,000.
  9. dont believe they are already full, Oman show their flights full one day and two days later half empty, its a ruse
  10. whats the destination? what have you been quoted business or economy? "Europe" is too vague
  11. The law is not followed in Thailand and Thai laws are vague, the family would push for jailtime or money/both if i killed him even in self defence. Yes mr machete would go to jail but he would be released very early, see it all the time here with serious crimes obviouly not as serious as the laughable Les majeste laws, that really IS serious, (sarcasm off) Thailand is full of ex murderers wandering about, anytime theres a report of child molestation /murder youll find they were incarcerated before often numerous times.
  12. Unlike all the <deleted> answers here id avoid skyscammers these sites dont go to all airlines try going direct to www.gulfair.com Ive found them the cheapest at the moment for getting to the UK, ive just booked a Business class flight with them for 80,000 baht return to the UK thats way cheaper than many others, Air france klm crap service but cheap and Oman Air crap service but cheap www.omanair.com www.airfrance.com
  13. thats no good when you are dead, you seem to be relying on the law, it DOESNT exist here, whatever you do you LOSE, defend yourself and kill him then you go to jail, he kills you he goes to jail but I know for a fact they dont stay in jail long maybe 2-3 years then they get let out again to repeat. They are arrogant, you on ly have to look at Kamanan guy, there are MANY like him.
  14. and if u have to stop quickly and they crush you to death in your car, or pull in front and start brake testing you? then finally if you dont do what they want pull out a gun or machete.............Ive been there and had that happen heres the guy with the machete a few years ago when he wasnt happy that I wouldnt move out of his way.............reported to police with footage, they did NOTHING
  15. heres what crossy told me about this years ago : I did test during the day and the results were fine it didnt head away by more than 1 volt...........at night its a different matter. (Crossy said) I strongly suspect that "something" involved with the street lighting is pulling up the N possibly due to a bad joint somewhere. If it's not actually causing you issues I wouldn't worry about it, but it might be an idea to do a test during the day. Put a decent load on in the house (kettle, water heater) and see what the neutral does if it heads away from ground by more than a volt or two then I reckon there's a bad joint in the N somewhere on the way to the transformer which the lighting load is pulling up too. This will of course be fun getting PEA to look at because it only happens when the lights come on.
  16. Feel free to come down and see as thats EXACTLY whats been happening for 2 years until i separated N and E and I also consulted with Crossy over this for a considerable period of time, I went through it with him performed all the tests The only fix was Neutral NOT bonded to Earth, when bonded at night my house door handles have 20v going thru them. Even now when the streetlights switch on I have 20v down my separate E N but no longer through my door handles. Crossy determined through testing their streetlights are at fault and we estyablished my side of the connection is fine. Told Pea...................vacant look
  17. another stupid new rule the retards have come up with is the 3 lane speed limits minimum 100 max 120 in the outer ONLY LANE, most of them have no idea what a minimum speed limit sign is or loooks like. So i was doing 120kph in the outer lane and johnny stupid thai winker is right up my arse as usual with his peanut sized brain and c*ck no doubt so I pulled over to let the tw*t pass and then I get a speeding ticket in the post for doing 120 in the middle lane, so my advice is dont pull over just sit there all day and if you do pull over into the middle lane you MUST be doing not more than 100kph when you enter it. Dumb.
  18. Nope, I already did that right from the start as we had MEN system installed in the road, I had to disconnect it and go with separate earth rods and not bonding Nto E before this the the door handles of the house (metal) gave me a 20v tingle (only when street lights turned on), this all stems from something theyve done with the streetlighting over 2 years ago, and which Ive told them about for over 2 years, tested on my meter between L N E all good but when connected as it should be with neutral joining th earth bar............big problem. In the day its fine correct polarity etc as soon as the streetlights turn on get 20v down neutral to earth, I can recreate it exactly by going out in the street and covering the streetlight light sensor which turns the streetlights on at dusk
  19. Thai workers for the most part are utter cretins, I only use 13.5 bar pipe as it will last longer especially if it gets any UV on it, I also spray paint them to stop that uv damage outdoors, each joint is sanded down, then wiped with cellulose thinners then glued with SGC's THICK glue not that pisswater in the green tins, that stuffs junk, twist joints and hold for 30 seconds, dont use for an hour or so after gluing. On long runs I use HDPE underground as no joints but again a high bar pressure not that thin junk thery sell at Thai Watsadu or Global farce .....experience 10 years doing crap like this correctly
  20. Thanks your lucky stars...pea by me have just destroyed 4 of my fcu auto reclosers by "fixing" the street lighting yesterday, Im sick of the <deleted> s, they couldnt wire up an electric chair to kill themselves. Ive spent 2 years telling them there is 20v down neutral to earth everytime their street lighting switches on near our land at 6pm, oh no, they told me its my earthing was no good, theyre idiots at best. yesterday they came and "fixed" the street lighting..........now all of a sudden 4 different fcu's in 4 different houses on my land are all dead, pretty sure they have damaged the auto reclosers, photo attached of auto recloser. Best part Im away out of country for 6 weeks, only just left....now got no cctv cameras, no well water pumps, no electric at all...shows power to main incoming board next to the meter on the boundary wall but all other houses 100%dead, none, of the breakers tripped and trying to diagnose this from 6000 miles away isnt easy. I installed the auto reclosers after the electric kept going off repeatedly as in 2-3 times a week and being away from the house a lot didnt want a fridge full of decomposed food, they worked great............now it looks like i have to replace all 4 at 2k baht each I also added lightning surge protectors and over under voltage protection.....if I could only get a "useless pea wucking fanka" protector installed
  21. 30 years ago a customer of mine, a wealthy dentist, came up to me and patted my bum whilst i was working in her house renovating it. Still laugh about it today, traumatized , nah. she died recently in Florida in her holiday home. Well thats what this story reminded me of.
  22. I did, he was in POLICE sign written( in their lovely maroon colour) Toyota Hi Ace doing 120kph about 8 feet from my rear bumper as I was about to tun right at a U turn.........its stuff like that which makes you realise the force is just a Farce, they are as dangerous and stupid as the rest of them on the road...........cept they have a shiny uniform and are good at holding their hands out for tips, this one was the best cupid stunt Ive seen so far althogh the two in a highway patrol car who drove round a steel 4ft square cage in the middle of a 3 lane road and didnt stop to remove it come a close second.
  23. The fat lump cant even keep awake let alone keep the country running
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