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Rampant Rabbit

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Everything posted by Rampant Rabbit

  1. The morons in charge stopped surrogacy about 7-8 years ago (Condo full of babies and Japanese form memory) at just the time we were using it...........Thanks you bunch of useless farts, too late now too old.
  2. They hate atheists too Blasphemy is a crime in Malaysia, although technically, atheism is not. Apostasy is also not a federal crime, however, the nation's state-run courts do not typically allow Muslims to officially leave the religion, and they can receive counseling, fines, or jail time.[2] Ethnic Malays are also legally required to identify as Muslim, and the law codes of Sharia are "developed and implemented at the state level", according to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom.[3] In 2016, Prime Minister Najib Razak, denounced atheism, secularism, liberalism, and humanism as threats to "Islam and the state". He also stated that "we will not tolerate any demands or right to apostasy by Muslims".[2] In response to an August 2017 meeting in Kuala Lumpur of members of the Malaysian chapter of the Canadian organization Atheist Republic, government official Shahidan Kassim declared that atheists would be "hunted down", attributing their beliefs to a lack of religious education. The Malaysian government started a crackdown not long afterwards to find if Muslims had any role in the incident. This response was criticized by both the founder of Atheist Republic, Armin Navabi, as well as some Malaysian Muslims.[4][
  3. I can show you another report claiming they arent going underwater at all, but i cant be arsed as anyone who states anything against electric cars or global warming is labelled a whatever. U can look up why the Maldives arent going underwater yourself The Maldives demise is overtourism, MASSIVE over tourism, even back in 89 the sea was full of <deleted>e around the islands I visited, crap just pumped into ocean, worry not about global warming and about mass tourism.
  4. id be concerned where the raised money actually went to in Thailand
  5. They cant do that cuz they told me it would be underwater by 2020 way back in 1989 when i went there.......?
  6. i sleep in a separate room in a separate building in a separate province, havent got to the separate country.........yet
  7. how about making a stand about the barbaric slaughter of other animals instead
  8. coming soon to UK variable pricing and most likely worldwide electric prices especially with the evangalistic vehicles, wait and see how much they cost to run then and solar fan boys also better watch out as theyll be a solar panel tax, no way will any govt give up any existing taxes without clawing it back one way or another.
  9. a bit like new cars with heated seats installed at the factory but you need to pay a subscription to turn them on.............yeah well they can get ferked all of those companies.
  10. Hua Hin been doing them for 15 years
  11. but surely that rule book clearly states all that.......surely
  12. a hilly knoll obviously, everyone knows that, unlike the word banker which can easily be misconstrued especially with immigration officers as mentioned
  13. 1 why does it have to get him anywhere 2 she initiated it by driving on the wrong side
  14. Ha d similar BS this year after many renewals requesting electric bill in her name this for a marriage renewal, reason is everyone knows if its in her name it means you are defacto married ( sarcasm off) Remember they have the right to ask for any old crap they want, stand on one leg and eat a bucket of frogs etc
  15. you mean like when the ex coup leader Prayut mentioned about foreigners dressing in bikinis a few years ago
  16. Yes theyre right, I see that respect daily when driving. Yes I agree, shame on you Thailand..........oh wait do they mean us?
  17. I found the reason for all Thai crashes, its the tyres fault
  18. u c why its a waste of <deleted> time posting on Asean Now ok Ill, delete it all for the people who werent talking <deleted>e
  19. Youre correct congrats
  20. deleted waste of time
  21. This is funny as I recently changed all my lightbulbs in a condo my wife owns which I renovated and added about 10 more LEDS ( way under circuit limit) prfeviously one central hideous grandma circular fluorescant tube. They flickered............but only between 6am and 7.30 am rest of the day and night all fine, scratched head for ages on this......... then one morning whilst sleeping there went outside into the general corridor area (common area).............. all the lights there were flickering as well!! Case closed! Told wife if renter complains tell him to ask the condo manager as the whole building was doing it
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