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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. So because he was erroneously recruited, it led to this horror show? I get he never should have been a cop, but you're also dealing with an institution that is corrupt from top to bottom with a few notable exceptions, and one of those exceptions is a now a political refugee in Melbourne. The other is (possibly) Big Joke, tho the jury is out until the history books are written. But to blame the RTP for this, as bent as they are, is a real stretch! Nielsen, the gay serial killer from 1980s London was an ex-cop too. That's not the fault of the far from perfect MPS either. Crazy cannot be prevented (anywhere) short of locking them up for life BEFORE the event. So how do we do that? Another totally wrong line of thought here, is blaming everything but the perp for this. This is one of the few times I'm not suggesting the availability of guns was necessarily an issue, since he used a knife to kill most of the victims. Also, while drugs and alcohol feature on his rap sheet, we can't start calling for yet another fruitless crackdown on drugs, if we are also not prepared to shut down the breweries? Let's face it, if this was all about meth, why are these sort of crimes not happening in the thousands every day? Nobody is making amphetamines by the truckload out of the hope they'll find a willing market! They sell truckloads because people are clearly using recreationally AND leading normal lives, just like a Friday night drink session. And use is growing in spite of draconian jail terms. Yet where are all the crazy meth Axe murderers? One or two a year given the millions of doses of meth out there, may be one or two too many, but it also shows prohibition fails to protect us from them, because the huge hauls prove it is not reducing drug use! It's hypocrisy and bad addiction science, to call for a crackdown on meth, without also not closing the pubs. We need to start accepting that use of any substance including alcohol, is not risk free, but also does not equal addiction. One hit and you are hooked! That's a big lie. It takes time to develop an addiction. Ask any smoker! And treating drug use as a restricted pharmaceutically dispensed recreational activity is the only sensible way to get across the problem. Prohibition leads to this type of tragedy. It clearly utterly failed to prevent it happen this week. So pray explain how doubling down will work? If he was getting meth legitimately, from a pharmacy, his drug use could have been minimised, and monitored in a database, and also his behaviour in pharmacies monitored, and red flagged. This, possibly more than any other method, preventing this crazed spiral. And that, gentlemen, is how we finally control drugs, and problem drug users. By legitimate supply chains and a detailed clinical user database. Not by handing the entire trillion dollar industry to criminal Warlords the world over. Until we get smarter, and actually control drug use and distribution, instead of knee jerk criminalising it, evil will prevail.
  2. The numbers are tiny, but thousands of Russians are cavorting in Thailand? We can't prove this, but can you? Why is all of the EU against Russia? Why did Russia destroy the very Eastern states it has now Annexed? If the population there was overwhelmingly pro Russia, why target it with artillery? I can accept propaganda exists on both sides, but no side can hide artillery barrages. Because satellites. Your answers are welcome, and I don't mean the usual "do your research" the onus is on YOU, to provide NEUTRAL evidence. For example, reports from China or India, being the only two "neutral" states I can think of. Even Nazi Germany had more mates than Putin does now! Get a grip.
  3. 555 @Jingthing, you're about to find out what it's like to be a Mod. I think they're volunteers, bless them, I wouldn't do it for certificated gold bars. ????????????????????
  4. Lots of Russian and Ukrainian and EU overstayers. Some with money, some with less. Russian army may be hopeless, but clearly the Russian mob has influence here, or there wouldn't be Russian tail for sale in Bangkok and Pattaya, where there was even a club dedicated to tall blondes in Walking St. before Covid.
  5. Burmese scapegoats aside, that time when Thai cop blew up a Hong Kong bound Cathay Pacific airliner because his ex and her daughter were on it. (Google is our truth oracle too). Thai Court let him off, and the crowd outside went wild with nationalist frenzy. Naturally, it was turned into the old, "external forces" lie to save Thai face. Although the perp died young, of cancer, so there's that.
  6. Didn't they actually put down a red carpet at the scene, then hurriedly remove it too? What a grim sideshow referencing other things this nation needs to start having honest conversations with itself about. But to stay on topic... I think I will pass should the gore porn chance my way. People who share this sort of thing have never had to stand there and smell the stench and watch the flies get busy.
  7. Excuse me while I politely kill this class full of kids. Awfully sorry about the noise, will try to keep the screaming relatively brief, thank you for your polite understanding, have a nice day and keep your gunpowder dry. ????????
  8. But Vaping -less harmful than smoking tobacco by far- is illegal! Thailand. Hub of upside-down priorities.
  9. ???????????????????????????? Nothing good happens after midnight – Stephen King.
  10. I can only speak for myselves, but 95% of the time we think we're crazy to waste precious and ever decreasing time bickering with the other loonies on here, and replying to threads like this one.
  11. Let's be honest, what's exciting about shabby markets, museums, temples, traffic jams, and palaces? This sums up Bangkok by day for the average farang. Pat's not the average bar crawler, and his style may not be for you, but I learnt more from his work than all of the fat, bald, Chang-branded nightwalkers put together. ???? He uniquely sees it all from both angles too as a Brit with a Thai mother.
  12. So for most of us in our 60's and over, that's "never". By the way whatever happened to Hua Hin resident poster NCC-1701 ? Hope he's still alive and well somewhere.
  13. Cruise around Japan if you can afford it. Still Asia, but just so different! You'll both love it. And it's now a LOT cheaper than it was. Google Gary Bembridge on YouTube, he's one of the best cruise experts, the videos are an education and a real armchair vacation too, and don't worry about getting seasick, there's a jab nowadays for that! PS We did this cruise in Autumn 2019 and there were three other Farang/Thai couples aboard. Highly recommend a cruise at least once in your life. You'll feel like royalty visit a different port every day, and the food, live shows, and fun activities are endless and all inclusive.
  14. You need to visit Angeles City in the Phillipines. The clubs have dance-offs there. But, only one clubs dancers even goes topless (police owned, quelle surprise!)
  15. Check out Bangkok Pat on YouTube, he's a London raised half Thai chap, and his speciality is historic videos, including of the lesser known parts of Bangkok, maybe ask him if you can go on a video day-trip with him up the river? At any rate, his videos are well worth subscribing to, a real cut above the usual Pattaya and Nana shillfests. Here's his latest https://youtu.be/wfm-R-sByLg
  16. Good idea, but I'd secure-ship it to SIN then collect it and wear it back. Saves the expense of a return flight pair, unless they can do it in a few hours, rather unlikely.
  17. Kind of like the UK Tories last week, give them enough rope, and they'll hang themselves. The problem with Prayuth, like Boris, is that the next possible picks are going to be much much worse...
  18. Yeh but so what, the hierarchy isn't going anywhere without a full scale revolution, and that may bring something even worse, like a CCP mini-me or a Buddhist Ayatollah state.
  19. Too many Kalaland horror stories to be getting any Thai legal advice online other than see a second lawyer with some expat credibility ratings to tick the boxes IMO.
  20. It's best to make your own canna butter/oil and use sparingly on your preferred baked goods, or a smoothie. Teas are useless, cannabis needs to be decarboxilated (heated) then infused into oil/fat to activate and ingest THC. Plenty easy recipes online, or your dispensary might help if they're any good. Technically it's illegal to make anything over 0.3% THC (good luck actually measuring that!) but edibles are healthier than inhalation, and they last longer, by several hours, and they're generally smoother, gentler, highs especially taken sparingly. Too much can increase anxiety, so you'll not need much product, and dose only at mealtimes.
  21. What!? Run!!! In all seriousness, get a farang Thai based lawyer across this. There's one who does YouTube posts may be useful, an American with Thai citizenship. More expense, but better than losing your shirt. Good luck.
  22. I wear a mask onboard while sleeping only, just a cloth one, it's scientifically near useless, but not totally useless. Don't forget hand hygiene too. Aircraft bits that the self-loading freight touch are filthy!
  23. The reason Thais wear masks and not helmets, is simple. The wearing of one was based on a marketing campaign of terror. The other has never even been addressed by the government, who are too busy spending time and money putting up birthday bunting.
  24. If you mean staying in one city or one job until retirement, then no, I certainly did not! In fact, I've come out of early Thai retirement and back in the Antipodes for another go! Also, the bastards are going to pay me that pension, even if it means living six months of the year in either place!
  25. Aggregate sites are seemingly "scammy" FOMO traps now. There is often a better discount if booking a room directly on their own website. The internet wheel it seems, has come full circle.
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