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Everything posted by chalawaan

  1. Never mind the video, who puts a bike in that position to begin with? If the rider knew Thai drivers, and was sober, it should never have happened, he just would not have been there at point of impact, look at the time it happened too, with pillion storage full of booze, to even imagine they were not riding sozzled is a huge suspension of disbelief. Like I said, the B.Alc. forensics is just a formality. I'll never forget the sickening smell of booze blood and death coming off bodies at almost every "faytac" I ever attended. RIP to him. We've all done similar silly things and fate was far kinder to us.
  2. Yep. If I had serious money I'd spend northern summer in Portugal winter in Thailand. New Zealand isn't bad at all, but southern winter messes up that schedule, something weird about Christmas in Summer, maybe because I was born in blighty.
  3. Far better off in every respect sending him to a private school in LOS. It's going to be way cheaper when your total costs are added up of the move. Kids in LOS still behave better than in the UK overall, and it's a trainwreck there right now, politics aside, anyone who can't see that, deserves what's coming. Even though supermarket prices in LOS are higher, they actually have more on the shelves than the UK now, and prices there will soon catch up, it's only going to get worse. I have both NZ and UK citizenship, so this so called "report" doesn't matter, since I'm not an "expat" in NZ. It can't be that bad for expats either, British doctors, nurses, plumbers, etc, can't get over here fast enough. There more to life than just a fat paycheck in £ as anyone whose lived in Thailand can confirm.
  4. The deposit thing is fairly common. Like others have said, if you don't wipe your <deleted> with the curtains, or headbutt the flatscreen, youl always get your money back.
  5. This is why you always swing by the sewen on the way home with tonight's girlfriend, and generously pay for whatever snacks or little sundries they grab. I usually even get them a large bottle of their favourite beer, helps get the elusive female libido going! Of course there are even better party helpers out there nowadays, but that's "up to you". No need to empty the fridge, you're the boss! If she wants more, send her downstairs to get it herself!
  6. Better get to like curry after the pubs shut wherever you hang out, because India will overtake China in population next year, and they overtook the UK as the world's 5th largest economy last week! I suppose that's because the French (fill in the Brexit blank here). ????
  7. When was the last time a Malaysia citizen was a target? Or even a farang? It's the cops, army and their mates they go after, and to be perfectly honest, that's not keeping me awake at night.
  8. This is what I don't get, as a horny young lefty, I was cool with Clinton and Monica, but I was not cool when he lied about it. I wanted him impeached for lying, not <deleted>! Likewise, I don't see Hillary as an Angel either. I think she was the wrong pick to begin with to run against Trump! So what is wrong with these people, that they can't turn away, after everything that's happened? The Cheetos own daughter (his favourite child) has said on the Congressional record that she doesn't believe the Election was stolen! What's going on in their heads, that they put this corrupt ex POTUS before the nation they claim to be willing to die for?
  9. The Daily Mail is a RIGHT WING publication in the UK. Seems odd they would smear their kissin cousins in the US. I'm guessing she was on the game, but fortunately for her, before smart phones, so all that's left are rumours, and of course, the rich pricks she was entertaining aren't going to squeal and bring shame or worse on themselves. Thus the Daily Fail only had strong rumours and no concrete proof. Sue me!????
  10. Defamation in Thailand in this particular case, amounts to: they'd rather burn alive than lose face! Greedy immoral morons.
  11. They should have bought up and bulldozed everything on the seafront during Covid paranoia time. Then made the landside of WS mid-market waterfront bars sports bar/Irish pubs/steakhouse/Japanese/world cuisine etc. and sent all the clubs to the back sois. There's no point in nightclubs being on the waterfront.
  12. This is absolutely correct! Missus former husband was a Thais/US citizen. Old school, had to "impress" immigration by departing (no problem) then returning on US passport. Well, the guacamole dip hit the fan then! Banged up for hours and paid a steep fine for his pains. ALL countries require citizens to enter and leave with their native passports. No exceptions.
  13. Microwave costs less than using gas to heat soup, for example. On the other hand, kettles use so much power that small generators can't even run them! Washing machines Aircon and fridges all best replaced if older than 5 years. At the very least, service them. Tip: Front loaders wash better.
  14. Malaysia consists of 28 million of which, 24.6% Chinese and 7.3% Indians, they are both the dominant wealthy of the population, and they both drink often extravagantly, full bottle service, and enjoy raunchy nightlife, because I've travelled from Penang and partied with them in Hat Yai. Your assuptions came from where? That said, the TAT are just a pack of charlatans and a waste of funding better spent on agricultre, food security is the next big thing, not tourism.
  15. This place will never see rule of law or democracy in our childres childrens lifetimes. No point in commenting further, better things to do with my limited time left.
  16. You can smell alcohol on a corpse, I should know, I've picked up enough remains off roads in my time.
  17. I wonder if the deceased or one on life support ever posted here? RIP Getting bladdered in Thailand then riding home is always a laugh, until it isn't.
  18. ANA are brilliant, a far cry from United in service, you'll actually enjoy rather than endure the flight! Bon voyage!
  19. Thailand is one of the very lucky nations that has 100% food security. Global famine is coming. Any smart government would be spending money on farmer education, and mechanised tools, instead of sycophantic and nationalistic promotion, and tanks.
  20. Thanathorn, but the bastards have him pinned to the mat!
  21. Heart in the right place, protests in the wrong place, it's not worth getting deported for life, especially if he loves Thais and Thailand! Also, Europe is going to suck for quite a while if Putin keeps up his malarkey!
  22. Chinese in? Experience Vancouver and Sydney and London prices in ten years. Theres a property glut in Chiang Mai, but one suburb in any Chinese city would absorb that in 6 months.
  23. Immigrant Indian Priti Patel deporting Afghans to Rawanda is pure Monty Python, without the laughs. I'd rather have an Afghani living next door to me than that cow!
  24. cloth masks are really more comfortable than surgical, and reduce glasses getting steamed up, theyre not very effective (probably why Spanish flu killed millions) but its a good way to visually comply (locals and appearances!) while sort of saying 'up yours, BTS its useless cloth anyway!"
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