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Lucky Bones

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Everything posted by Lucky Bones

  1. Note to self; Get out more.🙃🙃
  2. X-Ray goggles, or failing that, double strength beer goggles are the go to.🙃😘
  3. Thailand - the hub of selfie backslappin' & self congratulations. Pattaya transparent? The only thing transparent and apparent in my city are the Adam's Apples in Soi 6.🙃🙃
  4. Stop it. Don't encourage Big Knob....errr...Big Nok to comment.🙃🙃
  5. Even better advice than mine. Note to self: Learn how to reject and block!🙃🙃
  6. Agreed Mister Lister. OP should be prepared to walk away if not on a two way street.🙃🙃
  7. Wifey got a +69 call. Sensibly did not answer & advised me. Google advises there is NO +69 Country Code. Ignore. Answer at your peril.🙃🙃
  8. Agreed. I can peruse 9GAG for photos with "clever" captions. Interestingly I gave up on 9GAG maybe 2+ years ago.🙃🙃
  9. Sounds like you have lived in the Northern Territory of Australia, rather than rural Thailand.🙃🙃
  10. Interesting. Crossroads of Buakhao, Diana & Lengkee in the evening is a "must see" in Thailand. Somehow it seems to work ok.🙃🙃
  11. Bought myself a 5G phone yesterday, B6,999. On the other display counter a monk was enquiring, and eventually bought a phone. Snuck a look at the price after he had left; B37,000+. Buddhism or Bahtism? Maybe be has many Farcebook accounts?🙃🙃
  12. Pretty basic really; I think there are heaps of AN threads addressing your probing question.....but..... good long term wifey & family. 50/50 split between city & village life. Beautiful country & people plus a fresh challenge most days. Try not to overthink your dislike of things that you do not understand or maybe haven't experienced. Comprende?🙃🙃
  13. No doubt, a man of many bad experiences in Thailand. 🙃🙃
  14. Also talk to bordering countries.🙃🙃
  15. All is good. Anootin has (maybe) extended pub hours.🙃🙃
  16. YUP. This is MY Soi.🙃🙃
  17. Yes, still a funny guy. Just another red light to go through.🙃🙃
  18. Traffic cops. Hey, you're a funny guy.🙃🙃
  19. Probably seemed like a good idea at the time. (Don't let Anootin hear about this.)🙃🙃
  20. There but for the grace of Buddah go I on Thailand holidays 10-20 years ago 🙃🙃
  21. Yes, it's good to get it up at 04:00. Oh, wait. What?🙃🙃
  22. If accompanied by BG 9:00PM tuck-in is totally acceptable.🙃🙃
  23. Yes and No. Yes, hilarious (or in my words - a flustercuck). No, a bunch of inexperienced idiots not required. Only #1 mega idiot Anootin steering the ship onto the rocks. Woopy Weed Mk 2 coming up.
  24. Finally they are serious about cleaning up DV. A entire month dedicated to doing........nothing. Somchai will get just as smashed on booze or drugs and slap (or worse) Lek & the kids around. Seems to be an acceptable part of Thai Buddhism.🙃🙃
  25. Yes. Numb-Nuts indeed in more ways than one. Guessing you get Percy tested for nasties B4 he goes for each dip. Not encouraging for the punter cuming in after you, even with their raincoat.🙃🙃
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