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Lucky Bones

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Everything posted by Lucky Bones

  1. Guessing you aren't putting a raincoat on Percy?
  2. Guessing you don't live or spend time in a small village?🙃🙃
  3. Anootin Woopy Weed Mk 2 flustercuck coming up. This guy is quite simply a 1st class idiot.🙃🙃
  4. A car that dictates to me. I've got a non-driving wife who does that. Why would anyone purchase one of these death machines?????🙃🙃
  5. Quite. Eyes can (amogst many things), look in mirrors and over shoulders into blind spots.
  6. Holy hell. A car that can control your driving??? No thanks.🙃😘
  7. Brown envelopes & 1st plane home. Yes a pretty penny but no jail.🙃🙃
  8. Yup. Bureaucrats & Army Generals terrified of falangs. Quick men - hide in the barracks & lock the gate.🙃🙃
  9. Thanks. Sounds like very good business acumen. Jolly Green Giants tax is proposed to be on foreign investments/ cash transfers into Thailand. As usual it is a total balls-up at the moment, if it actually happens. Locate the thread about the taxing of foreign funds for more info. Vietnam is looking more attractive every day. Cheers.🙃🙃
  10. Depends on the Office, in your case CM, the IO & their mood/bank balance on any given day. I've never done a TM30 in nearly 11 years full time here. Different provinces or return from O/S 🙃🙃
  11. Cheers. How much to buy a Grade 13, Step 6? Oh Wait!🙃🙃
  12. Just like Pinocchio Cha-Cha isn't still a puppet to Gepetto in Bavaria. Sadly, these clowns believe their own foolhardiness.🙃🙃
  13. Thailand is frighteningly inclusive, especially at beaurocracy level. The world is subservient to Thai thinking.🙃🙃
  14. Likely correct. Just like Anootin's Woopy Weed. Introduce without legislation, policy or structure. It will be interpreted however the beaurocratic individual considers they can bleed a bribe. Total Balls-Up as usual.🙃🙃
  15. Ok & curious. They "own" a restaurant in the US of A. Ah, so Thai cash flow to buy condo is from a foreign source, and possibly start up costs paid from elsewhere, which you didn't indicate. Maybe have to pay Jolly Green Giant's foreign tax soon?😡😡 Good luck to them in these tough times. Not really indicative of the average Thai though. No idea what GS & Steps are? Was that good or bad? As I said......curious.🙃🙃
  16. I'm guessing the last person will simply turn the lights off.🙃🙃
  17. That is serious money that doesn't come from a regular daytime job. Thinking there has been some "add-ons" along the way.
  18. Fair enuff. Photo not so clear on my old small phone.🙃🙃
  19. Move along folks, nothing to see here. Parents of a girl in our village paid 200K to get her an administrative job. Thick as a brick but now has paid public holidays and will qualify for a pension in later life. Likely she is re-inking the stamp pads. Another 200K and she gets to stamp copies of needless documents. Money always wins out.🙃🙃
  20. Que? I'll type slower so that you can keep up with the humour.🙃🙃
  21. If it's name is"Cat", it qualifies as a Soi.🙃🙃
  22. There is no right or wrong in Thailand. It is every one for themselves. Lorry driver simply went throo a red light! Anybody could tell you to never ever enter a cross road or T intersection immediately upon a green light. Wait at least 3 seconds and check left and right. Many 18 wheelers I see in my central province highway 340, either flick their lights or blast the air horn before flying through a 5 second red light.🙃🙃
  23. Same thought crossed my mind except it was a Soi cat!🙃🙃
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