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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. That assumes you are getting the life insurance just to be able to get the health insurance rider. Some may have life insurance plans already without ever thinking about the health rider.
  2. Conversely, if you do qualify for life insurance, it will make it that much easier to get the health insurance rider.
  3. For most people health insurance is not a good deal. Only a very small percent of policy holders will ever have an event where a paid claim or claims will greatly exceed the paid-in premiums. It's just a matter whether you are willing to take the risk that it might be you.
  4. Insurance company claim decision maker:
  5. So my question given this discussion: Did any of the above 'totally priced out' rate adjustment stories involve a health insurance policy as rider to a life insurance policy?
  6. Still, for some people, these life insurance rider health policies may be all that is available to them.
  7. The language in MuangThai health rider is more direct: Premium Adjustment 2) Higher medical expenses or overall claim experience of the portfolio of this rider or claim experience of each insured whereby the Company shall notify the insured in writing via a registered mail or other means accepted by the insured at least 30 days in advance. So they are a life insurance company just as is AIA.
  8. When I had a BUPA Pre-Aetna policy years back and had knee surgery, they increased my rate for a few years and then (as I remember) it came back to the published premium level so I don't know that such a claim is necessarily so ominous.
  9. Well that's what Thai-based companies are allowed to do as Ms. Sheryl often notes on these pages.
  10. So both AIA and MuangThai seem to have language to be able to factor in individual claim experience in adjusting rate. For some these life insurance rider type health policies may be all that is available.
  11. OK so these are 2 similar policies one from AIA and one from Muang Thai.
  12. It seems that they can adjust the premium by So they are referencing a portfolio in 2) -- not a policy holder's individual claim experience I infer.
  13. Try this: https://imo.aia.co.th/imosmart-lbc/contents/1003939/fileupload/1021812/AIA Health Happy Brochure EN V2.pdf
  14. AS to above, doesn't seem to me that the AIA Happy premiums are that far out of line with those other providers:
  15. MuangThai Life is a life insurance policy only for me. And I am not pushing anything to anyone. My comments on WrLife -- at least at the onset -- were because others asked if anyone actually had a claim settled with WrLife. Then others followed with, as I have put it, you have bought yourself a pig-in-a-poke.
  16. Just to note that I have a MuangThai Life insurance policy but without the 'Elite' health insurance rider but I will presume I can add it if need be.
  17. So this? Summary of Insurance Coverage AIA H&S (new standard) rider Issue age 11 - 75 years old (renewable until 84 years old) https://www.aia.co.th/content/dam/th/th/docs/our-products/english-brochure/AIA_HS_new_standard_EN_06102021.pdf
  18. One thing about these rider-based health insurance plans: Since you must already have qualified for a life insurance policy, which may involve an extensive health underwriting evaluation or even medical exam, the insurer already knows who you are and what is your medical state-of affairs or at least was at the time of life insurance application. Also, it seems there are few if any Thai-based life insurance plans that allow application past the age of 70.
  19. Muang Thai Life also has a similar plan available as a rider to a life insurance policy -- but first you have to qualify for and get the life insurance policy. https://www.muangthai.co.th/en/health-insurance/elite-health-plus
  20. Never your front?
  21. You mean you can remember them all?
  22. With a few exceptions still back in the US, I prefer not to have intelligent conversations with Westerners as well. At least with my Thai wife of almost one year, moving to a new province, new house, a big medical event for me, and Covid-related stuff provided enough conversation material for the present.
  23. So based on the above info on US restriction, maybe this is the application form you have? https://fr.april-international.com/sites/france/files/2021-12/MyHealth International_Application form_2022_0.pdf
  24. That is a standard request. Just make sure you have the right form as April Int'l has different forms for different offering countries. If the form you use does not request it, then don't offer it. However, the UK April Int'l form does say: I/we declare that the information disclosed in this application form, is to the best of my/our knowledge and belief both accurate and complete. https://uk.april-international.com/sites/united_kingdom/files/2022-04/Long-Term International Health Plan - Moratorium Application Form.pdf
  25. Maybe: If I ever got into dire straits, and I was reasonably conscious, I could transfer ...
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