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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. Yes. You could've Picture(d) yourself in a boat on a river With tangerine trees and marmalade skies Somebody call(ed) you, you answer(ed) quite slowly A girl with kaleidoscope eyes (1967)
  2. Yes. I did that for my first 17 years living in Thailand. Now I don't.
  3. Nice waves -- maybe about 6 inches.
  4. Just now saw Ms. Sheryl's post saying to definitely tell Jenny at AA of the CIGNA refusal.
  5. From April Int'l (Hong Kong) application form: 3. INSURANCE DETAILS Have you or any person to be insured ever had a policy or application for life, sickness, accident disability, critical illness or medical insurance refused or cancelled, or had any special terms imposed? https://asia.april-international.com/sites/asia/files/imce/public/product-documents/MyHEALTH-individual-FMU-application-form-hong-kong.pdf
  6. Cliché roundup so far this topic: Life is what you make of it To each there (sic) own, Everyone is different My favorite: A stich in time saves nine. I'm waiting.
  7. All seas connect via h2o Funny that. Yes. So is the Mediterranean Sea a region of the Atlantic? And -- if so -- what about the Black Sea?
  8. Riding the Airport link from Suvarnabhumi to BKK proper I see buildings like this. I don't think I could handle it.
  9. I saw this first sentence OP: Big problem with Wise. Intrigue.
  10. I prefer, to the extent possible, eliminate that risk.
  11. I just look at what is the cost of one screw-up.
  12. Yes. And getting the FTT sure thing every 12 months is d-well worth it.
  13. but that doesn't make it an ocean.
  14. The Andaman Sea is a sea. That's why it's called the Andaman Sea.
  15. OK then: You da man. You nailed it . I couldn't have said it better. They should pin this.
  16. Not in Thailand -- there is no ocean.
  17. Isaan is boring. I like boring. As with living in any rural area I have found, if you didn't bring it with you, it ain't there.
  18. I agree. The Thai bird's family bought the house and I just rent it from them no lease doc.
  19. I lived near the Pt Reyes National Seashore as in the video clip above and, although I couldn't hear the waves from my house, once you have seen and heard waves like that, that defines, at least for me, what is a wave.
  20. I guess you can have vigorous exercise with your 2 Thai beauties in an outdoor bathtub like that but not the same as actually swimming.
  21. A swimming pool is only static if you are static. I actually swim. Distance. About 1000 meters. Almost every day. Can't (easily) do that at the beach. And there is no ocean on Thailand borders.
  22. What ocean? Waves? In Thailand? give me a 25 meter salt-water swimming pool anytime versus the beach. for listening to the real ocean waves splashing how about this (not Thailand BTW)
  23. Thank you. When comes to my ability to stay in Thailand, I am not interested in a mechanism.
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