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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. Well in your post you say 'a guy' was in coma for 6 months. What guy? How does one fact check 'a guy'? With CxnNxx he didn't have to pay as his wife's employment covered the bill
  2. Many non-Thai medical policies like CIGNA Global have coverages of up to $US 1 million or more per year. While very few will actually have claims anywhere near that amount, the reason they have such coverages in the policy is because SOME DO.
  3. Well there was 'a guy' CxnNxl on ThaiVisa in Khon Kaen in coma for 6 moths following motorbike accident which left him as paraplegic but his Thai wife was a local school administrator.
  4. Not if you don't have any money. Can't you just show them your self-insurance card?
  5. Then you might try this group here with particular note of "Acute onset of preexisting conditions" https://www.sevencorners.com/plans/travel-medical-insurance
  6. How long are you planning to go to LOS?
  7. Your wife is always with you when you end up at the hospital planned or not-planned?
  8. I would have an answer for that but, since this topic also has brought out the AN comedian cohort, I think I'll pass.
  9. In the USA -- although they have to be confirmed by a majority in the Senate -- a Cabinet Secretary does not have to prior be elected to any position by the general voting populace.
  10. My first colonoscopy at around age 50 and while still in the States, was because the GI doctor, who was a golfing buddy of my father, recommended that I should do it. I called United Healthcare, my insurance company at the time, and asked if they would cover colonoscopy. Their answer: Yes we will. And we wish more people would do it.
  11. This page gives a lot of statistic on colon cancer occurrence and morbidity. But the main point is: When colorectal cancer is found early, it can often be cured . https://www.cancer.net/cancer-types/colorectal-cancer/statistics And finding it early mostly means finding it before there are any outwardly recognizable symptoms.
  12. Max. application age April France 65.
  13. Yes they could hypothetically deny the claim. They could also hypothetically pay the claim. On another this- type topic I was asked Well what if they denied your claim? even after I said they had already paid the claim.
  14. If you can't get health insurance at a reasonable price and under reasonable conditions, then no- insurance is the way to go.
  15. that's over a 40 year period. I don't buy dumbbells. And I certainly don't ride a bicycle in Thailand.
  16. The problem is that even though you're in good health, eat right, exercise and drink in moderation, some things could put you in the hospital regardless of the above behavior. But that's OK. Lots of guys on here think self-insurance is the way to go based upon their healthy lifestyle.
  17. I am not suggesting not to exercise but that exercise has its own risks. For me: Bicycle accident shoulder dislocation capsular ligament tear that required surgery when I fell riding over a railroad track that others in group had no problem. Knee meniscus tear from swimming breast stroke/whip kick Arthroscopic surgery. (Florida) Later required acl reconstruction in Thailand. Bicycle injury (Florida) when hit head on by a Ford F150 pick-up. Fractured collarbone required surgery. Most recent: Hip fracture and later hip replacement from fall AT a swimming pool -- not while swimming -- busted water fountain leak not visible.
  18. That isn't what causes the problems. The horse can be in a light trot and still break a leg stepping in a gopher hole.
  19. That's funny. All my big medical expenses both in Thailand and while still in US were related to exercising.
  20. Sure is such a word. But or the large companies or groups that self-insure, self-insure rarely means no insurance. They only self-insure a portion of the risk.
  21. To add to the above: Correlation between the Intensity of Helicobacter pylori Colonization and Severity of Gastritis The most common cause of chronic gastritis is infection with Helicobacter pylori. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5727686/
  22. OK positive test for H. Pylori MAY indicate gastritis. An endoscopy can detect gastritis that has shown no symptoms and, if H. Pylori is also present, start a drug regime against that. But in my case, especially as I consume zero alcohol and have none of the other behavioral causes and no symptoms, the doctor said post-endoscopy gastritis and H.Pylori so he had me start the standard anti-H. pylori bacteria regime.
  23. Most here have talked about colonoscopy but the OP request also mentioned endoscopy. One important test with endoscopy is presence of H.Pylori bacteria indicating gastritis. Gastritis can get nasty if not properly treated. This is done with withdrawn samples almost like an ATK test:
  24. I lived for a year just below the Flatirons top of the picture but that was 40 years ago.
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