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Everything posted by jerrymahoney

  1. There's an old (1930) Irving Berlin song: Let me Sing and I'm Happy. To me it's: Let Me Swim and I'm Happy. A nice 25m or so saltwater pool open at 6 am went it's only me. And that's what I've now got.
  2. OK when you get a stable address let me know. The last one was sent to where you weren't.
  3. Well I still have photocopy I can send to you when you are settled for a cheer up.
  4. Very short version: I fell at a swimming pool unnoticed wet floor from a busted water fountain.
  5. So after about 2 months rehab following hip replacement, I went to Bangkok for a few days walking slowing with my 2-piece walking stick. On the return flight at Suvarnabhumi, the gate agent sheepishly walked up to me and said: "There is no Jetway on this flight but a bus and stairs up to the plane. Do you need a wheelchair?" I said no I am slow but I can handle the steps. A total sigh of relief was on her (masked) face as, if I had said that I cannot do the stairs, she would have had to arrange for one of those scissors-type cargo loaders that they use for the food carts to get me on the plane. ... and that made her day (or night). BTW as I have mentioned previously elsewhere, my surgery resulted from a fall and hip fracture and was not from a degenerative condition.
  6. Look up this one: 'Trendelenburg gait' or for me just the herky-jerk walk I left the walker at the hospital and -- with phys therapist approval -- never used crutches just used this:
  7. And even if you DO have OCD, that is a different ball game from OCPD.
  8. Or as I have been recently advised by one our esteemed ex-resident Thailand members, I am only here because I am (somehow) stuck here.
  9. And just how does that affect you on a day-to-day basis?
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