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Mac Mickmanus

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Everything posted by Mac Mickmanus

  1. IMO opinion, Brexit has been a success , the U.K got its independence and taken back control of our own Country. In 50 years time they can look back and judge whether it was economically beneficial or not . Those are two different issues though
  2. You didn't understand what I said . I didn't say that it would be better in 50 years time .
  3. The price of the C.D was what mattered , how much it costs in shops . Any price increase is counted as inflation How man they sold doesn't effect the figures of how much they cost to buy
  4. How many of them have stopped buying C.Ds in the last ten years ? Also, what is the relevance of that to the U.K;'s inflation figures ?
  5. 50 years would be the right time and look back and analyse whether Brexit was a good idea or not
  6. So you are clamming that Farage lies every time he speaks ? So his words about Brexit failing was a lie ? That makes sense now Nigel Farage was lying when he said Brexit had failed
  7. Could add number 6 Regularly cheats on his Wife , often paying prostitutes
  8. yeahs its going well innit LOL
  9. We didn't vote Brexit to stop genuine Ukrainian refuges from fleeing to the U.K . Brexit was about the U.K controlling its own borders , rather than stopping immigration
  10. You can do it by Western Union online . It may be a good idea if you wait until you know whether you need to send it and then try and send it ?
  11. As previously discussed in this thread , the high immigration to the U.K is because people coming from Ukraine and Hong Kong and also students coming to the U.K now because there have been Covid entry restriction for the last few years . Nothing to do with Brexit
  12. Who are those negations between ? Who are having daily negotations exploring the best way for the UK to join the E.U
  13. What if there were two female nurses with the same qualifications and competence ? A Bulgarian nurse and a Filipino nurse . Which one would you prefer to give you a tetanus injection ?
  14. I would personally prefer to have a Filipino nurse rather than a Bulgarian nurse, if I need to go to the hospital in the U.K Yet another case of the Left and the Right swapping sides
  15. Please do not make this about me , this story is about the guys in the Target shops . *but feel free to air your their views. I will support your their right to do so, Thanks
  16. Would you like to cancel their opinion or are you content to let them air their opinion ?
  17. You should send a message to Rishi Sunak : Dear Rishi, if you would like to win the next election , you should sack all the current M.P's and re-join the E.U and you might get voted in next time . Yours sincerely , a non voter living abroad .
  18. That is one side of the opinion . If they want to bring "Politics (or whatever its called) into it , shouldn't they also have the other side of the opinion ? T-shirts with "Boys are boys and girls are girls" or something of that nature ? Just to give a balanced view and giving the Parents a choice of what they want their kids to wear . They should do what, if they want to bring gender politics into it
  19. U.K supermarkets are huge and have a massive amount of products , like ASDA selling 19 different varieties of fresh tomatoes as well as numerous varieties of tinned tomatoes and tomato sauce and tomato paste and tomato ketchup. Sometimes supermarkets do indeed sell out of produce , only takes a restaurant owner to go into a supermarket and buy all the onions , buy by the sackload and that's it , no more onions until the next truck delivery (which are daily) But if you go into a supermarket and they haven't got what you want , then just buy a similar product or just buy something completely different . Does it really matter what you have for dinner that night ? Like, if they don't have carrots, just buy parsnips instead
  20. The link that he provided was published in 2019 (Release date:4 March 2019) and had figures and graphs from 2011-2018 and your figures were from 2023 . Doesn't need stating that the latest figures are more accurate than out of date figures . Even the very few people who don't use the internet have someone who can use it on their behalf ,like carers and nurses and the like
  21. Yes, it is fully understood and accepted by all that the U.Ks economy isn't faring as well as it was before the pandemic There is no need to keep on making that point over and over again
  22. Nearly everyone has the ability and means to shop online though , practically everyone can use the internet these days and has mobile phones and can order food online . It also usually works out cheaper to get food delivered (unless you walk to the supermarket or have a free bus pass)
  23. Here , 19 different kinds of tomatoes available from ONE Supermarket . You can get them delivered . Just need to sit at home and place an order and open your front door when the delivery guys knocks https://groceries.asda.com/aisle/fruit-veg-flowers/vegetables-potatoes/tomatoes-peppers/1215686352935-1215665891579-1215666771279
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