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Posts posted by way2muchcoffee

  1. Lots of complaining about the Thai education system. It is true that there is definite room for improvement, but no matter how good the education system is, the kids will reap little benefit from it without proper parenting. Education starts at home.

    I am appalled at the parenting I see going on around me. Some will point to the different value systems as the cause and will defend the style of parenting. That is fine. They make valid points. But it is precisely these value systems that cause the education system fail, no matter how good the teacher.

    For kids to succeed in school they need to start young. They need discipline. They need motivation. They need to do their homework. They need to study. These things need to be enforced in the home by the parents. Most parents simply are not doing their job of providing a household in which education is properly valued and nurtured. The results are clear.

  2. Lots of complaining about the Thai education system. It is true that there is definite room for improvement, but no matter how good the education system is, the kids will reap little benefit from it without proper parenting.

    Education starts at home. I am appalled at the parenting I see going on around me. Some will point to the different value systems as the cause and will defend the style of parenting and that is fine. They make valid points. But it is precisely these value systems that cause the education system fail, no matter how good the teacher.

  3. Pride and Hope, hahahah the best joke I have heard in years. Tell yourself what you will to help you sleep at night. Most take up this trade after they have lost all hope and it's there only way of survival. Stop and ask yourself what if my son or daughter had to do this.

    I suspect I would work two or three jobs in order to ensure that doesn't happen to my daughter. This as opposed to selling her off to a skin trader for a 5,000 bt advance (2000 of which will goes to my month whiskey needs, 1500 for a gambling debt, and 1000 for a night out at the local karaoke joint to bang my neighbor's daughter).

  4. There are laws against equality in Thailand. You can't become a member of parliament without a university degree, you can't become a judge without a degree from abroad, and so on.

    Both statements are not true. You do not need a degree to be an MP. You do need one to be the PM or in the cabinet. You do not need a degree from abroad to be a judge. Where did you get your information?

  5. Yep - more brainwashing by the reds leadership and having kids do their dirty work. Then when the kids get incarcerated the parents go up against the 'system' and back reds - all well manipulated by the offshore greed brokers. Stupid way to get votes! Will it ever end?

    Will it ever end? Well, as long as there are ignorant people around with your kind of attitude it will never end.

    Thumbs up to these students! Only dead fish swim with the stream. The country needs young people that can think critically and don't just repeat government propaganda.

    or redshirt propaganda....

  6. When will people stop crying "double standards"?

    Such an old used arguement

    Come up with something different already

    Gee, I don't know. How about when the Government stops doing it and applies the law equally to everyone, regardless of their shirt color or political ideologies. But if you don't like "Double Standards", how about "Preferential Treatment of the Elite, Military, and Government Supporters". You like that one better? "Old argument" or not, it is what it is.

    In a way you're right. There are double standards (still) being used. Also the two previous governments had them, just trying to get K. Thaksin back and out of legal troubles without doing much else. The Thaksin government had them to promote their own 'elite'.

    The problem with the phrase 'double standards'is that it tends to distract from other issues. It's like a discussion stopper, no need to think further. Labels are easy for people, but really distract.

    Moreover it's not even true. Consider the 2007 cases against the redshirts that haven't seen court yet (remember the PAD actions occurred in 2008). And then there are the Thaksin cases stemming from actions that occurred years ago. So where are those double standards?

    In order for there to be not double standards we need to see prosecutions in the following order:

    1) Thaksin (2001-2006)

    2) Redshirt Leaders (2007)

    3) PAD Leaders (2008)

    4) Redshirt Leaders (2009)

    5) Redshirt Leaders (2010)

    Of course there will be a quick track prosecution for the events in 2010 given the levels of death and destruction involved. It is to be expected given that the violence of these events far exceeded anything that has happened in the last several decades in Thailand.

  7. This is not to discredit the ability of Thai students who came home with medals on academic olympaid. However, when I read foreign news, almost every country have similar headlines praising how well their country’s student managed to scoop up similar medals in the same academic olympaid. . . So I did a quick google and found the host webpage of the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO). . . http://www.icho2009.co.uk/ And all the results are published here: http://www.icho2009.co.uk/files/pdf/final_results_ICHO_2009.pdf Analysis: Out of 250 student who attended the International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO): 28 gets GOLD or 11%, 54 gets SILVER or 22%, 82 gets BRONZE or 33%, 9 gets Honourable Mention or 4%. . Only 77 gets nothing (or 31%). . So, if you send 10 students to International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), on average, you will get 6.6 medals home. Something that we have to be so proud of? Note than you can score less than 50% (which in many test, it is a fail), and still gets a bronze medals.

    So Thaiand sent 5 students. They picked up 5 Gold Medals. 34 Gold Medals were awarded. Thailand received the highest number of gold medals (along with China and Taiwan). Here are the stats.

    Thailand - 5

    China - 5

    Taiwan - 5

    Indonesia - 4

    Germany - 3

    Hungary - 3

    United States - 1

    United Kingdom - 1

    India - 1

    Russia - 1

    Czech Rep. - 1

    Singapore - 1

    Vietnam - 1

    Korea - 1

    Belarus - 1

    Hong Kong - 1

    Following are 51 competing countries who did not win any gold medals:

    Iceland, Aremenia, Nepal, Nigeria, Kyrgistan, Switzerland, Denmark, Argentina, Latvia, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Pakistan, Lithuania, Norway, Georgia, Ireland, Portugal, Colombia, Brazil, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Sri Lanka, Netherlands, Cambodia, Bosnia-Herzegovna, Malaysia, Serbia, Finland, Estonia, Turkey, Israel, Poland, Austria, Italy, Canada, Ukraine, Azerbijan, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, France, Kazhakstan, Iran, Japan, Moldova, Slovenia, Croatia, Macao, Cuba, Salvador, and Australia.

    Seems like Thailand did pretty well.

  8. <br />
    <br />The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?<br />
    <br /><br />I doubt the system is so advanced as to trigger alarms when a camera is disabled, but it is possible. And even if there is an alarm system I seriously doubt a faulty camera would warrant swift action by government technicians. I don't know what system is in place here. Do you?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    http://traffic.thai.net/camera/ . . .

    NECTEC = govwernment

    If you read the website you linked from you will see that there are 161 police traffic cameras. Of those 161 cameras only 9 are active while 152 are inactive. It seems maintenance on the vast majority of these cameras is not a police priority.

    We also do not know that the CCTV cameras referred to in the article are from NETEC.

    There are also conflicting reports about the surveillance cameras. See the latest announcement from the police chief in the live updates page. He states "The Scientific Crime Detection Division is identifying the explosive container found at the crime scene as it is a key piece of evidence to identify the perpetrators besides footage from surveillance cameras."

  9. Interesting topic - funny that such a high percentage of posts (about the same as that of the losing Red candidate) come from the one poster, and another posts blatant mis-statements of the nature of the electorate.

    To start with, a 15,000 winning margin is not a politician's nightmare - losing is the nightmare. That joy belongs to an alleged terrorist who has played his "get out of jail free" card, and still looks through cellbars.

    Then we have the issue of low voter turnout. IMHO this was a result of complacency, and is not unusual in by-elections when a general election is expected in the fairly near future. The Dems were expected to win comfortably (as they did). OTOH, there was a big red push to get their candidate out of jail - was this the best they can do? In the general, I would expect the Dem incumbent to increase his percentage margin, as long as he doesn't get caught doing something nasty, and possibly even then.

    You might also reflect that 15000 MARGIN is also a pretty big percentage of what the Reds can turn out when they promised millions - and without promises of big payouts to get them mobilised.

    To lost election is NEVER nightmare. It could be feel of disapointness and it would be normal but oposition role is always easier than Government has. It's easier to criticize as opositions always do anywhere.

    One more thing, turnout in so HUGE number is nothing good. It means you failed to motivate people to believe to you and your words and acts in campaign. That is what worry.

    If you are speaking about candidate of PTP, i said above they don't match for the situation. They are not so much skilled as i could see but other side allowed histerical statements of their representatives in public and media toward candidate of PTP. That is not expected from sofisticated and well educated people as Democrats should to be.

    There is nothing hysterical about pointing out that the PTP candidate is presently jailed awaiting trial on terrorism charges.

  10. Do you think i am not normal to prefer such idiotic things? Mate, the point is: that WILL be for sure(or going tto be already) if no election general level.

    That is what i prefer. Election is a cure for divisions in Thailand. Benefit for all but for recent Government, we could guess according to this so called victory.

    Do you honestly believe that Democrat, Pheua Pandin, CTP, and BJT candidates will be able to campaign freely in the North and Northeast at this time without fear of harassment or violence?

    During the televised negotiations that occurred early on in the occupation of Bangkok the redshirt leaders decried the constitution as the largest problem in Thailand and declared it the root of all of the troubles. Don't you think then that the constitution should be amended before the next general election so that we do not see history repeat itself?

  11. Can you explain how the reds would tend to benefit from:

    1. extension of the state of emergency?

    2. erosion of any international sympathy that has been accorded the red 'cause'?

    3. alienating those Thais who support 'the cause' but disagree with violent means?

    4. providing yet more evidence that what Thailand needs is a military dictatorship since even with SofE, the gov't can't protect its citizens.

    5. demonstrating conclusively that the reds are committed to terrorism- and pretty inept terrorism at that (blowing up the odd bus stop won't bring down a government).

    1. Helps to garner international support.

    2. A moot point unless they are caught or admit to it.

    3. If they are not caught it muddies the waters and makes the government look bad.

    4. Nobody gains from this, not even the military.

    5. Again a moot point if they are not caught.

  12. The PM did not promise to foreign media that there would be an election this year. The offer was made during negotiations with redshirt leaders during their illegal and violent occupation of central Bangkok. The redshirt leaders rejected the offer and declined to negotiate further. This resulted in thousands injured and many deaths as protesters repeatedly attacked military lines during the containment operation. At the end we saw the immolation of Bangkok by redshirt supporters.

    The PM did suggest recently that elections could be held early next year. The primary requirement being that all sides actively come to the table to begin a much needed reconciliation. The PTP has thus far refused to participate and flatly opposes any kind of reconciliation efforts made by the government. Their supporters have continued to take up arms and at present are waging a guerrilla war against the government and citizens of Thailand.

    This is why an early election is unlikely.

  13. The red-shirt disable the cam after they capture the place, and police cannot get it to fox it. However if you disable the cam now, isn't it not an alarm to the police right away that something fishy is about to happen, hence the police will immediately send in more reinforcement?

    I doubt the system is so advanced as to trigger alarms when a camera is disabled, but it is possible. And even if there is an alarm system I seriously doubt a faulty camera would warrant swift action by government technicians. I don't know what system is in place here. Do you?

  14. The Minister believed that the incident could have been engineered by ill-intentioned people. He said CCTVs on the scene were not working and the police must take some time to investigate and gather evidences before an arrest of the bombers could be made. - Nation CCTVs on the scene were not working? Or did someone order it all to be switched off?

    Or did someone disable it prior to the bombing in order not to be recognized? Some groups have a track record of disabling and destroying CCTV in areas in which they perform misdeeds.

  15. Questions for mazeltov. How many of the killed were unarmed at the moment of their injury? How many were accompanying armed protesters? How many were killed by military personnel? How many were not killed by military personnel? Do you know? Can you prove it?

  16. I get around a bit. I have never seen one of these places where women are sold into prostitution in Thailand. I have never read about an NGO finding one in Thailand. I have heard about a couple for boys that were busted but never women. I think they are a myth.

    I have experience with this and can guarantee you that it does exist. There is no myth about it, but I suspect it is less common today than in times past.

  17. I want to see a political settlement in Thailand where the election reflects accurately the will of the people.

    Well, you got it already. 2/3 of Thai voted against the Thaksin party.


    They voted "against" the "Thaksin party"???

    How did they do this? Any how many people voted "against" the "Abhisit party"? more or less?

    How many people? Or how many votes? People in some districts are granted one vote while others are granted two or even three votes.

    If you are talking about the number of people who voted in the last election then the Democrats beat the PPP by a small margin, as evidenced by the proportional vote results.

    If you are talking about the number of total votes then the PPP won by a small, but somewhat larger margin, as evidenced by the number of seats they won in parliament.

  18. The point is not posession of Chonotes, or education or a good address - The point is a single mother , poor, ill educated may very well not have the choice to do anything else than sell her body. And if she does not have any alternative then her she can not freely give consent.

    A secondary point is to refer to the attitudes many posters in this thread have to women who are well educated, affluent. That'd be the western women so many rant against.

    Nonsense. Only those sold into a house of prostitution and held against their will are to be pitied. The rest have options no matter how low their education or how desperate their economic situation. Their is plenty of work available in Thailand for anyone who wants to work.

  19. This raises a question - When someone cannot choose, they cannot freely give consent.

    There are plenty of poor Thai people who choose not to work in the sex industry and makes ends meet with common jobs. As usual, on this subject, your rhetoric has little to do with reality. :whistling:

    And how many wealthy or well educated Thai women are their working as prostitutes?

    In the real world the vast majority of women working as prostitutes in Thai bars are from poor backgrounds, have little education, and are very likely to be single mothers raising children they had before they came to work as a prostitute.

    Force the fathers to pay. Sorted.

    A woman can work in a factory and, after a couple of years, be making 8,000 bt/month and up to 12k with overtime. This is more than enough to raise a child.

    The ones who are sold into it by their mothers and fathers are the ones we should pity. Others make the decision because they choose to live the high life with wealthy customers and enjoy partying.

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