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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. He also doesn't have a valid visa extension then. We will see him in the news soon enough.
  2. Why not use the dehumidifier function on the AC unit instead and save on electricity?
  3. Family Mart and some other quickie mart chains allow tap-to-pay, basically credit cards, and mom and pops often take QR scan but not 7-11. They take AliPay which is basically for Chinese only and last year they said they were going to take Apple Pay but I have not seen it implemented. I went to a 7 and planned to get cash at the ATM I knew was out front. The ATM was down so I figured I would pay with either my Thai Debit cards or a credit card at the counter. No-go. They wouldn't accept anything. I had to drive to an ATM (ironically at another 7) get cash and come back.
  4. Another (at least the second in as many months) of a murder/s caused by a noise complaint that the police should've mitigated before it escalated out of control. Money is tight, times are hard, tempers are easily flared when a man can't rest peacefully in his own home.
  5. This is 100% false information. The only "6 month" reference applies to the age of the required passport photos.
  6. There is no limit on how early you can get a new US passport and it will have a full ten year validity. It will not impact Thai extensions at all. I have five years left on mine but will renew next year because I want to update it with an alias.
  7. As others have said get a new passport IMMEDIATELY. You should've done it 6 months ago. Note the US Embassy no longer provides the letter requesting your Thai stamps be transferred to the new passport but they have a letter written in Thai and English on their website advising Thai Immigration of this new policy also that you should print out. When you get your new passport first go to your bank/s and update them also so there is no problems getting your bank data for your extension renewal.
  8. If we tell everyone it won't be a secret
  9. I know a guy who brags his renewals only cost 20000 baht and his agent only works for an hour on it. I didn't have that heart to tell him that I do it myself every year for 1900 and that his agent is easily getting a months salary working for one hour by doing his renewal alone.
  10. The nests look like out of place depressions in the sand several feet in diameter. A crater, if you will. The bigger the breed the bigger the diameter. They are often near the highest parts of the beach and near foliage. If recently laid, tracks will also be evident.
  11. During COVID I found several nest sites on the south side of Samui. They are not hard to spot with some knowledge. Two of them had motorbike tracks running through them. Better to take the eggs to a safe incubation.
  12. That Indian guy must have been dragging his arm on the ground with a six baht gold bracelet. Doubtful 🤨.
  13. I just finished a war with AliExpress. They used Flash for final delivery who normally is great but this time they sent it to the wrong address. Problem is the courier called my phone which was off at the time and he just self signed for the delivery. I spent hours trying to sort it out here before telling AliExpress it's their courier so their problem. They fell back on the couriers signature as proof of delivery and labeled me a liar for a 600 baht piece of rubber weather stripping. I gave them plenty of evidence specifically showing the zip code of delivery as different from mine and a translated message from the Flash manager admitting they lost it. I bundled all my evidence and sent it to Wise who promptly refunded me. The 600 baht was not a concern. The concern was that AliExpress was going to refuse clear evidence on even small ticket items moving forward.
  14. I used to make sure they would see me looking at my watch when I had repeat short sessions. I only go for two hours and I have noticed some girls go half speed on a double length session so that's another scam. I found a very good shop recently and they set a timer just before starting and give a solid two hour session. Not worth arguing over. There are plenty of shops around. A few weeks ago I requested two hours at a shop I had had good sessions with routinely. A new girl spent 30 whole minutes trying to dislodge my kidneys from their appropriate position and the same very annoying song was on a loop. I just got up tossed down 300 baht and walked out. I won't be back. Spent the next two days in agony. My body my choice.
  15. I always wonder who the 30% of pollees are who think Biden is great or even "not bad" as you do. It's rather amazing that it doesn't phase you people at all that he obviously has been funneled millions of dollars from US enemies for him and his family for more than a decade. Comparing someone who is blatantly receiving bribes should not be on your radar for a candidate at all and comparing him to any other candidate is totally irrelevant. You can say he hasn't been charged or convicted of anything and you would be right but remiss to ignore that the FBI and DOJ obviously are doing everything they can to keep that from happening while manipulating a two their justice system. Know this. If anyone else was accused with even the currently known evidence, they would be charged and convicted and jailed. You, me or anyone else not sitting in the Oval Office. If your are "ok" with that you have serious serious issues.
  16. This embarrassing for you. The extremely well known insurance company has a four letter abbreviation and they don't actually ever write out the name. I have another 4 letter word for you followed by "off". Google is free by the way.
  17. Thais go for silicone implants to compensate for their lack of physical prowess. There are different shapes. Some are like a row of small balls, I've seen (in photos) one that looks a bit like a hammer head just behind the natural head. My GF had her ex's email password and used to go through his emails and showed me he apparently did it after her. It looked like a string of pearls under he skin wrapped around his shaft. I obviously can't post photos here but google it if you want your head to explode. Pro tip: clear you search history immediately after. Also I'm not responsible for the advertisements google starts inundating you with after that walk on the weird side.
  18. I have MSIG and last year they was heavy smoke coming from behind my front left wheel. I called them and they sent a flatbed tow and took me to Isuzu no charge
  19. You're right, they don't. They are deployed in larger numbers where crimes occur. Those areas are inhabited by high concentrations of criminals who are usually minorities because, as every statistical metric proves, that's who commits the vast majority of crimes. You are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.
  20. I know the deal by now so try to be prepared for checkpoints. Once I came to stop at a red light and my front wheel touched the crosswalk. You know, where all the Thais pull up in front of the cars waiting at the light? A crosswalk in an area that would never be traveled by pedestrians mind you. A squadron of police jumped in front of me and started shouting and pointing. I thought my bike was on fire from the drama. I finally realized it was the front wheel touching paint causing all the fuss. I didn't fight, handed over my license and was actually joking around with the cops who all had a laugh. I then asked the boss how much the ticket was and the mood suddenly changed. He threatened to charge me with bribery and demanded to search my bike. He was obviously furious that I didn't care about the 500 baht and didn't bow down and beg. You can't win with the brown clowns.
  21. Mice and solo female travelers are often assaulted. The difference is that mice are aware of dangers around them and take precautions.
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