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Everything posted by LikeItHot

  1. I know all the steps but didn't write them out as the OP didn't say he was from the States so didn't want to waste my breath like you just did. But as long as you seem interested you left out that some States, NY for example, require the city/town clerk signature to be certified by the County Clerk before going to Albany for apostille.
  2. They absolutely demanded it from me despite me using the transfer method and them having absolutely zero grounds to request it. They refused to accept my embassy income letter 3 times until one of the volunteers finally intervened and told the actual officials they were wrong before they finally relented. Even then I had to wait for the extension boss to count out the age of my income letter on his fingers first and then with a pad and pencil as he could not believe the letter was less than six months old and was one of the last one issued by the US Embassy before they ended this practice and was still valid. The thought that I could be right and he was wrong was so overwhelming for him he did everything he could to try to deny me before finally giving me my extension but never admitting he was wrong. A process that should have taken minutes took hours to resolve. I thank God every day that I left those SOBs behind and now breeze through my extension every year in Samui where Immigration is staffed by actual human beings not robotic psychopaths.
  3. Can't speak for every country and you didn't mention the one in question but I have experience in acquiring vital records and having them "certified" for use in foreign nations. Firstly an embassy can't help you. The record must be requested by an authorized party from the repository that maintains the document. The copy will be notorized in some fashion and then, again typically, an apostille would be issued by a Foreign Affairs official certifying the local authorities signature. In the US, only as an example, a State issued document would be apostilled by the Secretary of State from the State where the document originated from. At that time the document is valid for use at any level including court cases. The curve ball is Thailand is not part of the Hague Convention so while it is not possible to receive an apostille on a document here in Thailand they may still honor it from a foreign nation. The alternate here is what is called a legalization which is done at foreign embassies here. Keep in mind you also did not mention if a translation of the original is required. If it is, that translation can usually be certified by an embassy/consulate but then also requires apostille before considered valid for foreign use. You need to find out exactly what they want. Words like "certified" can have a variety of different meaning in many scenarios. Especially in Thailand where no matter what you give them it's never enough.
  4. I dropped 11 kilos in 6 weeks. I eat 1000 calories a day of anything I want and walk an hour a day. The secret is making your own meals. Learn the secrets of tasty low cal cooking and leave the quick fixes to the masses. Delicious Thai pork jowls was in the menu tonight and will be freezer vacuum packed in portion control sizes.
  5. But I bet the selfies on her Instagram are all well worth the risks of death and lack of precautions.
  6. The foot spreads out without form fitting shoes too. I saw a cute girl in a bar once then looked down and concluded she must have been climbing coconut palms since she was a child without using her hands at all. Cough*sasquatch*cough
  7. Funny how in normal countries a confession needs to be proven to be consistent with evidence. A confession on its own is meaningless.
  8. Depends how you look at rights to silence. Last year the BIB gave that drug dealer permanent silence while they tried to beat a confession out of him with a plastic bag over his head.
  9. Case closed then. Confessions in third world countries always hold up to intense scrutiny and law enforcement are above repudiation.
  10. Buddhists love suffering unfortunately
  11. In one of my houses they came up through the shower drain. I am notorious for using lots of talcum powder. I noticed if I left some powder in the floor corners the bugs would be on their backs in the morning. Non toxic and gets into their life aperatus and kills them quick. No Buddhist can fault you for wanting to stay dry.
  12. Salary is never the primary source of income for a Thai politician
  13. Doesn't matter what the questions are. Tell the truth to anything they ask. Period.
  14. Setting a computer to automate a function is not relinquishing control. You have proven your self clicking system fails. I never said you were from the US or that the service was specifically for US expats. You have trouble using technology and reading comprehension and could benefit from technology. Look into it or stick it. Makes no difference to me.
  15. Since you are talking about something completely irrelevant to this question and thread what's the best way to boil an egg so the shell comes off cleanly?
  16. No wires are free. You may not see a fee, they may not list a fee but it comes out somewhere usually in the rate.
  17. WISE now has recurring transfers. Set it at 65k to be received at your Thai bank in the beginning of the month and forget it. The amount leaving the US can fluctuate without effecting the amount received. No way to "click wrong"
  18. Neither Arabs nor Homosexuals are a race. How can he be racist without even mentioning one?
  19. Fill your life with something else. I loved a few beers everyday but started focusing on my health by starting a walking regimen. That was followed by healthy eating followed by doing meal preps followed by deep home organization gardening etc. I lost 6 kilos in the past 5 weeks. When I'm cooking with wine I'll have a half a glass but the beer fell to the wayside. I feel great, I look better I'll live longer. Start slow and build on it. You can do it.
  20. Disclosure gets written into the law. I have Italian and US citizenship. If I stay over 183 days in Italy I am a tax resident and need to pay tax in all foreign income including Roth IRAs and a tax free government pension. If you want to break the laws of a country you live in as a guest not a citizen be my guest. They could very easily add your home country tax statements to the list of visa extension requirements. But you go ahead and outsmart them while making it harder for everyone.
  21. You wouldn't expect the highest ranking members and his team to be heavily armed in a Junta regime while committing crimes? Good thing you are not responsible for protecting cops lives.
  22. The same way they enforce murder. They make a law. Banks accounts in Thailand require a W9 filing in the US at least. I wouldn't put it past the US to reciprocate. It's common among countries with tax treaties. The difference between murder and tax evasion is the penalties for tax evasion are higher.
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