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Everything posted by Everyman

  1. I can’t believe that Thai authorities will go through the trouble to avoid taking money transferred from a DTA country. Instead they will take everything and then make you prove you are from a DTA country and that you paid taxes at a rate equal to or higher than the Thai rate. Since capital gains taxes are going to be far less than the top Thai tax rate of 35%, the difference will have to be made up. Hopefully this will go the way of prior ridiculous announcements, like that Thailand will host the tour de France, or open nuclear power plants or buy F-18s from America or that everyone will get 10,000 baht.
  2. As of about a year ago, no retail US banks had checking accounts that could international ACH transfers. Is that still the case?
  3. “…such as a condo or retirement visa.” Or a Thai bank account. People are very concerned about this because in order to actually implement it they would have to do things like instruct Thai banks to withhold a certain percent of all transfers from outside the kingdom for the revenue department. You would then have to file and show that you are not a Thai tax resident, or prove that you have already paid taxes on the money abroad (in a DTA country) at a rate equal to or higher than the assessed rate in Thailand. Even in that case there is still likely to be money owed, since capital gains taxes are likely to be lower than the income tax rates assessed by Thailand. So the two ways out of this are that the government backs off or it is implemented in some ineffective manner. Both scenarios are quite likely, especially the former, so there is plenty of hope that the system doesht end up as I described.
  4. How? Is it because your IP address is associated with a data center? Otherwise I doubt they could penetrate the virtualization layer.
  5. The biggest vulnerability in your devices is you, anyway, and that’s what hackers target through what they call “human engineering.”
  6. Because Windows is an unsecured platform that easily picks up spyware, key loggers, etc. And nobody is going to be able to hack your stolen iphone unless they are the government and even then it will be hard. Report it stolen and Apple will brick it, then nobody is getting your data.
  7. For Bangkok Bank: 1. No 2. N/A But it makes no difference if it does have a SIM or doesn’t. People read about some obscure vulnerability in ios or android and get the wrong idea about security on those platforms. The mobile banking apps are much more secure than on a PC running Windows.
  8. You’re just introducing a colony of lactose eating bacteria to milk and then cultivating them. They eat lactose and produce lactic acid. When this has happened to enough of the lactose, it thickens up and you have yogurt. As someone else pointed out, you can strain it to produce greek yogurt. If you remove yet more wearer from it, you get something called labné. You can eat labné with homemade pita bread and sliced grilled chicken, tomatoes, cucumbers and tahini.
  9. They can be quite easy to fix yourself
  10. Some banks (Capital One) have no cards at all that charge the foreign transaction fee.
  11. Mathematics and financial literacy vindicate credit card use. Cash is not king. Credit is king, and understanding it is a valuable financial tool.
  12. Far be it from be to contradict all the great grandpas in here - I’m surprised they don’t recommend paying with goats or bronze ingots - but credit cards are far and away the most secure form of payment in existence. You’re not paying with your money until you pay off the balance. Until then it’s the bank’s money and they will get it back from a vendor if there’s a problem, or just activate the insurance that’s included on every single purchase. There’s also sign up bonuses that can earn you a business class ticket back to or from the other side of the Earth. I really hope they ban cash like has been talked about with so much fear lately. They don’t use it at all in China and nobody seems to miss it.
  13. Who in their right mind brings cash when they travel? Use your ATM card like a normal person. This isn’t 1977. And yes I know the ATMs charge ฿200+ per transaction. Get a card that pays you the fees back.
  14. I see a lot of street cooks just throw it on the grill twine and all (which then melts).
  15. I notice a lot of sausages are bound with red plastic twine at the ends that melts when grilled. Is this some kind of special twine that is designed for this and healthy? Or is it just leaving melted plastic behind? Some sausages appear to be bound with cotton string and that would seem to be better.
  16. that “common knowledge” is out of date. i have tried more than 30 branches with no success
  17. That’s better then when they turn to their colleague and say “Alai wa?” that makes me want to slap them into next week. so unbelievably rude.
  18. I was trying to get it to work but eventually gave up.
  19. You need a work permit to get a credit card, and they will only give you a secured card which will be just about useless compared to a debit card.
  20. The banks must be losing incredible amounts of money from prospective customers. But as I’ve commented privately to people, they just don’t give a damn. You could show up with a dump truck full of gold looking for a place to keep it and they would laugh at you and tell you to ‘eff off.
  21. If I were you I would buy stock in lithium mines, because idiotic governments are mandating electric cars but there isn’t enough lithium in the entire world to make enough batteries. Consequently the price of lithium will be astronomical in 5 years. In twenty years it will be normalized however because there will be newer battery technologies and the lunacy of electrification will be historical by then.
  22. Yeah, well I predict it will go up 10,000% There you have it, another prediction. See how it easy it is make them? Seriously though, it would be nice to know if Thailand has any online trading platform like have existed for decades in the US. This stuff about “calling a broker” seems very 1970s to me.
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