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Everything posted by glegolo18

  1. I think it is the opposit actually. You native english-spoken people, are up to 99,99% only speaking one language, which is your own, that is english.... It limit your brain activity, and therefore limit your possibilities to express yourself.... Simply said, no brain-exercise at all in any way at all..... Causes a slowdown over the years....
  2. No, but a bit more like Eric Cantona maybe??
  3. The biggest bull<deleted> scam what concern dogs and dog-owners..... "Good owner - good dog" and "bad ownder - bad dog"...... That is absolutely NOT true at all.... These creepy pitbulls should be killed and wiped out all of them.... And defending that breed with that above "say" is the worst we can do.. Lets face the truth instead and wipe em out.... Next time it is your turn to be eaten attacked or just killed by a Pitbull...
  4. Yes all these crap that has been imported to Europe is just bad for us all. Nothing good will ever come out if that kind if import I guess..
  5. As usual these dogowners do what they need to defend these awful dogs.... Put em all down, every single pitbull and forbid them to exist....
  6. I do not know where you got your numbers from. But there is about 300 different species here in Thailand.... Around 15% of them are venamous to different degrees, and out of those 15%, only 5% are deadly venamous...... On top of that, most of these last 5% are living their lives at night, and hiding during the day.....
  7. Yes with the kids,,, AND by this reasoning also teach your dogs to stay away..... But must say these "newspapers" have a way of finding national news... 5555.... A simple protected even, ratsnake.. These ratsnakes are everywhere all the time, so absolutely no news.... But I guess it is better news than this freaking stupid "climat-change" crap that "our" media do all the time in ouyr falang-countries...
  8. I do not know nor understand how it works in your countries like UK and USA, but for us in Sweden, it is OF COURSE that you have to marry in Thailand AND falangland and you have to divorce also in Thailand AND falangland.... Sweden do not get a <deleted> until you approach them with marriage or divorce and the same goes for Thailand.. So do not take for grantage that either country communicate with each other forget it... You have to do the paperwork in BOTH countries OF COURSE......
  9. I have also done the stent-thing.... May I inquire, how much did you pay for it and at what kind of hospital... thanks..
  10. This was one of the strangest posts I have seen.... Hong Thong??? Really, smell like bad moonshine..... Have you tried it really???
  11. Actually the correct answer to my question is that there is absolutely NO limit to a income-letter, no limit at all, I do not know what you get that from.... That is why it is being called a "combo" in the first place Incomeletter+money in the bank. I guess after that some of your embassies; AU, UK and US betrayed you guys, and stopped the income-letter, the word "combo" is being used when it comes to you different bank-alternatives instead.....
  12. So what are the rules in my case then???? I have a yearly income of 660.000 baht confirmed by my embassy, and then I have 200.000 baht in my thai bank-account.... Still 2 month before and 3 months after???
  13. I am certainly not sure, but to my recollection when it comes to a "combo", there is NO need to have any money at all locked down in a bank-account more than just that particular day you apply for the 1 year retirement extension.
  14. It is quite ignorant to write like that. If people are careful with their money, so what?? If THAT distrubs you so much, then it says more about you actually...
  15. Yes why not? Hawaiin pizza is the only one that is eatable here in Thailand, the rest is pure crap...
  16. I agree.... In my experience here in Chaiyaphum, it is actually for many families a matter of money and expenses.... The uniform for a year maybe cost something like 1.500 baht including everything!!! While having "free expression" like somebody mention will cost probably many many many of thousands of bath each year... Yes there will be no end to that crap when fashionable girls will dress up to school... So military behavior or not, for me I do not care a bit,,, uniforms seems to be a very good way to go for U-countries like Thailand and the likes of them...
  17. Are there any ceremonies what regards the heroes that saved so many people?? I mean the falangs, that came to rescue thai people??
  18. All this crap with africans rushing out of Africa, must be stopped. Why not have 3;doubled fleets of coastgard-boats that patrol the waters outside Africa, at the worst places.... This people should stay in their countries instead of seeking free food and housing in western countries that they anyhow hate so much...
  19. Thank you for a very nice writing. I do not know if you do it because you are just bored, and wish to add another troll-thread here.... Or if you are honest and actually open up, and tell a true nice story of your life??? I do not know, do not care, I just enjoyed your writing... Thank you...
  20. THAT was a nice suggestion even though you missed out big time from the Isaan-trip
  21. ASEAN, I guess they can work without permit, where ever inside the organisation of ASEAN
  22. So if you are a beggar, begging out on the street. That to me is a sign that you do not have any money and is here falsly or by fraud... Like thai goverment says to us white people "show us the money"...... And force us to "show" 400K baht or 800K baht.... Do the very same for these beggars and if they cannot meet the demand or they are begging in the streets, forget the Asean and just kick them out..
  23. If this was your first time with WISE, how could you then say that before only took 2-3 minutes in comparizon??
  24. If I may without being too particular..... It is NOT an extension of that Non Immigrant O-A-VISA either.... It is an 1 year extension of the "Period of stay" or "permission of stay" that was granted and based on that O-A-VISA originally....
  25. Maybe you should be open with modern times instead of coming up with stuff that is just plain out of it..... Bank ID is working just fine, and we use it all over our society in Sweden, and it is also being used when living i.e. in Thailand.... But continue with your paper-copies if that makes you more happy... I just wanted to introduce to the likes of you more efficient methods...
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