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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. So, right! You are just digging a deeper hole for yourself, aren´t you? If the woman, as many other Thais, have a strong belief in something that you, and some other people, think belongs to hocus pocus and superstitions. So, does that mean the woman is dishonest and actually know who took the buffalo´s? Does it make the woman´s problem smaller and less important or less difficult for her? The only thing that is laughable here, is a person that think another persons problem is laughable. Also, I am not a believer, but who can say that spirits does not exist? How do you know, they can not intervene in some kind of way?
  2. I guess that depends on if you want to have a printer or not. To me, it sounded like the OP was asking about that. Ok, let´s say you can print about 2500 - 3000 b/w copies on one mag. Then you are also only using the black color. So, a refill would be 100 - 150 baht. That makes 150/2500. A price of 6 satang per copy. If you squeeze 3000 copies out, it will be 5 satang/copy. Just wondering, where do you find that price? Another thing, I am wondering is how you with that result can call yourself a pro? Maybe you are an electrician, and calculate that price too. Yeah, I know, it will be a satang more per copy. 😂 Anyway, you were calling out the wrong guy. Working with computers for most of my life. Nice try, though.
  3. Ok, you got me there. I know. Just a tad too much. 😉 Maybe, same like the generalization above.😂
  4. And you know this is an open forum, right? If I see a post that basically laughs at a persons real problem, then I will continue to reply. Please point out where they fun is suitable in this piece of news. after that, you can also point out in general, where the fun was in your post. You know, maybe you can educate such a thick person like me.
  5. Yes, exactly! In that case you are referring to arrogance, chip on shoulder, thug mentality and a race that think they are the only ones that speak, what they call "real English". Besides that, THEY also think THEY won WWII.
  6. Why. Buy a Brother printer with refillable color mag. Then you only pay about 500-600 baht for refill every time. You can print thousand of documents and images on one mag.
  7. I got a better solution for you. Why don´t you go to the same bar you found her. She is probably back working. It´s sad when people like you, don´t understand how big of a problem this is for a hard working, old woman. Your post suck5!
  8. Another unstable Russian, that comes from a country with total lack of understanding, compassion and critical thinking. Just primal barbaric behavior in their genes.
  9. Yes, I am. However, never needed that <deleted>, so haven´t even heard about it. But, this is great. Now I am much wiser.
  10. You such a big man. Always finding a way to blame the woman.
  11. You see! You only needed to read that to understand the complete failure.
  12. Of course he will join in as soon as he can squeeze some foreigners. Just wonder how he look at racism?
  13. Didn´t both he and the F--King frog say bye bye to politics? Time to stand for at least one promise before you hit the dirt.
  14. No Ben, we do not agree on anything. Just just want it to be like that.
  15. And what did I post? I posted Over 1 claim every 2 month. Mean more than 1 claim during 60 days, which is also less than 1 claim per month. So, it seems to be no problem with my skills. Yours, on the other hand. Let´s say, I am glad you are not an advisor in my company. On the other hand, you would not even reach the threshold.
  16. Why does it have to be very young, or very old? You guys not have anything between that?
  17. So, you only have sex to reproduce. That must be terrible for you Ben. Either you have a lot and children in every corner you look, or you just have to stay away from such activities, right? You are just another poster here with a whole load of BS. Many of us have sex just for pleasure. I know it might seem far fetched for you Ben, but that´s the raw reality. You should try it sometime.
  18. See, either it was a woman under 30, for a 60 year old man or it was a "granny". Do you mean older then, or you go way over board there too and go for 90? You have never considered an age difference of around 10 year up or down? Sometimes, I think you people need to make yourself look stupid, or what do I know. Maybe it´s permanent stage.
  19. Ok, I rest my case. Once again, the UK is different. It´s them that should have the t-shirt "Same Same, but different"
  20. I bet, you just like to throw around fancy names. But you were looking for a thai guy to punch on just a while ago, right. Now it´s krav maga. You probably know 10 different martial arts and are lethal as hell. 😂😂😂
  21. Yes it is a terrible situation. But, it´s also a situation he built up by his own choices. Maybe wait more than the first shot to make a baby.
  22. Don´t care about that. Your friend is a loser that can´t find a women of his own age in his country. So, just have to travel to see poor young girl to fulfill his dreams. that´s the essence of a pervert.
  23. How can he have 2 valid UK passports at the same time? When you get a new one, they cancel the old one.
  24. They want you ! You are fresh meat for them.
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