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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. That was as wrong as it could ever be. I do not see Kamala as a better alternative. She have absolutely no idea about what she got herself into, and could never had been running US in a good way. However, neither can Trump as he is disturbed. If I were a US citizen, I would feel ashamed that a country with soo many well educated and great minds can´t find a suitable person for being a president. Instead, you are saying hurray, put your dunce hat on, wear it with pride and get in line with all the other sheep. Again, this is nothing more than a shot at popularity from the richest people in the world, who will together with Trump reap the riches during another 4 years.
  2. Ok, that´s great. So, you are the proud owner of the worlds biggest dunce cap. Congrats!
  3. Surely. My list do not discriminate any race nor religion. They will fit right in on the front bench.
  4. So, Mr. Malcolm has become a moderator? Didn´t see that anywhere. I am not breaking that rule, as a do not focus on a specific subject mentioned. I took 3 different races, that stands for most of the problems in Thailand at the moment, and formed my opinion. Did not post any slurs or degrading comments. Neither did I say anything even remotely negative about them.
  5. No, they aren´t. But there are a lot of undesirable tourists from a wide range of countries. I think we can just pack-ém up together. Let´s throw the russians, Israelis and the muslims in the same box and send them to Congo Kinshasa.
  6. Yep, he fixed his life well. Now he will know exactly what to do for a long time.
  7. Yeah, it´s 100% related to that. Unfortunately about 40-50% of our esteemed members will have a difficulty understanding that.
  8. The suicide squad is gearing up the engines once again.
  9. But, the poster questioned how it can be legal, not that it is.
  10. Seems like the keyword here is: former Would be nice if people here could understand they not own their partners, girlfriends or wifes.
  11. You mean citizens of a country that never evolved when others around did?
  12. And there we have the famous question marks again. What did you say this time? 🤣
  13. Absolutely not! It must be fluffy in your fantasy world.
  14. And with that, you mean? Maybe you should try and learn how to express yourself a tad better.
  15. Below, sort of tells you that I know:
  16. How stupid assumption. Of course I know that, as I have been driving in Thailand for over 20 years. Making yourself silly with a bouncing ball emoji, as well. My comment was because it was a police driving, and they should show more attendance to what happens around them as they are there to protect. Moreover, we do not know if there is any signs tells a different story.
  17. So, if it was an unmarked junction, why are you only posting the police was guilty of careless driving?
  18. Totally correct. Why do they link his death to the US? No other country is responsible for their citizens health. They are so stupid in that country that they don´t understand the effect of burning. Neither do they have the ability to form any kind of governing body. Nobody´s fault, but their own.
  19. Yes, at least I am condoning the violence here, which was basically nothing. He deserved much more.
  20. But, they did something! Good Job! That really helped the statistics.
  21. Would have been more interesting if she was apprehended at 7 Eleven trying to buy sticks and marshmallows.
  22. Yeah, time for another body in the suitcase mystery. Let´s see if we will hear the follow up story on this one.
  23. How good that the caretaker waited until they had beaten him unconscious.
  24. Is that so? I think they have to make up their minds. Are they going to continue prosecute the guy, or are they going to use his abilities to press for action and changes? As usual, if the shoe fits.
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