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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Charming?? Last time I visited Naklua, they were dirty like hell.
  2. There is many people who believe in amending of that section. However, they not go kill themselves for it. I rather respect human intelligence than suicide. I totally agree with you, that the people who are hiding behind the law should think twice, but why do you think they will do that? Just because 1 girl committed suicide for what she believed in?
  3. Exactly. Shelters should be as far away from living areas as possible. I am not for shelters at all. better get rid of the plague.
  4. Hey, where did I applaud anything? Sure, it´s a tragic outcome, but there is no way you can blame either government nor hospital or doctors. She was the one refusing treatment. She was the one refusing to eat. That´s the core facts that has led to the result. What is disgusting and totally wrong is that when everything else fail, people see it as the last way out by making a martyr of themselves. I see that as lack of intelligence to find another way to try and deal with as well as fight the problem.
  5. I am sorry to need to state the obvious to you. Humanitarian attitude? So you consider dogs as humans. Anyway, man. You are barking up the wrong tree. 😂
  6. License suspended for 90 days. So what, never seen police stop tuk tuk drivers to check license. He can just continue as usual.
  7. Sure, I see the difference. Do you mean that it would be sensible for another 10 to go the same way to see any change? The difference, I see, is that they must deal with the problems another way. Taking your own life is not the way. Never said it was not worth fighting for, just not by killing yourself.
  8. Maybe he should just understand, that he is in a political position. Something that means they have to deal with criticism and prove as well as explain to people so they know the facts instead. A person in a political position should not need to scare people with legal action if they not stop talking. Shameful, once again.
  9. Maybe, even for Thai´s, this is a little bit too much superstition.
  10. Damn, it sounds like you guys think she went to war??? What shame? She basically took her own life.
  11. , YES, Sounds like that on you reply. You also seem to have difficulties understanding. I am not a temple-goer. What I am is a guy the have found a 10-year younger wife, which I am faithful to. Neither does she have any big falling boobs. Just handsize ones that still stay up good at the age of 44. That´s like the normal path in life. You also don´t understand there are almost no 18 year old women that are offering sex to guys 45+. Just look in you home country. How many free bang will you find? But coming here a stating that 18 year old girls are offering you to bang them is easy. Just to get up your wallet as they always want you to pay. Means you are buying sex, dude! Another aspect that might make you think, but I think your way of normal thinking pattern is long gone. Do you have a wife? And would still bang an 18 year old that offered? In that case it says a lot about you, and I feel truly sorry for your wife. Also you might not be married and just what we call a sex tourist. In that case you have chosen to be alone and bang as much as you can. How about when you get really old? Maybe the last 10 years of your life. How will you feel sitting there alone, and have no one around you, no one to talk to. It will be very quiet and lonely, right. I know having a 10 year younger wife is not a guarantee for that she will still be around when I am old, but I like the odds.
  12. What do you respect? Do you also respect if they had bent over because someone is on a hunger strike. What message would that send to everyone who wish to change something. Just stop eating and try to kill yourself, then everything will change.
  13. Why does she blame the government? They didn´t kill her husband. Her husbands choices in life killed him.
  14. Anything! This resulted in her dying. Nothing else. Like: Collect signatures and names. Many done that, and result not so good, but neither is this.
  15. Sure, That´s great! And the result? Is that, she is dead and nothing else change? That´s a waste of a life, and should in no way be glorified.
  16. Is it a tragedy that stray dogs die? What? They are abandoned or born in the wild. Dogs that no one want to care for. Ok, not no one. There are a few that have there head firmly unscrewed. if she feel so bad for the dogs, then I suggest she open a shelter for them all and feed them for the rest of her life. The better solution is to take a week and shoot them off.
  17. Of course, RIP. However, one must wonder what goes on in the head of these people? Do they not understand that the government nor hospitals are to blame for this. The choice to hunger strike, is only a thing that is going to hurt one self. There are probably better ways.
  18. In a way, but not the way they boost about it. There it sounds like they did it all alone. However, we all know how big the bill was for the help US gave.
  19. No, and neither is it a place where you get to appoint yourself as the Teacher, telling other posters how to do and how to post as well as when to post. Try to live by your own code. Just scroll down and leave it be. Hmmm.... to everyone? How do you know that? Will you soon be starting offering The calm life with the crystal ball? 😂 Last, but absolutely not least! Below you can see my original reply to you As you can see, it is quite a popular post. No one seem to think that it was wrong so far, or maybe you have been teaching all your friends and everyone, as you point out, to scroll by and leave it. The fact is that you haven´t. Let the screenshot talk for itself, and hope it makes you realize and refrain from further conversation in the matter.
  20. Do you have severe problems? You just took out a post from 2021. 😂 So, the only thing you could resort to, was looking for an off topic reply. Just because you couldn´t face it and continue talk about your bad taste comment in this thread, which was relevant to the topic. Wonder what you next comment will be. 😂
  21. Ok, is that the same guys who eat breakfast with bacon floating in fat?
  22. I think they mean clearance for the country you have citizenship in.
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