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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. What a stupid comment. Did you learn that one in fourth grade?
  2. I am working with a lot of heavy programs open. But, mostly just overkill, as I want to have absolutely zero problems whatever i do. Would go well with 64 Gb as well.
  3. Ask for the number you talk about, or go look and find it yourself. Do not pay deposit. Check both with the police and the DLT to check if stolen. Also ask if new book can be done in your name if both seller and you present a signed receipt at DLT. If they say that anything of this is impossible, just forget and walk away.
  4. Just bought a new one at advice, but I bought the part and put it together myself. That was after i saw them stand with other custormers computer trying to fit in liquid cooling for over 1 hour. Took my 15 minutes. Whole computer done by 1 hour. 30minute installation of software. Now running the best Ryzen 9 with liquid cooling, 128gb ram, 2 x 2tb Nvme disks had and 16 gb GPU
  5. How can you post something like that? Predicting when a person should die? Maybe time for you to take a break for posting and thing things over.
  6. Not to worry! It´s never going to be changed. Too much money for too many powerful persons.
  7. Where did I say he can not post his opinions? What irony? I don´t add people to ignore list. That, like take away the fun of the forum. Neither was there any meltdown. I assume you have no experience of such, and in a fragile way take something out of thin air and put the name on it. I just found it were peculiar that so many still promote the north as a great location.
  8. Have you ever heard about different opinions? You like it better in the North, while some other people like living in the South. Hard to let it be with that?
  9. Gasohol 95 is probably the closest you will come
  10. * Deleted post edited out * Yummy!
  11. Here we go again! Finding something to complain about in Thailand. Just go home and look at your own food culture and what´s in it. maybe that make you realize. After that, it is truly sad to read that so many of you guys come to Thailand and are disgusted over the food. Really?
  12. As said you shouldn´t have an issue, is because there is never a 100% guarantee. However, it´s the best we can do. It sounds on you, that you think another visa sticker would be a guarantee. Not at all, as Immigration can deny entry with that as well. So, I would go with the visa exempt and land border crossing.
  13. As they found both a knife and a table leg, one must assume he have been littering his own garden. Now he can beat himself to death as well.
  14. No, it´s easy. How to become the new health minister based on family relations
  15. Gottfrid

    UPS repair

    Repair your UPS???? How big are we talking about?
  16. But she is still happy, and she loves you. What more can you ask for. 😉
  17. Not only the diesel fumes. What about nature and environment? @luckywooman what does the law say in your country of origin? Is it ok to have the engine on? For how many minutes?
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