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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Agree 100%! There are far too many Thai men over 40, that with a mindset like a teenager
  2. Totally wrong. There are numerous of Thai beaches that are very good.
  3. Hmmm.... My immigration office always resets my 90 day visit automatically together with the visit for new extension. Office, Yasothon
  4. Darn! I am lucky I am always prepared about the beer hikes. Dude, I feel for you!
  5. So, you do it doggy style. Nice man!
  6. No, that´s right, but idiots deserves it. In this case it´s debatable
  7. So, in your world, the girls are walking around without asses?
  8. Yeah, and what does that mean? She does not want him. He is not right for her. However it is, just be a man and accept the outcome.
  9. Looks like your premium mindset and advanced way of thinking are the standard here, which makes you decide when people do little bit too much and when it´s ok, right? Just crawl back now. You are making a joke of yourself.
  10. Partly agree. However, If we get quality teaching already from kindergarten age, then we would have no problem learning Thai as a second or even third language. The other part is the substandard quality of teaching, which you can see in all areas and subjects.
  11. I supposed that would be the answer from such an advanced thinking mind. 😂 I can´t understand what kind of problem you had with my post. It was posted with a lot of sarcasm, highlighting how stupid a person can be for travelling 800-900km in the totally opposite direction. But if you have more problem in the future, just move on.
  12. You do know that you kind of contradict yourself, right?
  13. Fantastic! We are very honored to have such a bright mind as you among us. Did you talk about that you understand people have different ways of looking at things, and that one persons opinion might not correspond with others? Does that mean, you understand that people here post different things? Yet you complain over my posts, when you can just disregard them or fold them under what you just posted you understand. I would suggest that you read a couple of more books and train up that advanced talent you speak about that you own. Have a great day!
  14. Ok, can you please refer to all the comments I have made, and then see how many you find of the same kind you are referring too. If you can´t find that, which you can´t. Then maybe you should consider going back to the cave you crawled out of. All other things you are talking about is totally off topic, but it sounds like something you have great experience of. Good luck in your medication.
  15. Can you stop spread lies!
  16. Please do not listen to @quake. That´s just bunch of rubbish that have no substance in reality. The only thing you need to do is following: Report the meter stolen at the local police station. Take a copy of the police report, and visit water company. Tell them that you need a new meter as the previous owner stole the old one. If they refuse, you just call head office of water company in Bangkok. We have done that, only for things as they turn off water for full days without giving message of ongoing repairs. They fix thing quickly. The facts are they own the meter, and they are responsible to replace when theft happens. The readings on the old meter, is nothing you should pay. That the is the water company´s job to track down previous owner and collect payment. If you inform Bangkok of that as well, they will solve the problem.
  17. That was this weeks biggest collection of crap!
  18. Yes, foreigners can expect fair legal treatment. The only thing we need to do is understand the culture and norms. If we do that and also have a polite attitude, there is very seldom any problems. The people that we read about in the news, with their fantastic stories, they, most probably acted in a way or did something that was deemed disrespectful to get the treatment they did.
  19. Raising his children alone??? Didn´t the news said they usually lived with their grandmother? Also, raising children without letting them know how to swim. Not a very good job. RIP to the children.
  20. On that day. On the back of the pickup. The estranged husband, Baramee asked himself. Nilaa? Did I really marry the love of my life?
  21. Oh! How startling!!! An idiot can understand that the organizations have not kidnapped 7000+ people. Of course there will always be people who jump on the train to the unknown willingly. Now they get good treatment and help for losing their job. It´s hilarious!
  22. What do you mean? What are you on about? I just agreed with you. After that, there is no hidden agenda. It stands totally clear that everything they try to shine a fake light on about Thai economy, is just for trying to pump up the baht as usual.
  23. A reopening of a new market. That´s new!
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