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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. See! You figured it out anyway. 😂 Always first, what you can do for them. After, depending on how much you do, you might get love and appreciation in the percentage divided by 2. But, see it like this. Doesn´t matter where you are in the world. Now, go figure that! 😉
  2. I wouldn´t go for any of the specs for such a low price. Usually a laptop with that price only have a maximum of 8 gb ram and would also have a slower CPU. Also the 250Hz on the screen bothers me for such low price. I think they bumped up the specs, and you will get lower. I would look in Advice shops instead. They usually offer good price, holds the specs and give great service. You will pay more, but you get the quality.
  3. Normally yes! However, I think this guy is so stupid, that they can go arrest him at the next bar.
  4. 6 000 individuals!? That´s a huge number, and they can´t locate, find and track down these people? Seems very strange. It must be much money in the bribes. Usually they can locate 1 robber, 1 murderer or even a gang of 6 that stole a wallet from a tourist.
  5. And all of them pointed out that it was the Airports duty to see to that everything is safe. Both when standing and sitting.
  6. He is very right in what he say. Money laundering is very much represented all over the world regarding gambling business. The MGA and CGCB has been having a lot of problems with it regarding online gambling providers as well. Even Sweden, with their very strict license and gambling regulation, has started to co-op with gambling providers to fight money laundering. Now Thailand thinks they can start from scratch with a gambling regulation that probably resemble the rest of the laws looking like a Swiss Cheese with holes of opportunities. This is already laid out for total disaster.
  7. A very tragic accident, and as the cctv shows, the driver didn´t have a chance to stop. Unfortunately, also this could have been avoided. It´s not normal to think 6 year old are capable of thinking straight and concentrate while playing. Also not normal to think it´s ok for a six year old to be left alone with traffic, and left to cross streets without adult supervision. In many European countries it´s 7 years of age to be alone in traffic, and even that is a bit low in my opinion. When thinking about Thailand and how concentrated Thai people are when doing something, it should be a 10 year limit here.
  8. So, hopefully no professional Thai repairman did that work. 😂
  9. What is it with Thai people and driving? I have never read nor seen something worse than the skillset they are showing. Now it has become almost standard to drive stright in to parked vehicles on the roadside minimum once a week. What without adequate warning! The road it lit up, and the parked truck must have been easy to see. Either busy in mobile phone or turned of lights to save battery. Still I wonder why he was driving so close to the side of the road? It´s not like it rush hour at that time. Plenty of road to drive on.
  10. Yeah, that was something I though of too. Maybe a premeditated murder gone wrong. 😂
  11. Ok, Thanks! Now it´s totally understandable 😉
  12. In how many quotes are you going to mentioning Pandora´s box? Have you just learned a new expression?
  13. Another fool, that can´t behave in a proper way.
  14. You might be right, but let´s face it. It´s probably same easy to bribe a pathologist in Thailand, as it is to bribe anybody else, and therefore the result might not be 100% true.
  15. Just go play with somebody else.
  16. So, that makes you a political expert, as you are so hooked on Trump, right?
  17. Well thought. Now this man really helped his mother. Result! He will be in jail, and the loan shark will add the bill to his mothers loan. Besides that, the loan shark will surely know some guys in the prison who can make his life miserable. The only thing to take with us from this, is to never take a loan from these kind of guys.
  18. Why are you attacking other posters, when you were the one who posted wrong information?
  19. Right! That will really get them to change everything. They will just look at him, smile, take the complaint. After that, they will talk all day about the crazy foreigner that came in and think he can tell them, the Thais, how to do their work in their own country. 😂
  20. I can not care less if you feel like you have to use defensive driving. You are probably scared and insecure in traffic, as you can not adjust to the way they drive here. I have been driving over 18 years in Thailand, both MC and car, without any accident whatsoever. If you do not agree with my post or reply, does not bother me either. You, also decide that it´s a good time for me to look at what I post, as well as in mirror and change my ways. You, believe it would be an excellent time for that. My suggestion is that you go on posting your things, and I go on posting what I want. As long as moderation do not have any problem with anyone of us, it would be an excellent time for you, to focus on yourself.
  21. Please feel free to point that out.
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