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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Oh, yes of course it is! Just a question, Sir. Was I just attacked by the head master of the I do not care that I lose half my money brigade?
  2. First she chose the doctor, then the doctor does not say what she want to hear? She have to learn that lies cost a lot of money.
  3. Ok, didn´t know you had such lame regulations, but it just defines the UK to me once more. However, I am pretty sure there is a way around that too, as people with money always finds a way. What about an account in Switzerland or Isle of Man?
  4. Is that a joke, based on your own mistakes in life? Why would you figure that you lose control of your life just because of marriage or children. If you marry and have children, then you must have that in your calculations. Besides that you can easily protect your financial situation with a prenup. As I say, either you are just joking with me, or totally clueless about how to structure and control your life.
  5. What? Everyone already knows that Thailand stands far above such common things.
  6. Any ending of such pervert is good for me. As long as it can be filed in the box ending.
  7. Yes, I feel their pain. It´s horrible. ???????????? Get real! Try planning your life since you were 17-19 years old instead and understand what works and not works. This is not rocket science. It´s just to plan for your future life and not put your trust into other persons, organizations or systems. Far to may people UKFC their brain as young and never realize the importance of planning.
  8. Please develop you vast knowledge of how that so called pyramid scheme works.
  9. Ooh, thank you for letting me know. Are they by any chance calling you The Beer SET of Thailand?
  10. I was talking about were you are using your money after tax. If that is in a foreign country, your are not contributing to the circulation of money in the country that payed it out. Therefore, they will not give you a raise. Quite understandable. Let´s say like this. If you work as a software developer for Evolution Gaming, they will sack you if you work for Vivo Gaming at the same time.
  11. Eeeh??? I was referring to income tax and not savings. Thought all would understand that. Obviously I was wrong. Sorry for that.
  12. The reason that is native to any investor of certain dignity. They are just angry at themselves because they did not understand it from start. Didn´t believe in it from start. Never got on the train. They have missed a great opportunity to make more money, as it now has a high value already, Something that means they have missed the time when they could have been investing and got 10 000 - 20 000 % profit.
  13. As ubonjoe posted above. Just a relevant question, that you do not mention. You do have a re-entry permit, right?
  14. See you are already a expert. Dr. Google helped you. ???? Nah, but just follow the 3 steps and it will probably get better. How long time it takes, will very du to how severe sprain you have,
  15. I can hear that you are a cultural expert. Learned that by looking in the beer glass? Probably works as a crystal ball for you. ????
  16. Yes, unfortunately, we will always have the nutty ones that never grow up.
  17. Why would they be kidding. It´s an amazing experience well worth the 30 dollar it costs. Just, because you rather put your value for money in beer, does not make other things worthless. But, great for you, you got 60 beer more and a nice hang over.
  18. Anti corruption unit in Cambodia? It´s either a joke or the best undercover/covert-op ever.
  19. That´s what happens when you transport people like cattle with no safety regulations.
  20. Election? Pretty sure he´s gonna win. That usually happens when you eliminate or cripple the competition.
  21. Don´t worry! Nothing more than the usual <deleted>.
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