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Everything posted by Gottfrid

  1. Don´t worry! Nothing more than the usual <deleted>.
  2. Is that your way of saying we should eat them alive? This is just too much to handle. Just too silly. I will not say goodbye to BBQ-nights and a juicy burger. Neither is it going to be any no to beef carpaccio or salmon filet. Absolutely nothing against salad and veggies, but if some wish to go the green way 100 %? Just don´t start telling others it all from disgusting to wrong.
  3. You can´t! But when did you find that out. Today? 5 Years ago or right after you started? Or did you just believe without checking anything and complain later?
  4. Oooh, such great fantasies. What I did was take an obvious example. Imagine how many good choices there is before you just chose the bad ones.
  5. Yes, but if you have an income of money in some country, you must also pay income tax in the country of residence or according to a tax treaty. Unless you live in a tax haven, like UAE and about 13 other countries in the world. Even if you send 1,7 million here or in your home country, you do that for something you want, right. And, you do it with already taxed money unless it´s trough a company formation.
  6. That´s just bad agreement with your wife. Don´t blame her for that. It´s totally your fault. Have to protect your assets better.
  7. Not any sunshine to you. That´s good, keep doing that and complaining. hehe As I said, the investment option was better. Makes you can have a complaint free life.
  8. No, definitely no lack of knowledge here. Just a little bit more intelligence and common sense compared to the general average. Yes You should pay income tax If one saved and invested, and not were dumb, then one do not need to complain about pension now.
  9. That´s just to much to pay for such bad ROI. There are far better ways to secure a higher income. At the same time you do not know how long you will live and use it. With you own investment, and a death sentence of 4 month left to live you could at least use your money that invested to get.
  10. Yes, why not! But, then you would have to pay tax in the country you chose to reside instead. Like normal tax rules, right?
  11. Sounds like rules and regulations for most countries regarding the time of working. About the stamp, I don´t know, but as you post, sounds like a good investment if you can get more out of it. ????
  12. She must have gotten special and expensive lessons in France. This is an expert finger pointing. Straight, with an upper bend, as well as distinct and really marking the specific subject that is lost. Hmmm... however that now can be possible. Anyway, thanks for another pointing picture. It goes into my collection of more than 2 300.
  13. But everyone has the choice to save and invest during their working career, right? Can´t imagine how people still can believe in pension systems, that have been all from failing to weakened as well as half dismantled all over the world since the late 1980s. Here everyone had like 50 years of opportunity to create a better and more stable life. As well as Britain should be ashamed in your eyes, in my opinion the ones just disregarding their opportunities in life as well as clear signs on that something is wrong or changing should be ashamed as well.
  14. It depends on how you look at it. You can also see it as it´s money coming from taxes you paid on income during your life. As for what I know about taxes, it´s the governments decision to use the state coffers as suitable. In that case you are given a pension and should be happy for that. There is another option in life, and that is to save and invest, for building a great stability.
  15. Just to skip the petition. Sure, British pensioners are not a strain on health care or other services. However, they neither inject their money in the country that gives it to them. So, there we have the reason. And then, crying about a raise of 5,55 pound per week? That´s not very sophisticated. That´s not to be called a raise. Such things are know under the name of weekly disgraces.
  16. A 14 year old, 120 kg half man playing basket ball? I would like to see that. Is the weight because he is 2,14 m long? However, A teen with a bad attitude is not uncommon. His mother would know better, though. I think you will find it better to just leave the people that clearly deserve each other alone and get along with your life.
  17. It might just be because he left the old address and maybe no longer have it.
  18. No, it´s not ok! But you have to ask yourself if you feel lucky? Who do you think run, when you say booo? The guy that can point a tank at you, or the guy that knows you can confiscate all his assets?
  19. Maybe it´s only me, but how is it with this headline? Clan politics is bad for Thai democracy. Can there really exist clan politics in a democracy? (Btw! I see it now. Sorry I asked. It stands "Thai democracy". Then it´s all ok.)
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