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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Maybe, I just feel that life, these days, is just too superficial to enjoy. Or, maybe you enjoy your life, SO MUCH, just because you are a superficial kind of guy.... I have no idea, really.... Do tell....
  2. No valid questions are stupid, of course. So, then, you are saying that my questions are not valid? Any evidence you can provide for this??? I very much doubt it.... Do you best, though.....
  3. Mostly, NO. You just cannot escape this truism. Better to give than to receive. How many here know this? I shiver with the cold. I have been OUT IN THE COLD for too long, in fact. We can't live out in the cold, FOREVER.... Are we all basically, just glorified baboons? Sometimes I do wonder. Regards, Gamma Note: YES. Most here are baboons, IMHO.
  4. I am going CRAZY. Not unlike you. Everybody is going CRAZY, nOW! What did you expect??????????? For sure, we are going CRAZY...and, I feel sorry for you. Fortunately, I had a few years, in the 1950s, when life was less crazy. Now, though, LIFE, these days, is definitely not as sane.... These days, it's ALL ABOUT....... UP SKIRT! Such a F** UP WORLD, really. Not even a COOL WORLD. So, very, VERY, F**D up... What do you think, even if you had known no better? Best regards, Gamma Note: It ain't my F*** Fault!!!!! NOTE2: It is only the fault of he Farang in PHUKET. The Farang have polluted Phuket, and have driven the island completely CRAZY! NOTE3: I HAVE SEEN FAR BETTER DAYS....
  5. Those guys seem to be making a citizen's arrest. But, for what purpose? What a mystery....
  6. So then, why not just plug several light bulbs into the socket and see if it add up, approximately, to the resistance you have connected. If you attach four 25-watt bulbs, then the meter should read approximately 100 watts, or measure AMPs, and then do the calculation. Or, just hook up a large fan turned to max, and see if the power consumption is close to the rated power on the fan. Or, maybe hook up a toaster. Or, I would hook up three microwave ovens and then check the meter. (My guess is that the meter on that plug is not accurate. And accurate meter, like the FLUKE, will cost several hundred...USD.) But, you do not need to so accurately measure your power use in order to select a suitable UPS. You just need to approximately estimate what you intend to plug into the UPS.
  7. You don't need to worry overly much about the rating on the APC UPS. Unless it might be an online UPS, which is more expensive. The offline UPS will supply power from the mains, and will only cut in a very small fraction of a second after abnormal power conditions from the mains supply. So, if you have 500 watts connected to an offline UPS, even one with a small battery, then no problem. But, when the power from the mains fails, then you won't have much time available to turn off your equipment. The advantage of the offline UPS is that it protects against short fluctuations in power, or very short power outages. I would always go with an online UPS, but not in Thailand where they are so much more costly than most places like the USA or Taiwan, or HK, or.....so many other places. I used to have an online APC UPS which I really loved. That model would connect to the computer to monitor and record power conditions. A crazy price in Thailand, IMHO. Therefore, I use only offline UPS in Thailand, where, maybe, one needs the online UPS....most.
  8. If it were I, then I would just buy a FLUKE, such as one of the following, and then I would test the multimeter that you purchased on Lazada. What brand did you buy, and which type. If you purchase one with the clamps, then you can test anything....including testing to see how many amps the power-strip is drawing. I like the looks of a FLUKE... CONCERNING UPS: I have always used APC brand. JIB has them for about 3500 Bt. I purchased two, about 9 years ago. When the battery wears out, then I buy an aftermarket battery replacement and replace it myself for about Bt.800, or so. Careful when replacing the battery, or it's easy to fry oneself. I wear rubber gloves. When you short a terminal, then.... Sparks will fly BIG TIME, so don't try this yourself unless....you are experienced, or so old that you are ready to go. Note: Why not just test your Lazada brand multimeter with some known resistance, such as a light bulb from a reputable manufacturer. Or, it's better to buy the Fluke, maybe....
  9. Mr. C was entirely correct concerning the low import tax when ordering this from Amazon.... Quite a bit cheaper than JIB... vs... So. Thank you for the info! Cheap, but maybe OK, too.
  10. My photo, obviously. Next time, I will upload a video of this pot.
  11. It's a word, or two, like this, Sir, that sets you apart from the rest, on TV. And, it is your word choice and usage which caused me to think you are a bit different from the rest. I still think you are, by the way.... (Makes no difference to me, though, since I happen to know you are pushing 80.)
  12. The shape, design, of this particular pot is quite classic, and I enjoy it. Tks.
  13. Thank you. Fortunately, I have the prototype, dug up from my garden, which can be used to copy. Tks, once more.
  14. Thank you for your clarification, which is much appreciated. Always searching for the best brains.
  15. Beauty is truth. Truth is beauty. That is all...except....for.... Pattaya....which is.... Something.... In-between.
  16. Did you mean my pot "BELLY"? Actually, the size of this pot, photo uploaded, does not really matter. This is a truly classic design. When I gaze at this pot, no matter if I might be feeling a bit "under the weather", still the beauty of this pot uplifts me. This is why I would like to buy a few more pots of this kind. And, let us not forget the Grecian Urn!
  17. Will you never tell me where you teach, Sir? Which school, for example? I know you are a teacher, but where??????? Or, do you just confine you teaching to TV?
  18. PS: Just so you know..... When we, dummies from America, hear the term "kit", we do not know what you limeys really mean. As far as I know, in the UK, the term "kit" has many meanings, such as a soldier's kit, etc.... Still, I think I get your drift, just the same. And, in this context, I think.... Kit means Components. Computer kit = Computer components Correct me if I am mistaken, ... Thank you.
  19. Thank you. If this is true, then I will order tomorrow. THANK YOU, very much. Also, I will order this.... I have no problem with paying up to 10 percent duty/tax on computer components. No problem with this justifiable duty/tax, whatsoever... Thank you very much......
  20. I can easily buy from Amazon. But, what would happen when the board comes through customs in Thailand, shipped by Amazon, with a value of USD230? I would be happy to wait for two or three weeks, if I could get it for this price, from Amazon USA, plus maybe 10 percent import tax, as you say. I have ZERO experience buying from Amazon which is shipped to Thailand. Also, Mr. C., thank you very much! I can buy right away, IF I can be assured that I will not need to pay more than about USD30.00 extra for import tax. IF I ask my Chinese friends to buy for me in China, then I think I might be troubling them overly much. So... This is why my CPU is still in my desk drawer, catching dust. Tks!
  21. The beauty of this pot cannot be denied. I would like to buy about 20 more pots, identical to this. Anyone know where to buy something like this? Or, would it be required for me to try to create a mold using the old pot, shown below? This has such a very classic shape. And, I have been unable to find one just like this, so far.... I dug this one out of my backyard. I love its lines, and its color. Where can I buy one like this? Tks. If anyone might know. Regards, Gamma
  22. Obviously, another up and budding MR. HANDS! Why do men have such a THING for stallions? Cross-wired the wrong way. Human fetishes are totally unpredictable. I once knew a girl who made love to Farang. Totally a strange fetish, IMHO.
  23. Heavenly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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