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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You should choose some other field besides teaching English. The reason we teach is to benefit students, and not to live an exciting life. I teach, in my Golden Years, because I have a lot of experience in language acquisition and strategies for success. I have also helped students from age 10 to Gad School with ESL learning, to the tune of over 10 thousand hours. Teaching can provide a purpose in life when nothing much else does. This is good for the teacher, and very good for the student. To be a teacher, one must enjoy teaching, and to be an ESL teacher, one must enjoy both learning and teaching to those who are interested in language acquisition. Most teachers do not perform as well as they could UNLESS they, too, have learned a second or third language. Simply because they have no first-hand experience with learning a second language. They have no clue. They are idiots, trying to teach something that they have never experienced. IDIOTS!, I say! But, that is just my opinion.
  2. Re Intel, some like it hot. Question then: a. If you had to choose an ASUS mainboard for the Intel i5-13600K, what would it be IF... b. You had no intention to overclock c. You were trying to save money, where reasonable to do so d. You had no intention to play computer games The reason I ask is that I have yet to purchase a motherboard for the CPU. But, I must do so w/in the next week, or so. Therefore, Which ASUS board to buy? (Size of the mainboard is not a constraint in the choice.)
  3. Did she steal from you as pay-back for not returning her wais, consistently and repeatedly?
  4. Yes. Ransomware is bad news. I was hit with ransomware on a Linux distro. Wiped out or locked many files. I had backups. This is one reason I am using Windows. I just find it easier relying on Windows to update security software. I do not fear virus with Linux. But, ransomware is something else.
  5. Best way is to go to this link https://www.opensuse.org/ Add OPENSUSE Choose Dual Boot. Or, backup all your data. Then, format your entire SSD using one of the Linux file types of your choice, and set up partitions according to your needs. Install OPENSUSE Leap. Then, if you have a good enough CPU, and since you have enough RAM, add Virtual Box, and install any copy of Windows 7, 10, or whatever, on your VirtualBox. Then, use Win Office in the Virtual Box. OPENSUSE is very user friendly. Choose YaST as GUI
  6. Yes. And, there are several very good YT videos about how to do this, one good series is put out by some guy from Scotland, I think. He is very qualified.
  7. Yes. The LEDs I bought on Lazada were garbage that stopped working within one month. Or, the plastic bulbs feel off and dropped like hailstones on the floor. I bought 25 Panasonic fluorescent bulbs, and I know they will work for several years. No point in trying to rewire the garbage from Lazada. Just not worth the time. Better to just buy high quality bulbs LEDs from Philips or Panasonic or GE, or any big names. I learned my lesson, and I will never buy from the cheap suppliers shown on Lazada. The potential risk of re-wiring or replacing capacitors is just not worth any potential savings. For example, anytime you replace a battery in a UPS is also potentially lethal, if you make an error. Capacitors can hold a lot of charge, depending on the size. Although, this is not the case for LED lighting capacitors.
  8. Why is the Moroccan wearing that strange green hat with the screen attached?
  9. Yes. I do agree with this suggestion. I like the mall at the airport. Plenty to eat at very low cost. This mall is quite relaxed, too, and much better than the new mall (new about 5 years ago, at Festival.) No traffic worries. I also enjoy wandering around the Tops supermarket looking at the retail foods for sale. This place is fairly well-air-conditioned. There is also a nice hotel within walking distance from the mall. Good choice if CMU is not an option.
  10. Two weeks is not enough. I left my wife/wives about 43 years ago. Best decisions I ever made. Leaving for two weeks is pointless....because...then... You must worry about your return.
  11. This is an EXCELLENT Topic. This question is one that all of us think about, from time to time. However, it might be best to not become overly preoccupied with worry about it. As for me, if I am put behind barbed wire by the Chi-Com Bandits, then... I will make a run for the wire, and attempt to climb it, until.... I am shot down by machinegun, like the dog that I am. (I meant, the running-dog that I am.)
  12. a. So far, no nuclear exchange of more than 25 big bombs. b. Therefore, no nuclear winter. c. What had you expected?
  13. I got your point. I have often wondered about this same question which you mention here in this Topic. If the Chinese come to Thailand to lock me up, then, at the very least, I will be able to fluently communicate with them in their own language. However, if they check my posts made here on TV, the CPC may not like some of what I have written. In case of nuclear winter, however, nobody will come to lock me up, since it will be too cold, even for the CPC. We will be left to fend for ourselves. And, also, in this case, the Farang community might survive a little longer than the Thai population, simply because we Farang can tolerate cold weather, easier. If any Farang will be locked up by the CPC, then I think Americans will be the first group of Farang behind bars, or barbed wire.
  14. Any, ANY, nuclear response from any country would inevitably cause nuclear winter. Therefore, the question is: How would you survive a nuclear winter in either Chiang Mai or in BKK. Could you survive? Well, most of us survived the recent pandemic. But, nuclear winter is an entirely different ballgame. Will we have nuclear winter here within the next five years? This question is a difficult one to answer. Still, are YOU betting For or Against nuclear winter in Thailand, next year, within two years, OR, before 2029? I say: We will have nuclear winter in Thailand on or before 2025. Get your mittens ready, and as much warm clothing as you can buy. Thailand will soon be FRIGID, again....soon. (THIS time, folks, I am NOT Joking!) ADDITIONALLY: IMHO, nuclear winter will certainly put an end to PEACHES on Thailand's BEACHES, once and for all. So then, enjoy while ye may!
  15. It is NOT my job to clean up the mess of the world. I take no responsibility for the mess. And, neither should you, or most people. A main fallacy going around is that the LaoBaiXing are responsible for the problems of the world. This is just not true. Neither are we in any position to rectify the major problems of the world. note: LaoBaiXing is a common term which means... (lǎobǎixìng) – literally "old hundred names", in reference to the most common Chinese surnames – is a common term for "ordinary folk" or "the man on the street".
  16. When I was young, King Rat was a book I enjoyed. Also, I wonder if rats might be good if we harvested them for hog feed, or some other positive use. Rats are hardy and adaptable. They live almost everywhere, other than the poles of the the Earth. Rats are the first to leave a sinking ship. Therefore, if the rats have not yet left, then this might be considered a very positive sign.
  17. I believe that Trump will emerge from his hole as the next president of the US. Such a POTUS is Trump. Our entire world is becoming stranger and stranger....FAST. As my friend Neuman so aptly begged the question: What, me worry? No, actually, I am not worried. Why? Just because the pendulum has now swung so far off to one side, and still swinging away, that, these days, I feel there is no longer any POINT in worrying. And, as well, even the hardworking Chinese, many of them, are lying flat. I think I will do the same. I do now believe that the end of the world is nigh. And, most of us are not in a position to make any meaningful change in this expected outcome. Species come an go, as we all know. Evolution is not only a "Theory", it is probably the closest thing to being a "Fact" of science. Therefore, .... What, me worry? Not on your life!
  18. The die is cast. I already purchased the Intel CPU. And, I believe, it will be my best choice available for the price and performance, which is considered to be a moderate-performance CPU. I am happy with the CPU I purchased. Many years ago, I purchased an AMD, at a time when the technology was 65nm, and when AMD leapt ahead of Intel for a short time.
  19. Agree. Ignorant fools, basically... Save your wai for the cops, if you must wai someone lower in social status than you.
  20. OK 2 fans, but I will choose quiet ones. I have no idea about how the CPU will work with 4 monitors.....YET.
  21. Well, anyway. Coke is full of sugar... So, no worries. This guy will get his just deserts in the end.... For sure. Also, the raw ingredients for the stuff coming out of those soda machines is probably dirt cheap. Nothing but some sort of sugar and carbon-dioxide. Today, we have too much CO2, anyway.
  22. I sometimes give a very little bow to the UK spelling of some words. And, sometimes I give the UK spellings a wai. Don't know why, though...
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