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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Dear Friends, I have always felt that this film resonates with me. Also, being here in Thailand, I have recognized so many things that remind me of this film, of 1964, a film that I had once thought I had mostly forgotten. So, my question is: Living here in Thailand, does your mind sometimes harken back to this very old film? And, in what ways? Thailand, depending where you live, can sometimes seem like....the.... Heart of Darkness. And, The Night of The Iguana, is just this kind of film. This making of this film was not so easy. In fact, the filming was dangerous, at times, just like living here, dangerously. In my view, this is a haunting film, and a magnificent film, and an important film. I have never lived anywhere more haunting, magnificent, and important, than Thailand. SE Asia is just NOT like East Asia, in any respect. SE Asia is far more primitive than East Asian countries. What say you? Best regards, Gamma
  2. 1:50 AM.... And, just this moment, this nosiest of all birds of Thailand is screeching away at me. Why? What is the PURPOSE of these overly-loud vocalizations, at odd hours, anyway? HERE IS a video of this noisy bird.....and so.... Now you know. PERSONALLY, I do not hold this bird's noise against it, in any way. In fact, I sort of even LOVE this bird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is Nature at it's best, in my estimation. IF this noisy bird wishes to sing out to me, then...I say.... MORE Power To It! I harbor no grudge against this bird for just doing what comes natural to it. AND, I often think that....IF....I were not in Thailand, then....I would not be just so.... Privileged to be able to listen to this bird. TRULY, this bird is a MAGNIFICENT bird! The LOUDER the BETTER! I love it. NOT annoying to me...in any way. I LOVE this annoying bird. Also, just take a look at its red eyes!!! Maybe this bird is suffering a constant and continuous hangover, like some of the Russians in Phuket, who are.... Among the noisiest of humans on that tourist island. I prefer any bird over most Russians, unless..... Dostoyevsky, an author that is probably better than any other. I love all the birds of Thailand, except for the flying rats, which some refer to as pigeons. Walter Pidgeon, is OK, though.... Walter was always endearing.
  3. Glad to hear this. I now have greater respect for you than I ever had before. Way to go!
  4. One of my favorite authors while young was Daniel Defoe. When I was young, I read all his wonderful novels. I don't mean just the Crusoe book, but also Moll Flanders, and the rest. So, anyway, when I was young, I used to imagine myself on an island where I would have no need to wear any clothing, whatsoever. Just the thought of this way of life, without clothes, gave me an erection. These days, now old, my lack of clothing in my own house fails to give me an erection. All it does for me, these days, which is still worth a lot, is to make me feel more comfortable. Defoe was an amazing author. His writings are quite beautiful, and I love his sentences and paragraphs. Also, what is the point of being a Naked Ape if one cannot just live nakedly, and... Without prejudice ???? Note: When I was in my early teens, I used to lie naked on my bed and read Daniel Defoe. I really got off on Daniel.
  5. I live naked. It's the only way for me. I just don't like the feel of clothes, unless I venture out of my house.
  6. Strangely enough, when I was very young, the Electrolux brand was considered to be a premium band. I am not sure, but I have heard, that the Electrolux brand may not be what it once was. One other point is that Electrolux often offers a TWO-YEAR warranty when such a thing is now rarely heard of. In addition, I must say that, even though the Electrolux quality might not be what it once was....yet....STILL...I have found that Electrolux actually DOES, DOES follow through with its attempt to provide very conscientious service. Therefore, no matter what the quality might be, I cannot fault Electrolux, Thailand, for not truly doing their best to communicate with the customer, after sales, and to follow through with fixing problems that should have been caught during the manufacturing process. Maybe this is sort of a backhanded compliment to Electrolux? IDK. So many, these days, are complaining about deteriorating quality in manufactured goods, such as appliances, major appliances, and whatnot. All stuff, these days, seems to be increasingly thought of as disposable goods. I do not understand this concept because, in the end, this is not sustainable. And so, this strategy will come back to bite us all in the behind, sooner or later.... Regards, Gamma
  7. You always give me a chuckle, Sir. (I am just glad that you are not coin-operated, like the washing machines here. Your chuckles are free. So...TKS!)
  8. One thing I love most about ASIAN washing machines, including the old TaTung washing machines from Taiwan, is that they always tie one's clothes into knots during the wash. This never happened to me when I was young, on The Main Line, using quality machines with a far better design. These days, after each wash, it takes me about 5 minutes to untangle the knots in my clothes. In addition, this knotting method of washing clothes can, in my opinion, have nothing but a very deleterious effect on the life of one's clothing. Therefore, I must assume that the washing machine companies must be "in league" with the Asian clothes manufacturers.... Because, the quicker we have our clothes worn down to nothing, the better for the clothing industry. Also, why don't we use the machines which rotate horizontally instead of vertically? Good question! Those machines which have drums which are horizontal are far more efficient and effective than the Samsung garbage most of us are forced to use here in Thailand, when resorting to the COIN-OP Option. Regards, Gamma
  9. By the way... When I was young, and living on The Main Line, we had a laundry room. Also, we had a black woman who stayed with us. She was the best. And, therefore, we only bought the very best washing machines and clothes dryers, and clothes irons, for her to use. I still recall that black woman. She taught me to bake bread, and to cook lemon meringue pies, and also taught me how to cook a scrumptious pot roast, as well as a tender leg of lamb. She was the very best. I owe a lot to her, just too much to tell you about. She was well paid for her work. Yet, how, I still think to myself, can one truly pay in money for what she gave to me? Impossible, in fact. These days, when using a Samsung appliance, I think to myself just how very lucky I was. Times have changed. Best to you.... Regards, Gamma
  10. Here in Thailand, I have been exposed to Samsung appliances....first time...and BIG TIME. Compared to what I am used to, in the USA, in past years, Samsung provides cheap..... Cheap garbage. Is buying Samsung worth the savings? My opinion is...NO. Such a headache, is Samson. Even, Delilah detested Samsung! What a slouch. Just a matter of low cost garbage, IMHO. BUT, please do not confuse Samon's phones with Samsung appliances. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Samsung phones. If ONLY Samson would produce washing machines to the same quality standards as Samsung phones...then.... All would be right with the world, IMHO. But, probably, this will never happen. Samsung Phones and Samsung Washing Machines probably come from a totally different group under the Samson Umbrella. Any thoughts? Or, maybe you do not wash your own clothes? Best to you... Hygienically speaking.... Gamma
  11. Sincere thanks for your good input. My only concern now is in avoiding paying through the nose for the computer components I need, while living in this land, the paradise I prefer.
  12. I highly doubt that, if asked, you could prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you are normal. I mean, how could you, having grown up in a granite quarry? Also, I would really like to know.... What is so good about Aberdeen? Name just ONE THING, if you can. Thank you.
  13. Please, Sir, let us never forget.... The importance of....Benchwork. Take Care!!!!!
  14. Likewise. Still, IF you are Asian, then I would like to meet you. If you are Farang.....then...probably... Forget about it. (All Farang with a PhD...are welcome to contact me. SERIOUSLY.)
  15. No. My Gmail account mentions bestiality, and also something else, more unmentionable.
  16. Dear Crossy, Is this true? I have heard that OldChinaHam had his own writing style. But, obviously, OCH's writing style is not like mine. Correct? In fact, it should be possible, in a perfect world, to change writing styles....almost... At will. I have tried to do so .... Many times. Unfortunately, I have never been able to quite completely shed one persona for the next. And so, this "OCH persona" has continued to dog me, no matter how hard I have tried to rid myself of the smell of it. After all... Ham is Ham... No matter how you slice it.... And, Some just do not like pork.
  17. Dear Folks, Some time ago, maybe today, some NITWIT sent me a PM and asked me to change my writing style. I would most happily oblige, except that.... I, me, myself, and I, have NO writing style. Asking me to change my writing style would be like asking Sir Alec to remove his White Suit. According to this MEMBER, I cause affront. Affront is not my intention, I can assure you. It is only most of the NITWIT Farangs in Thailand that cause me affront. So, anyway.... If you wish me to stop posting.... And.... I think that you do.... Then.... I will. I will not submit my blessed scribblings where they are not appreciated. And, if this makes your day..... Then, I am very happy to have been of some service to you. Best regards,...and.... As always.... Gamma
  18. Please, Sir, do not give in to Thailand's climate. aa. I remain at 22 during the day. I stay at about 19 or 20 at night. This costs a bit in power bills, but it is worth it. bb. TSMC was built by the USA. I have been there. HsinChu is one of the crappiest places you would ever want to visit. Not fit for man nor beast. Not joking. cc. Please visit Taiwan, at your earliest opportunity, and then see for yourself, just how crappy the BingLang ladies truly are. They look good on YouTube. But, up close? SKANKY!
  19. Looks to me as if you are pretending to be Mr. Mellow Yellow. Unfortunately, your brains are not sharp enough to put a fine enough point on your barb. Whatever you say, just seems to fall short. Can't you do better? Come on, Felix. Lemmon could do so far better!
  20. In the future, I will not call you, Sir....OK? Instead, I will call you: Cyrano de Bergerac...because..... Your profile name has ALWAYS made me think of Cyrano. Would you mind my doing so? Or, do you have some other name you might prefer? Or, what about a different title or honorific? But, for sure, I will never, again, call you, "Sir", Sir. Rest assured!
  21. No worries, Sir. I have made up my mind to improve my comments, in a very substantive way, beginning this New Chinese Lunar New Year. I will do my best. Please rest assured! You will soon see. (I give you my word!)
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