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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Nurses are better in Indonesia and Thailand. Best reason to live in Thailand, rather than Hawaii.
  2. My deepest apologies to you, Sir. I will do my utmost to improve my comments in the future. Please, rest assured!
  3. Maybe you need a filter? You seem to be exhibiting, at the moment, a very HIGH... Noise to Signal Ratio.... Just my humble opinion....
  4. Years ago, while Smalley was still alive, and still at Rice, I read, on his uni website, his tribute to his mother, who he credited for his path and dedication to the Natural Sciences. This was a long and loving document which, I guess, has since been taken down from the Rice website, after Smalley's death. In the past, I watched many of Smalley's lectures and talks on YT. Some of these seem to have, unfortunately, gone missing. Smalley was a very caring and dedicated scientist. Obviously, he touched very many around the world. He even, deeply, touched me. (Smalley kept on working, even after being diagnosed with the Big C. He is one who TRULY deserved the Nobel, and for very many reasons.)
  5. aa. To be completely candid, Mr. C., I have read very many of your comments here on TV, and I can honestly say, truthfully, that you have never written a word which I did not agree with. bb. In addition, it was my error that I did not realize that the opinions that you quoted, which I do not agree with, were actually spouted by my favorite AI, Bard/Gemini, a fool if there ever was one. cc. Fortunately for TV, we have great mods like you, still. dd. My only worry is that there may come a day when you will decide to retire, and perhaps, even a day when my favorite AI will take your place. And, in this case, it will truly be a sorry day for this forum. ee. Concerning super-smart students from China, they often astound me with their brilliance, as well as their dedication to hard work and study, from dawn to 10:00PM, every day, including weekends. But, such dedication of Chinese/Taiwanese students to study is not new to me. ff. Before I end this comment, I would wish to let you know that.... When I am about to finish a solid-90-minute class with a very young Chinese student, the ONLY question they ask is: Take care, Mr. C. You are the BEST!
  6. Excuse me, Mr. C., however, I think this suggestion of yours is just far too dumbed down for my super-smart 10-year-old Chinese students. How long has it been since you taught a precocious 10-year-old? Over a generation ago, at least, I would imagine. And, since that time, the Flynn Effect, which I am sure you know something about, has proven true, once more. Children, especially in China, are getting smarter, by the generation. So, Mr. C., maybe there truly is hope for the future, for the future of these smart children, and I hope so. Every day, I am amazed at just how smart some of these children truly are. And, as I say, their understanding of the world, and their ability to do insightful analysis of their reality, is FAR and Away, beyond what I recall was typical of most children when I was growing up. But, of course, there were some kids, like Chomsky, back in the day, who were smarter than the kids, these days. Still, Nim Chimpsky was the exception. And, he remains the exception at age 95. Chinese students are amazing. They can stay focused in class for 90 minutes, and think nothing of it. The Asians are taking over the Natural Sciences at American universities. While, the Americans are escaping into the Social Sciences because they are easy. Don't take my word for it. IF a Chinese eight-year-old can stay completely focused in class, for 60 minutes, then you know that it will be the Asians who will do the very hard work in American universities. There are no better students than the young Chinese students. Wait an see..... I am just paraphrasing Richard Smalley, of Rice University. Don't blame me, Mr. C. Gamma....
  7. So. Are you the guy on TV who teaches Physics at one of the local universities? I have forgotten, now. I once knew. Maybe it is you?
  8. Bard will not be offended. I already asked Gemini if I may still refer to it as Bard. Gemini told me I could call him Ray....
  9. No...actually... Garbage in... Garbage out.... Is just a phrase often used by CIS guys.
  10. I am most surely an intellectual, in the purest sense of the word. Although, I must admit, I am one of those purest of intellectuals with a very limited intelligence. And so, I must play the cards I was dealt, for better or for worse.
  11. Sorry. I did not understand your ill-posed question, perhaps. What is it about CMB that you wish to know, REALLY? I will do my best to reply....
  12. This is definitely the best answer...when..,.YOU....the teacher.... Do not have the answer. Fortunately, for me, I do not teach beyond my means. Therefore, in almost all cases, being the GENIUS that I am....I... Almost always have the answers. (no joke)
  13. I am ALWAYS having fun, just like you. Most students love cats, I have found. But... Really.... Some 10-year-olds are pretty advanced..... And, they can understand a LOT more than you might think! And, even more than some uni students. So, I am not joking now....
  14. Just answer the question of the Topic. No need to do otherwise, I think. For example, why are there different colors in this image?
  15. Which is to say? What? You do not understand how this image was created? Or, you do not understand how this image can represent (not represent, but is) the remnants of the beginnings? What are you saying, exactly?
  16. So then....Stoner.... This is your best explanation for a very intelligent child of 10? Surely, even YOU might do better....but...probably.... NOT MUCH BETTER.... Knowing your limited number of brain cells....after...probably... Toking for most of your sorry life.
  17. One more Thaiger gem! Will we never get enough?
  18. What do you think might be the best way to explain the concept of INFINITY to a 10-year-old? And, when the 10-year-old asks about the Universe, and the beginnings of the Universe, as well as the end of our Universe, then how do you explain this image: This concept of the beginnings of the Cosmos, and the final end of our Universe, is not so easy for a young person to grasp. Therefore, what might be the best way to present these concepts of infinity and the end of the universe...to....a.... 10-year-old? ==== For example, when a 10-year-old looks at this image, in fact, he/she is actually looking at the very edge of our universe. And so, how does a good teacher explain this image in terms which can be understood by a young person? From my experience, kids just think that this image is something....IMAGINARY....even though this is a real image. Any help with this? Thank you. Gamma
  19. One important point I would like to mention about PEACE OF MIND when one buys either an Intel or AMD CPU, compared to buying an AC in Thailand: a. Anytime I buy a CPU from either AMD or Intel, I can be completely assured that what I am buying has undergone the most rigorous QC control and quality assurance practices known to Mankind. b. But, when I buy an AC in Thailand, I sometimes feel queasy in my stomach. c. This is why I will ALWAYS be happy to buy CPUs from Intel or AMD. d. This is why I will ALWAYS feel sick to my stomach to buy ACs in Thailand. Although, I wish it were not so, yet, still this is just the way LIFE seems to be, here, in Thailand. And, this is also such a strange circumstance because, .... Thailand is close to the equator. And Thailand is sometimes quite warm. And so, would it not be better....IF..... ACs were manufactured to a much higher standard..... Similar to.... The way AMD and Intel fabricate their CPU wafers? Sorry, but...this is just one of my more important observations...and so.... Please bear with me. ============== 1. I never have anything to complain about, when it comes to CPUs. but..... 2. The ACs made by some major manufacturers? Personally, I think they could take a few lessons from the manufacturing and QC practices of the FABS around the world. And, Baby.... I ain't foolin'......!
  20. This never happens at Epcot, as far as I know. Another great news story from The Thaiger,.... Thank you.... So Much!
  21. Just a note, please: For you OLD GUYS.... Does anyone recall the DEC-10? When I was in school, one of the smaller computers we relied upon for teaching purposes was the Dec10. That was way back in the 1970s. That was a beautiful thing. And, the only reason I mention the Dec10 is because, it seems quite fantastic to me that I can build a personal computer for about USD1000, these days, which is more capable than that! Personally, this amazes me, to no end. Also, I am happy I have lived this long, as long as I have lived, if for no other reason than the fact that I will soon have a computer in my house which is FAR faster, and having more main memory, than the computers we once used at my university, for hundreds of students to share. So then, in this respect..... LIFE IS GOOD!
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