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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I am more of a Tom Jones, in my own mind. And you are Irish, I presume?
  2. Do you like, for example: SEDITIOUS CAUCUS? If not, then what is your favorite neologism, recently coined? Regards, Gamma
  3. Every dog has his day. And, now, it seems, my good friend Gordon will soon have his day. By the way, Gordon is from Cornell, a sub-standard Ivy school. Gordon is quite a nice guy.... He has hoped for the downfall of the CPC, for many years. NOW....I just hope that Gordon will finally have his day.....
  4. I think China is NOT in trouble, as you say. The young people of China are just beginning to get wise. It is only the CPC that is now in trouble. LONG LIVE... Gordon Chang!
  5. All in Asia, culturally, or most of it, probably originates in China. I agree.
  6. Anyway...this concept of lying flat will become much more pervasive in China. Just wait and see. This concept is not just an ephemeral thing. This is, truly, a rebellion, among the young.
  7. Perhaps you do not know? What does it mean to LIE FLAT, in today's context? lying flat, at least in China, is sort of a rebellion against traditional mores. Maybe I am more tuned-in to what is happening in China than you. Here is what Lying Flat actually means: By the way, guys... As you know, I am a genius....and... This is why I know a lot about many things that you may have never heard of. I can't help myself for mentioning to you things that you might not know about. My opinion, honestly, is that you guys are basically quite ignorant about what is happening in China. =========== Well, anyway, please do your best. Try to form an opinion about whether or not you think lying flat might be a good thing. I think it's a good thing. And, as well, anyone who reads about Lying Flat, might choose to lie flat, too. ================== Also, there is absolutely NO WAY that the Chinese Communist Party can combat the movement to just Lie Flat. This, my fellows, is the true beauty of Lying Flat. What do you think, then? Are the days of the CCP now numbered? But, I think, the Lying Flat movement is even more than a political stance. I think that the young people of China are just beginning to REJECT the values of China, post-cultural revolution. ======================= In my opinion, Lying Flat is NOT shameful. We will see just how far this goes. This is a very understated and underappreciated revolution. I will join the revolution, if I can. Regards, Gamma Note: Someday, I will do my best to lie flat in a tub, for example, in a Soapy Massage Parlor, with a beauty above me, rubbing me with her tits. (I have never even been to a bar, so far. And, so, this might not happen soon.) Yes, true, I have never been to either a bar or a Soapy Massage Parlor, in Thailand. And, maybe this is what is wrong with me....
  8. Just think of me as another Barry Lyndon, please. Thank you....
  9. So, anyway, Folks.... Almost everything that you think to be important in your lives, I believe to be not worth thinking about. Why is this? I know why. But, do you? Seriously! Do you know why you are able to face the reality of your existence, and still function fairly well? And, are you willing to face the reality of your reality? a. You were born. b. You will die. c. You will NOT recall any of what you did while you were alive. Can you NOT see the futility of your existence? And yet, you think that your life here is important? You guys really crack me up! Your denial of your predicament cracks me up! Or, do you understand your predicament? Anyway, as I am sure you now realize, whether or not you had ever lived is meaningless. How are you able to accept this understanding of your utter meaningless? Your meager STRIVINGS, in this context, are completely FUTILE.... And, in addition to this understanding, we also know that, just based on simple statistics, we will see the end of humanity, perhaps in your lifetime...of course...as you must know.
  10. Not especially. My father was not a writer. My father attended Dartmouth College. He told me that he hated Dartmouth, in fact. What a nitwit he was, in my estimation. https://home.dartmouth.edu/ My father was about the angriest man that I have ever known.
  11. Thank you, Sir, for sharing. Also, in my view, the older we get, the clearer we become about such things. My father was chock-full of anger. He was also not insightful, although he was intelligent. He was a product of his genes, and also of his parents. My father was the reason, or one of the reasons, I never dared to have children. Even, at over 70, I still cannot get over him. FIVE EASY PIECES was not a bad film. They just do not make films like this.... Anymore. Nevermore:
  12. My father was a louse. What about yours? The reason I never entertained the idea of having children myself was, principally, due to the fact that My Old Man was such a lousy louse. Here is what happens when one's father is a louse, I expect, and HOLD THE CHICKEN! Years ago, when my father watched this film, Five Easy Pieces, he told my mother:.... The kids will hate me. He was 100-percent CORRECT. What an ahole! Thank the gods I never had children, because, I would never wish to pass on the genes my father passed to me. Some of you might be in my boat, perhaps quite a few of you. I say...screw my dad. What a louse. Do you feel just as I? What a nitwit. Hold the Chicken! Regards, Gamma Note: Be very thoughtful and careful before you stick in your thing, just to mindlessly create another sentient being..... Life is such blsht....really....
  13. Obviously.... All of us.... Each and everyone, here on TV.... Are.... STARDUST.
  14. Dear Folks,,, Joni is one of the best. So, then, what is your favorite Joni tune? Mine is not California, even though it is not bad. I would say that there are just too many, in order to have one favorite tune from this Siren. Of course, there was always WOODSTOCK.... Anyway.... Who cares, I guess? I know that nobody here cares. So, anyway, this is called Woodstock, and it goes like this.....
  15. Who, besides me? I used the DEC 10 at school. I used the IBM 360/370 at school. Not very portable. I recall the first computer hobby shops in Bryn Mawr. But, you don't know me. Also, I know a laptop from a notebook. And, they both look the same to me, these days.
  16. It was the War of the Worlds, of course. Don't you even recall that?
  17. They let me out when the war ended. Everyone was let out at that time. Here I am, the third from the left. Have you never read King Rat? What's wrong with you?
  18. How were the western Europeans able to get this insurance coverage? Seems miraculous.
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