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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Why not just use a hog, and then share and share alike. After all.... Hogs got to make a living, too....!
  2. YES! Actually, I did come across this nice video....some time ago....
  3. If you are a truffle seeker... Then, it would not be paws.... But, it might be TROTTER. The animal best suited for seeking out truffles walks upon four trotters, as I know you know....
  4. I never suggested that you were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take care, my friend.... I am a far more complex personality than ye shall ever imagine, or know, for that matter....
  5. I am VERY interested in your comment. Also.... Envious, too. Note: I grew up on Appalachian Spring, conducted by Copeland, by the way... A good friend of mine, a Linguistics Prof in NYC, knew Copeland quite well. He told me a number of very nice stories about dinner parties.... Nice stories.... Note2: Although this Linguistics Prof disliked Copeland's music...yet....Copeland was very attentive in listening to his daughter, at the dinner party, and so was impressed from this aspect..at least.
  6. Has anyone here wondered why I enjoy intentionally misspelling so many words? It's all down to Mr. Lacessit. Mr. Lacessit once stated on this forum that misspellings make him cringe. Ever after, I have done my best to add a few well-placed misspellings in my Topics just to make my good friend cringe. Otherwise, how else could I better make his day, beginning in the AM? I know that he reads my Topics in the mornings, over his coffee. And so, I would never wish to disappoint him.... He knows that my creative spellings of words are intentional. Nails across a chalkboard... Just to get him started in the mornings, and nothing more.
  7. Plenty of OLD FOGIES in this audience. Most TV Members in the Farang Pub will feel right at home, is my guess: Still. Such beauty! Makes the Heart Sing! Enjoy my gift to the Farang Pub! PLEASE NOTE: I have often stated that the Netherlands Bach Society is something quite special!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Personally, I prefer the piano when listening to the Toccata....but..anyway.... This chick is HOT! Note: If I were younger, I might pay good money to ask her to perform on my key....(organ)
  9. Please Note: This is probably my best post during the past three years. So, I hope this effort of mine is dully appreciated. I always do my best, but.... This is the only post that truly measures up. Note: When I used the word dully, instead of duly, I was using dully intentionally. Or, the word dully might have been a typo..... Hard to say....
  10. Never a truer word spoken! And, as for me, JS BACH never grows old. I have been listening to JS BACH for almost six decades. NEVER grows old... And, just so very beautiful, no matter how many times I listen to the same piece. Try the Toccata, is my advice, for one.... But.... BLAST it MAN! BLAST AWAY with it! As someone said on UTUBE:
  11. I am VERY curious.... What headphones are you using...just in case you might not mind sharing. I use the high quality AudioTechnica...phones. Not the best brand..maybe.... But, due to my age-related hearing loss, which is nothing more than normal for my advanced age.... The AudioTechnica phones are definitely good enough. IF I were much younger, then I could probably benefit from higher-end phones. So, what are you using? And, last but not least, WHAT is your AGE, if you do not mind sharing, Sir? Thank you. Hopefully, you will not shirk from complete candidness in your reply. NOTE: I really cannot say that you and one other, one whose name begins with a C, are not among my favorite mods in this world of TV. Therefore, I think I deserve a more candid reply, in this case....
  12. Correct. By now, you should have realized that I post ONLY interesting topics on TV. And, your eureka moments must come few and far between, is my guess. Still, a few are better than none.
  13. IMPORTANT NOTE: Anytime I decide to CRANK UP the Volume in my abode.... I turn it up HIGH, and then go outside and walk around the perimeter of my property. I do this to ensure that I am not disturbing others. As you know, I plan to use GAFFERS TAPE to seal my windows tight. This is the LEAST I can do to be a good neighbor. Also, what I really need is an accurate meter to measure the decibels in my study. No doubt, I can easily get my ears ringing for the following 24 hours, if I have a mind to do so. (Maybe this Farang DING DONG?)
  14. Yes....but....you just miss the.... POUNDING! At my age, with my hearing loss....it's the... POUNDING that I enjoy, maybe.... Pound Away......I Say!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Also, being celibate....maybe....this is just the ONLY POUNDING I get, these days.)
  15. Good! But.... When you BLAST AWAY with this....just....do NOT forget to.... BATTON DOWN THE HATCHES..... I keep my house completely sealed lest this great music might LEAK OUT...to disturb....my less sensitive.... NEIGHBORS! nEIGHBORS who just might not be from Ireland.... I LOVE Ireland, guys!!!!!!!!! Always have.... Always will.....
  16. RIGHT! So...THIS is just one reason I moved out of condo living. Sometimes....I ....just....feel the need...to.... BLAST AWAY, BABY!!!!!!!!!!! (CLEAR THE COBWEBS, so to speak!!!!!!!)
  17. My Dear fELLOW Audiophiles: I am just sitting here wondering if you might, these days, be just too old to blast the blasting blasted music as you once enjoyed when you were a bit younger. As for me, sometimes I still do BLAST AWAY! For example, I have three audio amplifiers, and 10 decent speakers in my abode. And, on rare occasions, I just feel like BLASTING the BLASTED Music....but not too often. What I do is to close all the windows, TURN UP the ACs, FULL BLAST, and then let my Music Rip, and, thereby, Let my Freak Flag Fly.... When I first heard this tune, 6 Was 9, just after its release, I was just BLOWN AWAY by it! I was at the exact right age for it, too. So, anyway, if you were to BLAST AWAY with 6 Was 9 in your Thai wooden house, would the house come tumbling down? And, WHAT WOULD Your Thai Wife say??????? I DON'T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is this what you say to yourselves? White Collar Conservative Flashing Down the Street!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, Man! So, anyway, I am still not too old to BLAST AWAY! But, normally, if there is anything NORMAL in my life, or normal about me..... I prefer to BLAST AWAY with ............. JEFF BECK! Fortunately, I live alone. I have no irritating wife to bother me when I BLAST AWAY.... A small price to pay, not having a wife...when....when one is without this BAGGAGE...then on can just.... BLAST AWAY at any time of the day or night. Listen carefully...to what I say....folks. Regards, Gamma Note: And, to all you deserters from America out there, or any out there who have likewise DESERTED your HOMECOUNTRY......Listen to Jimi.... LET JIMI TAKE OVER!...........!!!!! Or...Let JS BACH...take over....FULL BLAST.... UPS TO YOU! NOTE2: I Dedicate this Topic to....The American Deserters Society! (to paraphrase Jimi) NOTE3: imho....Jimi was a true genius, not just musically. But, a genius. Far beyond most ahole Mensa wannabees.
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