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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Yes. Buying from China is the best way to get decent sheets in Chiang Mai, at least from my experience.
  2. This is exactly what I am talking about. Education is not fit to train the electricians that are needed. They seem to know nothing, and do not care that they know nothing about Physics or electricity. Weird!
  3. 100 percent cotton sheets last forever? I will look at Home Pro... But, sheets are expensive here. And, the sheets at Robinson that I bought wore out fast in the washing machine...
  4. Correct...but...if they do not even know Ohm's law, in this day and age...then there must be something amiss with them. Therefore, don't even hire them...because.... Must be mentally challenged, for something... Obviously. Only hire SMART Guys, is the best way to go.... All the time.
  5. Then, what is the Flux Capacitor used for???? And, yes, I know your meaning of flux. (for use in soldering) But then, there is also the use of FLUX in Physics' terms, as well, of course.
  6. Not EXACTLY! As you can see from this image: Also, let's not forget FLUX! Nitwits..... Or, in my view.... FLUX NITWITS....
  7. Please do not forget the left-hand rule. Why do we have BOTH the left and and right hand rule? Do you know? This might be a good test for the HVAC technicians that visit our homes.
  8. Have you ever talked to the technicians who come to your door? Even the most basic knowledge, they often do not know Why is this? Is it just because the companies that hire these nitwits just basically settle for any warm body, or whatever they are willing to pay for? Most companies, seemingly, do not hire the smart guys, maybe because the smart guys cost too much. All I know is that if you ask these guys a few pertinent questions, then one quickly learns that .... These tech guys know next to NOTHING. Therefore, the consumer must have several good short tests to weed out the nitwits, if the companies who send these technicians to us are not willing to do so.
  9. Joking aside now.... Most definitely.... I will devise a short quiz for ANY technician who comes to my house...in the future. NO MORE of this nonsense of sending unqualified personnel to work on my ACs, Electrical Wiring, or...whatever. Total incompetency...and very LOW IQ, as well... Where do these companies find these lowlifes, anyway? IMHO....the guys that come to my house in Thailand to work on my ACs and wiring .... must have been.... IMPORTED from Florida. In South Florida, you get even worse, however....
  10. Hi Folks, I need a few tests to separate the wheat from the chaff. I find that I often waste much time waiting for technicians to come to my door, only to eventually realize that they are NUMBSKULLS. So, what I REALLY need are a few short, five-minute accurate quizzes to separate the good and intelligent electricians, HVAC guys, and plumbers, from the aholes. In other words, I just need a few short tests to know which technicians are legit, and which are complete dullards. Are there any tests of this kind that I can administre before these guys begin fing around, mucking things up? In fact, I have often thought about devising such a test, or tests, myself. But, are there any readymade tests that you might know of, online, or anywhere? Why would you want some total idiot fing around with your plumbing, your AC, your circuit breakers, and your wiring, unless you had first established that the guy who comes to your door had some minimum education and intelligence??? I have had some real aholes try to pass themselves off for qualified technicians. And this is always a huge waste of time. THEREFORE: What I think is that I must first give these guys a five-minute quiz before they even set foot inside my house. This is the ONLY WAY to avoid having about 90 percent nitwits pass themselves off as either intelligent or qualified or trained to work on the stuff in my house. PLEASE SUGGEST some good quick tests I can administer to these guys. If they pass, then fine. If they do not pass, then ByeBye Birdie... Please list some short tests you think might work. Tks. Gamma Note: So much frustration and time might be saved to weed out the chaff before they pass over my threshold to enter my house and begin to muck things up. Note2: When I say ByeBye Birdie.... Here is really what I want to say to the inept majority that I have seen around here.... Anyway.... NOT JOKING.... In the future.... Any technician that enters my domain must pass a test. And now, I need to find a few good tests to administer. Hopefully, in the future, if we all test technicians before they begin doing anything, then we can weed out the guys that should not even be on the job....because.... Do you REALLY think that the companies that send these technicians do an adequate job of qualifying their people before they send them to do a job for us?????????????????????? NO NO NO NO WAY They just do not. They do not care Education is substandard So... We need to test ourselves before they touch ANYTHING.... If they are not up to standard... Then... Reject Ask for another... Then, test again... And...test again... Until you finally get some guy who has half a brain.... Might take some time.... ========== When I say a quick test, I mean that there are many tests you might administer to your HVAC technician or electrician. Here is an idea: Just show this image to your Thai Tech guy, and ask him what it means.... Then, ask the tech guy about the RIGHT HAND RULE. If this ahole has never even heard of the Right Hand Rule.... Then just drop-kick him out the door....because... he is a total fool. Sorry...but...he must be a dolt. And this is the 10-second quiz to separate the educated HVAC guys from the dolts. Sorry... But, not everyone can be educated in this world, I guess.... Judging from the tech guys that come to me door.... DULLARDS, almost every one.
  11. I have noticed that the cost of my premium jasmine rice has actually decreased during this year. Not sure why. Maybe, the large local retailers are just trying to mess with my mind. (I pay about Bt.250 or Bt.240 for FIVE KILOGRAMS of Jasmine Rice. Seems a good price for me. Several years ago, price of same rice was higher.)
  12. Why might I have contracted scabies? As I said, if I had not left The Main Line, outside Philly, then the likelihood of scabies, for me, would have been miniscule. But here, where I am, the risk is HUGELY increased. So.... Come to the land of smiles, or come to East Asia, and enjoy scabies, should be the slogan, maybe. Yet, these very small mites are a VERY small price to pay for coming to Asia....
  13. Actually, in fact, being treated for scabies in the past has no bearing on whether or not one might be infested with scabies. And, the second time around, after being infested for the second time, then one is liable to become symptomatic far more quickly, even within four or five days. The first infestation might require over a month to become symptomatic. Still, as we know, there are, at any given time, about 400 million cases of infestation around the world. This is not a paltry sum....but...there...is....only one... Marilyn Monroe. SO THEN... a. World population now: 8.2 Billion b. Scabies-infected humans: 0.40 Billion. I must be one of the Elite!
  14. No need to treat my pruritic condition, since, like Job, I probably deserve it, just due to my past sins. I have also had the seven-year itch for many years, and the symptoms never subside. The main concern is to rid myself these dastardly mites. I can easily accept the 7-year itch. But, I am unable to tolerate the invasion of these parasites which are now inhabiting the surface of my body. Out OUT! You Mites! Inhabit me NOT! These lousy creatures from the black lagoon... So very insidious. NOTE: I wonder if Monroe ever had scabies?
  15. Thank you for your suggestion. Also, good that others might benefit from your suggestion, as well.
  16. I don't know why, but I get the feeling that the price of meds here in Chiang Mai has increased, almost two-fold, during the recent two years. Do you have the same impression? Fortunately for me, I am in good health. I rarely buy meds. I mean, for one thing, I remain celibate, and so I never need to buy antibiotics to cure THE DRIP that I never suffer from. However, sometimes I might need to buy some med such as Ibuprofen, for example, even though I am very cautious about using NSAID analgesics due to fear of liver damage. But when I need them, on rare occasions, the price of these meds, plus other meds, seems to have almost doubled during the past 24 months. Is this my imagination? Has the price risen so rapidly? And, if so, then why? Many of the precursors for drug manufacture, probably coming out of China, or maybe out of India, have risen in cost. At least, this is my understanding. But, my question is: Why.... Here in Thailand... Have med costs risen so steeply, so rapidly? If I were to get sick, become ill, then I might actually need to begin buying drugs. And then, I would be more conscious of the rise in med prices. Do you, also, notice the sudden steep rice rise? What is the reason for this? Thankfully, the cost of med here in Thailand is still a small fraction of the cost of the same meds in the USA, or...at least.... This is what I have been told. Any thoughts? Regards, Gamma
  17. Thank you, once more...for your detailed comment. I am the one that stated it is not an STD.....
  18. OK. I will be careful to find a doctor educated at World Class Med Schools, and now practicing on The Main Line. Thank you. Some physicians here might not be up to snuff, as you say. Thank you. https://bmmsa.com/ I used to go to this place. Dynamite Doctors.... They can cure scabies in a heartbeat, and ... Make you feel good about it,....too.... Sometimes, I miss living on The Main Line....
  19. Yes. Thank you. Seems like the best advice. Might be best to just send all bedding to a dry cleaner, for example. (Oh Wait! When is the last time I saw a Dry Cleaners Shop in Thailand?) Here in Thailand, few people use hot water to wash clothes, and fewer still use clothes dryers. Personally, I might just get rid of everything, and then start over with new bedding, new mattress, new EVERYTHING! Scabies are more insidious than cockroaches. Scabies are small. Cockroaches in Taiwan are BIG, and much easier to deal with. Scabies represent, at least for me, a huge pain in the neck...and... A huge itch on my hands. Speaking of The Itch.... I have always loved Marylyn Monroe... No scabies on her, I imagine.... In my humble opinion: Just the listening to Rachmaninoff for about one hour is enough to kill off most parasites in and on the human body.
  20. Yes. FOMITES I think that many here might not understand this important term when it comes to the transmission of scabies. So, be aware of this. Tks. Also...thanks for your story.
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