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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Those are cockroaches. Why not try those cockroach traps, or cockroach bait? Also, from experience living in Taiwan and China.... If the building is infested, then the entire building must be fumigated in one go. I would not live in an infested building, these days. There is no need to do so in Thailand. I have never had a roach problem in Thailand in any of the buildings or houses I have occupied.
  2. I would define Heaven as a state that never lasts too long, and therefore cannot be Eternal.
  3. What will you use for cash, after that? Always best not to live beyond your means, me thinks. (I think this second utterance has two meanings.)
  4. Well, at least I am not land poor in Thailand.
  5. By the way, there are only two appropriate words, beginning with S, that fit this Topic. But, you knew that, right? bull sperm bull semen Only two, mind you.
  6. Some variety of coprolite, obviously.
  7. Tks for the explanation. But, this 3M gaffers tape seems very suitable for my needs to keep pollution out, sound out, etc.
  8. My Fellow Entrepreneurs: Beginning New Year’s Eve, 2024, and after Wishing for Less Ennui during this Glorious New Year, I have set upon my new path to develop some sort of Business Plan 2024, something which will more constructively utilize my off-hours. Like you, I have many, many off-hours, not surprisingly, and also unfortunately. Maybe you might like to pitch to us on The Farang Pub your creative thoughts concerning the best businesses to begin using only the Internet and the many available Courier Services, not to mention the Postal System, and nothing more. In all honesty, several years ago, I had considered two types of businesses which might usefully engage me: AA. Bull Semen Importation and Distribution I have thought of getting into the business of Bull Semen because you would not need a very large warehouse. Also, you can operate such a business from your home if you have the proper freezing equipment. Also, if you were to buy such refrigeration equipment, it might do double duty during the Hot Season for storage of beer and ice cream. Ice Cream is stored BEST when it is stored at temperatures BELOW those achievable by your average consumer refrigerator/freezer. Therefore, there would be a plus in getting into the bull semen business, at least for me. I already have, as I have mentioned, a freezer that will go down to about negative 35 degrees C. But, the temperature fluctuates a bit much, and I would not trust it to store bull semen. https://www.denverpost.com/2007/01/11/semen-sales-are-serious-business/ Please go to this link to find out more about “taking the romance out of bull reproduction in a setting where there is no pressure to perform”. BB. Saffron: The Buying and Selling of… I like the color of saffron, and saffron is quite valuable in even small quantities. Therefore, it might not cost much to ship relative to the value, just speaking of value and cost to weight of saffron. https://www.roysfarm.com/saffron-farming/ The COSTLIEST spice by weight, folks! CC. Well, I do not mind giving away two of my business ideas because I am sure that the more competition I have the better I will perform! (Especially in the field of romancing the bulls…) DD. And now, what are YOUR ideas? Thank you for your contributions to this Topic, one of my more useful Topics. People have told me, in the past, that my Topics might be made more useful. And so, this is my first real attempt in 2024. Take care, you budding entrepreneurs, and may this Topic make you even wealthier in 2024. Regards, Gamma
  9. First I've heard. Maybe, then, I should do better. Maybe, then, I should post a bit more often.
  10. Please read my TAPE Topic. Please read my CHEAPEST Lawn Watering Solutions Topic. There are many more Topics that will make life easier for you. Such as: Read my various Topics on Thai Vocabulary Building, and on Thai Listening Comprehension Materials Topic. So much have I written that might make life easier for you in Thailand. Please do not now say that you are not impressed.....?
  11. Upon first reading his comment, I thought he had written: a horse with one of those portable whizzy sprinkler units on the end has to be the cheapest I am in need of reading glasses, but a horse around here would be good.
  12. First time in Japan was 1971, February. I did not see one lawn in Yokohama. Even on the outskirts of Tokyo, near the new airport, in 1979, January, I saw no lawns. There are almost no lawns in Taiwan, as well. https://realjapanesegardens.wordpress.com/2017/06/23/japanese-lawn-in-comparison-with-western-lawns/ Land is very expensive in Japan. This looks nothing like my lawn during the Hot Season...
  13. I started this Topic to ask the question why god-related topics seem so popular and rack up so many views and comments/ What is it about the readers that makes them find such topics so fascinating, riveting, and worthy of discussion Science seems far more interesting, just to name one of many topics more interesting than god or fantasy, or things that cannot be detected using the most advanced technology. I guess that some/many people are not that interested in Natural Science, obviously. They prefer things like Freud and Fantasy. I was just asking because such minds are completely alien to me, that's all.
  14. Yes. I know the difference. Marxism is a religion. and Mao ZeDong and Xi JinPing are gods.
  15. Here is a simpler UTUBE video discussing this Topic which was recorded about 13 years ago. So, as previous commenters have already stated, there are more documents and data available ONLINE in some languages, such as Chinese, compared to other languages, such as Thai. AI requires massive amounts of data, as we know, as well. Anyway, here is the simpler video:
  16. Of course, nobody would translate and idiom or proverb literally, word by word. The point is that Google Translate can give the meanings of idioms in some cases and for some languages. And again, if one asks Google, then Google Translate does NOT USE machine translation, as people here have been saying for years. Maybe this video might help? Or, if one is willing to read...then....Google itself provides a description of the process by which Google Translate gives corresponding meanings in various languages.
  17. Maybe not the girls who have never ventured outside of Tokyo city. And, the smart country girls use different methods to water rice. Few smart country girls in Japan have lawns, at least I have not seen any so far.
  18. Today, I began wondering if the Novice's affliction might have been caused by excessive chanting. In fact, chanting or listening to chanting, excessively, and too loudly, can have very negative consequences, in my personal opinion only, maybe. Therefore, I can see what might have happened. Somehow, his passion for repetitious and excessive chanting became channeled into a different repetitious and boring behavior. This seems quite logical if you know about Behavioral Psychology.
  19. Why does 3M state that their GAFFER tape is NOT for consumer use or sales to consumer market? And, it does not seem to state that it leaves no residue when removed from the surface of the taped object.... (Sorry, it states this elsewhere: Meeting your Production's Needs 3M™ Premium Matte Cloth (Gaffers) Tape GT3 was engineered these tapes to be user friendly and offer all the benefits industrial professionals hope to get from gaffers tape. To begin, it's hand tearable with smooth, controlled unwind. You can tear the tape into narrower strips if needed and expect easy handling, all contributing to quicker application. When the job is complete, it will remove cleanly and easily. This tape is durable yet highly conformable to irregular surfaces — so you can adhere it to those hard-to-reach areas and access the tough spots. ) So...what gives with 3M? Why no sales to us consumers?
  20. Wait. Your hypothesis seems unlikely. Nobody is interested in reading the topics I post, in most cases, god-related, or not. Am I wrong?
  21. It is not computers I fear; it is people that frighten me.
  22. Yes. I agree. Should have said the best for the least amount practicable, or something, maybe.
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