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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. The SMOKING Season will soon be upon us. I am going to prepare early this year. I have an old fan that is just sitting around, unused, collecting dust. This fan still has a few revolutions left in it. I plan to find a HEPA filter to attach to the front/back of the fan, in order to DIY a third air purifier for my abode. I have seen some good HOW-TO plans. According to some of the people who provide such plans, such a rig as this can be even more effective than the expensive air purifiers coming out of China, and you know the brand most popular. So... Have you tried this? How did it work out for you? Maybe I will post a few links in the comments section detailing how this can be easily assembled out of just a fan, a HEPA filter, and some cheap materials such as cardboard, for example. At present, I am using two XiaoMi air purifiers running 24/7/365. They work fine...IF I can believe the PM sensors that are integrated in the XiaoMi machines. However, there have been reports that the sensors on the XiaoMi machines are not, of course, as accurate as the very expensive air-quality monitors used in research labs. In my opinion, which is just not worth much, I think that one might do better to DIY an air purifier from a household fan and a HEPA filter, rather than to splurge on a third air purifier similar to the two machines I already have. Here is a good place to begin, maybe: https://smartairfilters.com/en/blog/how-to-make-diy-air-purifier/ This guy is NOT a nitwit.... He actually knows a thing or two about HEPA filters, and DIY fabrication of effective air purifiers....I THINK... Any thoughts before the Burning Season Begins??? Best regards.... Gamma NOTE: There is NO REASON to live with smoky air in your house...IF....you can follow a few easy steps, and you have an old fan....is MY thinking.....
  2. Gambian romance is not interesting to me, be it a man or a woman in Gambia. Here is why: Gambian Woman... Gambian Man.... I might be stupid...but.... I just do not see the attraction. Give me a Japanese girl with an IQ of 145, any old day, and I will not ask for more.... The UK women going to Gambia might wish to rethink what they are doing.....
  3. Without a bit of humor, life would be utter tragedy upon tragedy, so obviously.
  4. I think, maybe, this might have been just a meaningless and crazy comment, in the spirit of the craziness all around us.
  5. Hi Folks, a. A few days ago, the lawn guy came in and weed-whacked my purple flowers into oblivion, thinking they were weeds. b. So, now, I need to replace them. c. This time, I want to buy and install some purple flowers that will bloom most months of the year (if possible). d. Just checking the internet, I saw this photo of Bougainvillea, which I love, and have often read about in books written by authors such as James Michener.... e. Originally, I had some other type of purple flowers, much smaller, and much more dainty, which I enjoyed very much. I have no idea what they were, but they have been wiped out, completely, now. I miss them like I never expected that I would. f. I do not have a lot of space in the concrete planter in front of my sliding glass doors. The space I have in this permanent planter, which is part of the front yard, is about 8 meters by about 0.4 meters. This area does not receive direct sunlight in most months, I think. And, I will have no problem watering the plants, but there might not be too much rainfall since the area is overhung by the roof, slightly. g. I like the color of lavender. But, Bougainvillea is a bit too bright for my mood, most days. I like a purple which is less red, if you know what I mean, and more violet, I guess. h. Here in Thailand, almost anything grows quite easily if you water it. And, as far as I know, this planter is just sort of a concrete border to the soil lying underneath. ============= Well, anyway, what do you guys suggest for me? Personally, I do love flowers. And, not surprisingly, I seem to love flowers more, the more I age. Thank you. Gamma Please NOTE: When I was younger, anytime I heard the words Purple Flowers, I often thought of this tune....something about purple berries..... Not saying it is a particularly good song. Just saying that it is a song full of nostalgia....for some....
  6. I don't know about you...BUT.... I am firmly convinced that all of us humans are completely crazy. I have yet to meet or read about a sane human being. What is meant by this phrase: We Are ALL Crazy...??? For one, maybe this phrase reflects our understanding that our views are so bent by individual bias, including confirmation bias, etc.... And what about desire which leads to bias? Although I am not asking about craziness related to our individual desires, I am asking about why our motivations contribute to our crazy thinking. Also, the ways in which our emotions and needs contribute to our crazy thinking and perspectives on the real world. And, to top it off, I am also alluding to Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance which is probably one of the most important and influential concepts in ALL of Psychology, today. So, what are your views concerning the craziness of us all? Do you believe that we are ALL quite crazy? And, in this new world of ours, one of nuclear bombs, and AI, and even more terrible technological potential for creating destructive weapons to destroy the crazy human race, will the CRAZINESS OF HUMANS be the undoing of us all? You only need look on the streets of most cities in the US, and other countries, presumably, to see the craziness of our collective society. Why not just FIX THINGS, anyway? We have the tools to fix most things, quickly, if we wished. And, why don't we, then? Is it because we, collectively, are CRAZY? By the way: Do YOU consider yourself to be crazy? Regards, Gamma Note: No. I'm not crazy....
  7. This "poster/pretender" never knew what he was talking about..... Take if from me.... Believe me.... I know, first hand.
  8. Yes. Please contact JT with this correct info. Thank you! JT knows a lot about Freud, however.... For what that is worth....
  9. YOUR assumption is COMPLETELY incorrect. What you need to do is to learn how Google Translate works. Google Translate does NOT DO TRANSLATION, for one! I suggest you do your research and learn that Google Translate works by comparing text written in Thai with text that relates to it in English. Therefore, the PROBLEM as you have complained about it is due to the dearth of Thai documents which have been translated into English, and so much more. You seem to have a totally invalid conception of how Google Translate works. Just sayin'.....
  10. The Brandenburg, as I have found over the years, has such an effective effect to drown out the sound of chanting monks. This is just one more use to which I have put this great music in recent years. There is something about the bass sounds of Von Karajan playing JS Bach's Brandenburg that cannot be matched so much by other classical music. Of course, you might also try Von Karajan's interpretation of Vivaldi's 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐨 𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐢 • 𝐋𝐞 𝐐𝐮𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐫𝐨 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐢 (𝟏𝟕𝟐𝟓)... But, in my humble opinion, it is still JS Bach's Brandenburg which can more overwhelmingly drown out the droning and chanting of monks. I would never go anywhere in SE Asia without my Audio Technica premium headphones and my recordings of JS Bach, conducted by Karajan, on my Note4. I guess you must feel same as I in this.... Conclusion: Yes, Folks, if you are a lover of GOOD music/sounds....Then.... Karajan's Brandenburg cannot be surpassed for drowning out the sound of chanting monks, no matter how loud or amplified they get. Also: When the sounds of amplified Chanting Monks gets REALLY LOUD.... Then.... Do what I do: I connect two different recordings to my single pair of headphones, one coming in from the left, and the other track from the right.... That's right, folks: I have The Brandenburg, from Von Karajan coming into my right headphone.... And I have Vivaldi's Four Seasons coming in on the left side of my headphones. .... Works like magic. Can't hear the monks, no matter how loud they get. I have my own volume knob, and I just turn it up...every higher.... Why do they need to amplify themselves, anyway? I mean, we have heard what they are chanting, a million times.... So, is it necessary to hear it again....SO LOUD? Maybe it IS necessary, though....
  11. OK. Thank you for the info! Guys from Scotland should know a good deal when they encounter one, is my thinking. Thanks again. I buy ONLY chicken, by the way. I am always looking for VERY Tender Breasts, as usual....
  12. December 12, 2023. At least, I got that part translated with no errors...!
  13. My Fellow Passa Thai Scholars: aa. First of all, I have found the Becker Books to be my best help for learning elementary Thai reading, speaking, and....even writing. The first book, the orange one, is the most complete and helpful. Then, you got the purple book which is called Intermediate Thai, and I find this book also helpful. The third book, Advanced Thai, is, at least for me, rather pointless, since there are many other, and better, sources for providing reading material at that level. bb. But, I am here to talk about AUDIOBOOKS, and NOT elementary Thai Primers. So, here is a UTUBE site that I really like which provides a few very well-recorded audiobooks that one might consider, such as: Expressing ONLY my humble opinion, this recording is quite well done, and the Thai woman that did the work to record this resource seems EXCELLENT! I am not saying that I am advanced enough to be a true judge, but I know quality when I hear it.....I THINK..... You can have a listen and voice your opinions, if you wish. cc. But, actually, the reason I posted this Topic is not to post what I already know. I just hope that some of you who are at a more advanced level than I, or those who have spent more time searching for appropriate audiobooks recorded in the Thai language, might add to this single link of mine to....The Sheep Reading Zone...on UTUBE. I realize there are many Thai audiobooks that might be useful, but I know of only a few. I am sure that you can do better in your informed suggestions. dd. If you intend to post a suggestion for consideration, would you please ONLY suggest audiobooks in their entirety, either audiobooks written by Thai authors, or books which are translated from English (or any other language) into passa Thai, and then recorded by a talented Thai reader. In this way, if a few good scholars, such as I, participate, then this Topic of Mine might become sort of a half-way valuable resource for those who might benefit from this type of thingy. dd. I have used audiobooks in the past, and I enjoy this way to improve my listening comprehension skill, such as it is, which is not saying much. What I do is to try to make a record of the vocabulary I do not know, and then memorize as much as I can, and then use the recordings to reinforce what I have memorized, in context. So, maybe this kind of Topic might be helpful to some of you? Just my guess. Regards, Gamma Stay Young Through Thai Language Learning (SYTTLL) And, keep out of trouble, by doing so, too....
  14. I agree with you concerning that site, and also the guy who started the nonsense. Just my opinion, and I mean no harm, but only to elucidate others concerning what I think I know to be true.
  15. Were you able to cure it, eventually? Or, was it one of those drug-resistant strains of bacteria? Also, PLEASE keep in mind that you should always wash your hands thoroughly after handling chickens, chicken gizzards, and chicken parts in the kitchen, or out on the farm.
  16. Somehow, the last half of my previous comment became truncated, inexplicably. Maybe I was too lazy to post it quickly enough, or something… Anyway, Speaking of Maugham… Kind of an interesting character who probably knew more than most about ennui and bondage…although…whether or not he actually practiced bondage is anyone's guess. He was not married for most of his life, of course. And this fact argues AGAINST boredom, in my opinion. Also, his writing style was obviously influenced by his crackerjack education at some rather good schools, such as… The King’s School, Canterbury Heidelberg University, and King’s College London Maugham wrote with great sensitivity and is one of my favorite authors. Maybe, in my ennui, I should begin re-reading all of the writings of good old Somerset. (Why did he choose the name Somerset instead of Summerset, or Sunset, though, is my question. During the Cold Season here in Thailand, I have plenty of time to ask such questions, naturally enough.) Sunset was an ENNUI specialist writing about things like life on rubber plantations or growing copra.
  17. Ennui is sort of a Somerset Maugham kind of word. Think of ennui on some humid tropical island with nothing but gin and sand fleas, and the constant blowing of the trade winds, or something. Somerset wrote a lot about ennui, I think. Nothing good comes of it, and even murders can happen. Just read more Maugham.
  18. I don't even have the motivation to google on Google anymore. So... You are doing quite well, comparatively.
  19. At this time of year, I should be skiing in either Nagano, Japan, or at Aspen, Colorado. Cannot make up my mind... But... Still time, obviously, before the slopes have turned to slush.
  20. There is a time and a place for all things...maybe... Mental illness is no joke. Obviously, some people have their wires crossed. And, it's sad to see. (Personally, I would not want to see it, however.)
  21. My fellow Cold-Season Ennui Sufferers: It happens every year to me, to a lesser or greater extent. Most likely it happens to YOU, too. I wonder what causes this ennui, since I am living in a beautiful environment. Maybe it is seeing the grass turn from bright green to a brownish-green color? Or, maybe it is the changing inclination of the rays from the sun? Maybe it is the darker blue of the sky, due to the angle of incidence as the light from the sun hits the upper atmosphere, causing colors to change on the ground around me. When I lived in a colder climate, such as New England, there might have been a valid reason for ennui. But here in Thailand, even in Chiang Mai, why does the light of winter months still affect us to some extent? Every year, like clockwork, this listlessness arrives with the months of January and February. What do YOU do to combat this slight comparative loss of affect? How do you stay motivated, for example? Even the excitement of continuing to learn passa Thai becomes slightly diminished for me, and I yearn for a more motivated perspective on "things". I realize that if I could JUST GET moving, and if I could engage in useful and helpful activities, then this feeling of slight despair would surely vanish, almost entirely. I know that, come the middle of February, in preparation for the HOT Season, all such feelings I am here describing will surely vanish into the smoke. This is why I like the Smoking Season and the HOT Season here in Thailand. Like a snake or other cold-blooded animal, I seem to crave the heat of Thailand to keep me moving, and moving forward. This is not a JOKE post, of course. What do you do? AND, more importantly for me, what SHOULD I DO? Any useful thoughts on this matter? Thank you. Gamma NOTE: I should have made this post longer and more detailed; but I am feeling the effects of the Winter Solstice Sun Angle, about now, me thinks. NOTE2: In past years, I have always relied on Thai language learning as my go-to anodyne for wiping away the ennui. This year, however, I am feeling more resistance to taking up the flashcard app. I think I may still have not recovered from the PanDumic, almost three years of relative isolation, during which time I was not as engaged with Thai people speaking Thai. If we are unable to speak Thai to Thai people while here in Thailand, then why are we here, anyway? So, speaking Thai to Thai people helps me, greatly, with my Thai-language acquisition efforts, and my feelings of happiness, as well. I really need to talk to the locals, instead of talking to myself, maybe. I have stopped, even, talking to myself in Thai, or answering myself in Thai, these days....It has gotten that bad. More Thai study for me is the ONLY way to get out of my rut, maybe...
  22. Middle of the night makes no difference. I, for one, post most of my comments in the middle of the night, peaking at around 5AM, Thailand time.
  23. The Brandenburg, it seems to me, is sort of the best entry to JS Bach listening for those new to JS Bach and classical music appreciation. In this respect, I would liken it to Vivaldi's Four Seasons....
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