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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Anyone wearing a green hat in China/Taiwan will be considered a cuckold. The Chinese expression: Dai Lu Mao .... is known to most Chinese....
  2. What is YOUR interpretation of WOKE, Wokeness? Just curious. Concerning Wokeism, Cancellation Culture, and Freedom of Speech.... Better listen to Noam....
  3. NO. Except, sometimes, I cannot help but hear about all the mass shootings in my home country, even though I try to stuff cotton in my ears. On November 10, for example.... Seems as if St. Croix is no longer the paradise it once was, 55 years ago, when I went to visit my roommate in the Virgin Islands. Still, it seems that it might be partially true that possession of firearms does not directly correlate with intentional homicide by gun.\: So, in reply to the OP.... Yes, I do keep track of some of the mass shootings in my home country. But, I really do not know why.
  4. Sounds really terrible for you. The only solution is to move, I think. You are too old to waste time trying to endure the unendurable. Only solution is to move out, and find someplace which is peaceful.
  5. Would it not be simpler just to move out of a condo and into a house? That is really the only fix. Moving into a house, instead of a condo, was my last resort, and I am thankful every day, these days, that I decided to make the move. Unless you live in a BrownStone in NYC, like Sherman McCoy, a house is better.
  6. Would it not also be a good idea to make it as easy as possible for those on retirement visa to remain here as long as possible, or until they croak, with as few restrictions as possible.... Maybe even add a few more enticements for those who wish to retire here or are already living here as retired people?
  7. I bought an iron for ironing my clothes. But, it doesn't get hot enough and often drips when I push the steam button. This is why I take my shirts, sheets, trousers, and pillowcases to the professional guys (men) who steam press everything. In Thailand, this is what everybody should do.
  8. The thing that surprises me most is that this accident did not involve Taiwan's China Airlines. I recall the crashes of China Airlines in Japan and Hong Kong and Taoyuan airports. Sometimes, China Airlines lands upside down in Typhoons when they should not be flying. In the near future, aircraft will not be operated by humans, and then....flying will become even safer than it is now.
  9. Note: Very good and solid information in your comment, by the way.... So...Thank you.
  10. Years ago, many years ago, I shipped out aboard a vessel plying the seas from Yokohama to Ras Tanura. Plenty of rope in those days. Anyway, I will take your advice and buy hemp. Also, I like the cut of your jib.
  11. Just so you know, I have been spending much of the evening searching rope on Lazada. What I would really like for a clothesline, stretching a long way between the two poles is something like this: But, I cannot afford it, really, at Bt160.00 per meter. That would make a heck of a clothesline. I could hang clothe hangers from it with ease. Good Rope is EXPENSIVE, as you probably know. (I really HATE the flimsy clothesline that most women use. I am a MAN, for sure, and I like things that have heft to them. Good quality line that will last a long time and not fall apart in a stiff breeze.)
  12. Sorry. Hope you get the info you require.
  13. I had always thought HITACHI was better than Mitsubishi....for motors/pumps like this.... Anyone here agree with me?
  14. Hi Folks, I am about to purchase rope for two purposes, but not to hang myself up to dry, only my clothes, and only hang for exercising purposes. a. I need a strong clothesline. One that must stretch for about 15 meters between two strong metal vertical posts. b. I also want to have some rope to make a chin-up bar out of rope and bamboo. c. I might want to also have some rope to attach to a truck tire so that I can pull it around the neighborhood, just for exercise. So, what do you think might be the best rope for this purpose. The rope will be exposed to the sun. But, since I have a large metal awning, I think it might not get too wet. I am thinking of other characteristics such as: a. price b. abrasion resistance c. elongation d. strength e. breaking strength f. moisture absorbency g. flexibility h. weight i. And, lastly, fatigue resistance Have you already found the most suitable type of rope on Lazada for these purposes? I would dearly like to know your reviews of various ropes. Regards, Gamma Note: I know what you are thinking. And I thought the same thing. Anytime I consider the question of rope, I always first think of the Alfred Hitchcock film, ROPE.... (one of my favorite films).... Hitch is so great. Nobody can replace him, it seems, even after all these years.
  15. I love it when those who read my Topics think I am funny. I am a real card. You are correct that one can sometimes buy an assembled computer for less, and with better performance. But, during the time I have lived in Thailand, and in Taiwan, I have found it more cost-effective to just assemble my own crappola, and know what I am getting. So far, this strategy has worked very well for me, since around 1990, about 35 years. And, please let us, you and I, not forget that I attended the Moore School at the University of Pennsylvania....where I never saw even one Moor who had read Othello. Here at this school, we spent much time on Sorting and Searching of Trees.....
  16. I wanted to know if anyone might have a better understanding of this next Win11 upgrade than I. Also, as I originally stated, my opinion is that this Win11 is not necessary, at least for me. And, I backed it up with just one example opinion by PC World. Also, after expressing my opinion, someone here implied that I was mistaken. And they stated that there might be a significant performance effect through upgrading to Win11, which, I think, we can now all agree is FALSE. Therefore, I will stand pat, and not upgrade until 2025, which is the year that Micro$soft, MicroDick, will stop supporting Win10 for enterprise customers. Am I making sense to you, now, for the very first time? In the past, during a decade-long period, I refused to install Microsoft OS on my computers. But now, as I have already explained, I must have this lousy OS on my machines. Sobeit, I cannot change the world, and have the entire world support Linux for the Desktop..... I am just trying my best to adapt to a very imperfect world, is all.... Tks!
  17. NOT! No Way, Jose! I will wait until 2025 to do any OS upgrading.... Thanks, though....
  18. Interesting....but....I prefer to build the thing myself.... This is one reason why I hate laptops....
  19. Yes. Correct. I recall that K designates ability to overclock. So, F means no GPU onboard CPU....? (I forgot to check this on this CPU. Tks.) Integrated graphics is imperative, for me, at least. I hate wasting money on buying a GPU card....since.....I have no use for enhanced graphics capability.
  20. What a bum. I have been waiting for this sequel for months, and months.
  21. YES, I agree that this old laptop needs to be cleaned. But, this laptop does not employ fan(s) for cooling.
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