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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Marxism IS a religion, too. Don't forget, please. To believe in Marxism requires GREAT FAITH!
  2. Philippines[edit] The 2017 dengue vaccine controversy in the Philippines involved a vaccination program run by the Philippines Department of Health (DOH).[23] The DOH vaccinated schoolchildren with Sanofi Pasteur's CYD-TDV (Dengvaxia) dengue vaccine. Some of the children who received the vaccine had never been infected by the dengue virus before. The program was stopped when Sanofi Pasteur advised the government that the vaccine could put previously uninfected people at a somewhat higher risk of a severe case of dengue fever.[28] A political controversy erupted over whether the program was run with sufficient care and who should be held responsible for the alleged harm to the vaccinated children.[30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue_vaccine
  3. Dengvaxia is only recommended in those who have previously had dengue fever or populations in which most people have been previously infected.[10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dengue_vaccine
  4. Sounds like the sequel to... One Flew Over....
  5. Did you ever see a Santa on a slate rooftop trying to decide which chimney was the right one to descend, atop a house on the Main Line? It's the same thing. Too many religions to choose from, even if you have not yet chosen one. Why not just choose one, at random?
  6. Sounds more like a slow death, or a premature death. Couldn't they find anything else more interesting to do? Einstein worked right up to his dying moment. We know this from looking at the state of his desk, the day he died. And, Einstein was still FULL of work yet to be done.... By comparison, attending Lawn Bowls seems like something the un-dead might do. I would not be caught dead attending Lawn Bowling, unless I were some sort of zombie with rotting flesh, one dead even before I had taken my last breath. Better to be an Einstein, and go out with a big bang pondering the Cosmic Background Radiation.
  7. It's the same everywhere on Planet Earth. Maybe you should book a flight on one of Musk's first few flights to Planet Mars.
  8. It is said that OLD is just a state of mind. Also, as we age, the perception of the passage of time changes. Therefore, three hours to an old woman is just about the same as one hour...to you. Speaking of Supreme IRONY, and referring to my recent Topic about Irony.... Is it not SUPREMELY IRONICAL that as we age, and at the very time that we have less time left on Planet Earth, our perception of time allows us less perceivable time. I am sure you get my drift. I am talking about IRONY, again.
  9. After you came to Thailand, did you decide to change your religion? And, why? Also, if you believe that you will be reborn after death, how do you think this will happen? Will you be resurrected? Or, will you return to Earth in some other form?
  10. I would not pay more than USD50.00 per day to save my life. If I get breakbone fever, just shoot me up with painkillers, and let fate decide. This is not a joke.... I would rather die than pay more than USD50.00 per day. Therefore, better for me to just stay at home with a decent supply of hospital prescribed morphine. If I live...OK. If I die...Good. Let the gods decide. I put myself in the gods' hands.... If I should die, in the end, then it will not have been my loss. (I feel sorry for his father, however, at age 83!)
  11. Two Important Questions about Santa's Visitations in America: a. Now that the home security systems are so pervasive in the United States, how does Santa circumvent these systems, while entering the home to deliver gifts? b. In America, where gun possession and paranoia is sky high, has any American ever taken a pot shot at the bearded one in his red suit? Or, does Santa become invisible halfway down the chimney? When I was young, we didn't have surveillance cameras in our house. Also, when I was young, we had no need for guns. How the world has changed since then. Santa, presumably, must have adapted to our new world, as well. Such a mystery. And, such a great Topic, too!
  12. Unfortunately, there are so many impecunious members of our societies in America and Thailand, and in other countries, that I just hope the more pecunious members of humanity, namely the super rich, such as all members of the the Walton family, will play Santa this year and open their Walmart stores to the public with 99-percent reductions in prices, across the board. In effect, the Walton family needs to start giving everything back to the impecunious amongst us, from whom the Walton family gained obscene wealth. Unfortunately, I would bet that the members of the Walton Family don't have quite enough Christmas Spirit in order to do such a thing. Fortunately, everybody will get their just deserts in Heaven, after Santa has completed his list concerning those who have been either naughty or nice down here, below the North Pole....
  13. A truly uplifting Christmas Story, if there ever was one. And, this time, I am not joking. And, this comment of mine is in NO WAY irony. If everybody on this forum were like you, then.... I would have, probably, nothing to post about. I would not even be able to think up a decent Topic, if everyone were like you. You are the Good Santa. And therefore, it strikes me that there should be MORE guys like you in this world. And, conversely, it also strikes me that there should be FEWER guys like me in this world. So, of course, I prefer the film, Bad Santa. The film appeals to my baser nature, I guess.
  14. I eat ONLY Thai food in Thailand, and Japanese food in Japan, and Chinese food in China. So, I will be eating appropriately for Xmas. I just wish I could be in Italy this Christmas, for some real Italian cuisine. Although nobody cares what I think: I rate Chinese Food at tops, followed closely by Thai Food, and then REAL Italian cuisine. Japanese food is completely GARBAGE, to me. Just a matter of personal taste (or lack of taste, as the case may be. I don't mean that Japanese food has no taste. I just me that I have no taste, not in food, and not in women, I guess.) Still, if in Chiang Mai, I would opt for the cafeterias at CMU. Great meals, and all you can eat, and the price is my style.
  15. I am sure there are those here who believe that Santa Claus exists. I am sure, because I am one. After all, there is no evidence to prove He does not exist. Or, is this true? Do you have any real evidence that Santa does not exist? I say he exists, but this is just my own personal conviction. Anyone here care to argue that my conviction is false? Thank you. Gamma
  16. Not manager... MANGER! I will relax in my manger eating my omelets for Xmas meals. REMEMBER: When the child Jesus was born, his mother Mary laid him in a manger (Lk 2:7). A manger is a good place to relax, lie down, and eat your Xmas repast.
  17. According to Noam... We do NOT know what we are thinking. Internal Language, and all that....
  18. I plan to splurge on a five-egg omelet. I will just thaw out one of the omelets in my freezer. I am not BIG on Christmas. Such a sad time, for all. Just think of me in the manger with my omelet.... And I hope you enjoy your pudding in Pattaya.
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