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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Glory in the creativity of Natural Intelligence. Stop worrying about AI. And... Read more Chomsky!
  2. When I die.... I will will you my manhood, if you need one larger member. No charge.... Still, until then, just try to be satisfied with your shortcomings.... Wish you well.
  3. I don't often think of the past. Too blue, in most cases, at least for me. But, I just wonder....why can't we have more sounds like those from Donovan, today? This guy was amazing, and far different from most artists of his time. Why? I dunno.... I just know. Stay Mellow during the holidays, if you can. Staying mellow during holiday seasons is not so very easy to do. Happy Holidays, to all.... I am sure that I will not be celebrating, and glad of the fact, in fact. Gamma NOTE: I guess that it was not so bad to be young in the 1960s, at least, my opinion, looking back...
  4. Have you ever considered the contention that some males, no matter what species, lack self-control, and that, in such cases, castration is the simplest solution, for society, in general?
  5. Great TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES! YES! If I ever decide to have another GF, I will INSIST on separate bedrooms. This is the most civilized way. Sleep separate and then... Use either the Kitchen or the Living Room...to conjoin, when the desire strikes. I have lived this way most of my life, when I had GFs and Wives. I am totally IN FAVOR of separate bedrooms. Separate bedrooms means that you can read in bed, whenever you want, and not worry about disturbing your partner at 3:00AM! And, if you have a very FAT Wife, you will not need to listen to her snore, either! Such freedom!
  6. ABSTRUSE, you meant, I think.... And, I am confident that you will regret blocking me, in the long run. Best to you, Sir!
  7. Just an update, Folks, about PROTEGO Deck Coating product: a. I love it. I used the matte finish of Protego Deck Coating. b. Using it the first time, I was unaware just how caustic it can be. But, if one is very careful to not get the stuff on the hands, then all is good. c. The first time I used this product, I was not careful enough. For example, when part of my foam applicator fell apart and drowned in the bucket of Protego, I dipped both hands, up to the wrists, in the bucket of this goo, and I had no inkling of it's effects on exposed skin. d. Also, the only reason I did this was because I had drunk about a half-bottle of Rémy Martin, the expensive vintage, and I could have cared less about my hands, at the time. And, it was about 6 weeks before the skin of my hands got back to half-way normal. Still, the old hands are the worse off for my stupidity. Therefore, either wear gloves, or just be very careful when you apply Protego Deck Coating. e. Protego, according to my experience, seems to provide an extremely resilient finish for a computer desk, or a study desk. Also, if you use the matte finish, you won't need a mouse pad, either. My mouse tracks VERY well when using it on Protego.... f. Protego is probably not the CHEAPEST product you might choose. I paid about Bt.500 for, like, about, not even a liter. Still, the learning curve of ruining the skin on my hands was well worth the final result. g. One thing though... I chose to apply the Protego at night, at about 3:00 AM, and there were plenty of bugs about, and they embedded themselves in the surface before it was dry. So, try to avoid this, if you can. h. Am I very satisfied with the Protego? Yes. I am. I rarely give RAVE REVIEWS to any product. But, I like this stuff. i. Also, I have never worn surgical gloves, myself, while using this product. After my first experience, I chose to just be super careful. I was careful to not get even one drop on my skin. And, if you don't drink half a bottle of Rémy Martin cognac while doing this application, then you should have no difficulties, either. Now, I am a happy camper with PLENTY of desk space. I have just this moment finished up my SIXTH Rubberwood Unfinished Door, each 1 meter by 2 meters. Therefore, I now have 12 square meters of workspace. Plenty of room for computers, books, scanners, and even a GF, if I only had one... Cheers!
  8. Is that your idea of a decent replacement for a Bentley? Or, a Corniche, for that matter? BUT: Thank you for the thought, just the same. I realize that it is the THOUGHT that counts....right?
  9. I do not wish to sedate myself. I wish only that the witches will stop barking. Too much to ask? I think not.
  10. Hi Folks, Over here where I am, it’s the season of the (w)itch, for sure! Have you ever lived in a large village where ALL the (w)itches go into heat at the same time, for miles around? And you thought that Ichabod Crane was scary? Ichabod Crane, riding through a village, is NOTHING compared to canine Pheromones wafting invisible and undetectable to humans, through the village air, causing scary things to happen all through the nights of this Seasoning of the Witch. No matter where you might venture, for kilometers around, amazingly, all the witches are now in season, and the warlock canines are supremely active, beginning when the sun sets, until the sun rises. And then they rest, and repeat, …the next night. Truly, the effect is a calamity for those who appreciate an environment which is not insanity, incarnate. You can walk for several kilometers, and all the witches are in the same state. INCREDIBLE. You have never heard such howling of the Wolf in the dog as you can hear here, for days and days. Why don’t those who own dogs finally catch on to the fact that witches can be spayed, at low cost, here in Thailand/ What are they, anyway….? Breeders or something, hoping to sell the offspring of their ugly witches? My solution would be to…. During elementary school, replace sex education classes with proper animal husbandry classes. I don’t care about human sex courses in school… This makes little difference to me. However, proper courses in animal husbandry, with due respect for neutering and spaying, might improve the quality of life throughout Thailand. Just my thinking. BUT, since things are still the way they have always been for hundreds of years…. During these weeks, we are faced with nothing but…. The Season of the Witches….while they are in season…. Even Donovan would have approved, me thinks…. Gamma Bow, Wow! Note: Year after year, decade after decade, and for centuries….Will this disaster never end?
  11. Very nice. I appreciated the video. But, the color of the sky, and the low tree growth...reminds me of some place like Alsaska.
  12. Why so much power? Are you powering grow-lights, or something?
  13. Is this your kitchen? You have no room to cook! But, I like the color of your flooring. Although, I would have chosen hardwood.
  14. "Inadvertently" No doubt, Bob and Mrs. Smith really strained their brains coming up with this two-dollar word. One wonders, what illocution will he think up next.
  15. I don't know how many posters are in the Farang Pub. But, I am sure there are plenty enough to take up a collection this Christmas and send me a Flying Spur. In HK, I had a friend that loved loved this automobile, and he had a collection of them. I don't wish to collect this model, I just want only one of them to drive around in, so maybe I can get a GF for Christmas. There is no doubt that in the Farang Pub there are those with too much money for their own good. So why not just send me a Flying Spur for Christmas, as your good deed for this New Year? The only thing is that I do not like the red and gray interior. So, please choose a different color before you buy. Color and décor is important to me. Very beautiful backseat, though, you must admit. I can't wait! Thank you. Gamma
  16. I have nothing against turning a barking dog into edible tidbits of meat in a stew. Or, I have seen FastFood Dog Meat shops in GuangDong. Usually, the problems of barking dogs and those nasty roosters crowing comes from the same household. They love the noise. Basically, they are barnyard people who have created a barnyard from their residential home. Crazy! Plenty of these people everywhere, America, the Deep South, the Appalachian halfwits, etc.
  17. GammaGlobulin

    Isaan Woman

    You explained HOW MANY times? Try asking the difference between a planet and a star and a comet. Or, where is the Oort cloud, for that matter. Try asking: What powers the Sun? They have no clue. Or, ask them whether gravity is a wave or a particle? They do not know. Then aske them....WHERE IS THE DARK MATTER OF THE UNIVERSE???? And...WHAT IS IT!??? They know not! I kid you not.
  18. It's mostly due to my guardian angel, and my paranoia.
  19. Would you prefer to live with, or without, Eternal and Constant Graphic Porn? What have been the benefits to you, as an individual, having constant access to pornography online? Are there any societal negative effects of sites like Pornhub? Or, is Pornhub basically just another innocuous internet delight? Would you be impacted in any way if all sites like Pornhub suddenly disappeared? Maybe you are old enough to have seen films like Deep Throat in in Theatres, with 3-D glasses. What will happen to sites like Pornhub when AI can produce similar content, infinitely faster, and even more realistic than what can be seen on Pornhub? What is pornography, anyway? Can you even recognize it when you see it? I have no interest in movies, just because I prefer visiting the theatre. Would you watch Pornhub if you already had, like the Mormons, two or more sexy wives? Should we refuse access to, or give access, to viewers less than the age of 25? After all, Porrnhub has taken Stag Films to a hole new level. Regards,....
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