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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. The Life of Riley was before my time. Although, to be fair, I often heard the expression, though mostly in the early 1960s, Rather than the Life of Riley, I would prefer to live the Life of Musk.
  2. PornHub Fetishes? The human brain is capable of almost fantasy. Where humans are concerned, if it can be imagined, then it will be tried, given the fact that there are now EIGHT BILLION humans on the planet. Statistically speaking, there is almost no doubt that humans have tried almost every fetish under the sun. In most cases, there are some fetishes that are filthier than others. And, the filthier they may be, the more fascinating, for some. Fetishes are a learned behavior, one not natural to most animals, and only exhibited by human beings.
  3. Being on a barstool is just too boring for me. When I drink, I like to be outside, on a beach, while the sun sets... And toast the Green Flash.... Nothing better when one is on the west coast of any body of land, looking out at a beautiful sunset. Bars, on the other hand, are just not interesting to me, by comparison.
  4. I do not drink milk. I have not drunk milk, condensed, or otherwise, since I left America, a place where the gov encourages EVERYBODY to ALWAYS drink PLENTY of milk. There is no need to drink milk, as an adult. Sugar, at least for me, is poison. I do not add sugar to my diet, including lactose, unless I cannot avoid doing so.
  5. If I had a wife, .... I would give her a 65-foot sailboat. NOT a cheap one, either. And then, we would just cruise the world. And, maybe we would visit the Sand Island, the one I have read about.
  6. Cooking is one of my favorite things to do. I would cook more, and I will, if only I can finally design my perfect OUTDOOR kitchen.... Complete with a 75 BTU gas burner, so that I can cook Chinese food the way it should be cooked.
  7. I do not believe in God. The reason? I have never seen Him/Her. Neither He nor She has ever spoken to me. Yet, I have seen many burning bushes. And, in Pattaya, there are PLENTY of HOT bushes, for sure!
  8. I LOVE Tina! I have posted many videos of my favorite Tina music on TV.... As everybody here knows.
  9. I would gladly swing... Just like Bog, Carol, Ted, and Alice.... But, NOT altogether, the four of us, in one very large bed.
  10. I watch homosexual TV content.... ONLY when I am in the mood for it.
  11. Some people dislike golf and golf course due to valid environmental considerations.
  12. Not MY dog. If I had a dog, my dog would not bark, bark, bark, and bark, all the livelong day and night.
  13. Suckerburger seems to NOT know a lot that most people know. Suckerburger is a very weird dude. And, seemingly, not an especially warm individual, either. Nutzo, maybe.... But, who are we to judge?
  14. Whether you be a canine lover or hater: I am just wondering if we can supply VALIUM, free of charge, for our furry canine friends....? An incessantly barking dog, especially one that barks for no apparent reason, becomes most tiring after a few sleepless nights. Might VALIUM (diazepam) be the best solution, for neighbors, owners and canines, alike? Some dogs just bark, bark, and bark away, just to hear the sound of their own barking. Who knows why? In such a case, might valium be the most humane cure for both man and beast? Which would you choose, given the choice: Shotgun or Valium Which is more humane. Other than these two solutions, what do you do when a dog, the same lousy mutt, barks and barks, night after night, month after month? And, also, how can the owners even tolerate the barking? Are they, also, BARKING MAD, or something? I mean, maybe there is more wrong with the owners than is wrong with their flea-bitten curs. You just gotta wonder what is wrong with BOTH. What is your solution....because.... If you live in Thailand, than there are two things you just cannot escape.... Barking dogs! Crowing Cocks! There must be a place in hell for both, one must hope. Regards, Gamma Note: How do YOU handle this perennial problem?
  15. Carb Heat....ON, Baby! All the way! Keep your Carb Heat always on! (And, by all means, don't spare the irony!)
  16. If you REALLY want to get your teeth WHITE.... Then, please use this toothpaste, which was beloved in Asia, especially Taiwan, in the early years while I was in Asia. This toothpaste was my favorite.... For teeth whitening... Darkie knows best, is what I always say....
  17. I am a pilot, actually, or, at least, I once was before my license to fly was not kept up-to-date by me. Even in these days, flight is uncertain due to weather conditions, scheduling problems, computer glitches, and many other things. Stick to your benchwork if you want to always be in control...is my advice to you.
  18. Thank you for your correction of the spurious comment by the commenter who might not know much about Noam, but only listens to third-hand biased views about Chomsky.
  19. I love that song. But, for THIS Topic, here is something that is a bit more apropos.... Why choose to go to America in a nailed-down hold of a slaver ship.... When you could have had ALL OF THIS?!!!!!
  20. Primates have been swinging for millions of years.
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