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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Also, the students at CMU stopped wearing short skirts for a week, and life became overly tedious.
  2. Were you there in BKK when the temperature dropped to 10 degrees C? Maybe not exactly frigid, but definitely brisk, and some might mistakenly say brusque. Or, maybe you could have said that, too.
  3. I definitely agree. However, as the polar winds continue to destabilize, we may yet see frigid temps return this year if we can just get a few good gusts from Hairbin.
  4. You are absolutely correct. I learned to fly in 1973. We also did aerobatics in a Bellanca with a stick for controls. HammerHead Stalls are simply the Best...
  5. That is what they will do. However, then they would again be mistaken. For I am only AGAINST holocausts of any kind.
  6. You may have misconstrued Chimpsky's words if you came away with this false interpretation. However, there is no point arguing with a chimp.
  7. I STRONGLY advise AGAINST doing this. This type of thing can provoke aggression and lead to disharmony in the village. (But, still, if it worked for you...then....problem solved. Congratulations!)
  8. If you are going to make ridiculous comments, as I sometimes do,.... Then.... At the very least.... Try to make them interesting. Do you think you can manage that? Please post another one.
  9. As I say... This morning was crisp and cold. Great weather, though! As for me... It's not yet parka time, nor thermal underwear time... And, I am wearing NOTHING...as I type.
  10. Yes, and I do agree with you. However, THIS year seems a lot like the year 2013, weather-wise, and I would bet money that this year will be almost as cold as 2013.
  11. Times up. Am I ignored yet? I cannot feel a thing. Your ignore button must be defective.
  12. Dog whistle? Are you trying to get rid of the dogs or attract them to you?
  13. No. Actually, kissing in weather below 50 degrees C can easily crack teeth. Don't attempt it.
  14. The Bard is definitely mistaken. I bought two winter jackets, and two heavy quilts to last through the winter of 2013. Also, if you check the news reports of the time, there were worries for the aged population, at the time. I remember that winter clearly. The wind through Chiang Mai was almost as bad as the frigid winds over the Steppes of Central Asia in the dead of real winter. A comforter was of no use, it was so cold. I asked for Three Dogs, but the Guesthouse did not allow pets to sleep with guests in the same bed.
  15. Before you get your license to fly, you must prove that you can put the aircraft into a spin, and then recover. I do not mean a slight spin. I mean a FULL spin with several rotations.....and then a recover. Try that on for size.
  16. YES! In Quebec. In Timmins. Negative 50 degrees C. Too cold to kiss you GF outside your house.
  17. Noel Coward: Slobbering Dogs Barking Englishmen.... Maybe? Or, the other way round?
  18. Do you recall the winter of 2013 in Thailand? Try to recall. And, it seems to me that this winter might be a repeat of that winter. What do you think?
  19. Hi Folks, I have this feeling that THIS year, our winter in Thailand will be very cold, even though we are in the throes of the El Niño. Is anyone here old enough to recall the SUPER-Cold winter of 2013/2014? That winter was truly quite cold for Thailand. THAT year, I actually went out and purchased TWO winter coats.... And still, I was not warm enough. That year, we experienced many nights with biting cold wind blowing upon us. I recall that year so clearly, because, .... Loi Krathong holiday, that year, was so cold that we needed mittens just to make our baskets to float on an almost-frozen canal in Chiang Mai. We are in the midst of an unprecedented period of Global Warming, and this means that almost ANYTHING can happen, weatherwise.... The Polar Winds have become destabilized, and this means that there can be deep dips of arctic air coming our way, on Any Given Sunday...or even on a Manic Monday.... I just hope that people will remember...IF... The weather in Chiang Mai, or Chiang Rai, for that matter, becomes frigid once more, as it did in 2013... That we will remain aware of the fact that burning petroleum products, coal, or, in fact, burning anything inside one's house, just to stay warm, comes with risks. The house should be well ventilated, and even then...there remains the risk of CO inhalation. I love the cold weather, just as a welcome respite before we head into the HOT Season in Thailand, which is likely to be super hot, this year. And so, what do you think? Will we have the same frigid temps we experienced in 2013, all over again? I say that we will....just because I can feel the cold in my bones, coming on, already. What say you all? Regards, Gamma
  20. RIGHT! I agree. Absolutely NO Harm in doing this. And, also, presumably, it must be quite good for one's spirit, as well.
  21. US Support? Soon, US Power is bound to be stretched very thinly between Asia and Europe. So, do you think that the US is actually still powerful enough?
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