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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. What crystal do you prefer for drinking? You might immediately think of Waterford But, is there something better than the old Waterford? I can guarantee you that Leo tastes better when sipped from a crystal glass. What would be your preferred choice if I were to give you a set of 8 crystal glasses for beer drinking? Gamma
  2. NOT Really.... My toenails have been taking it too long, for most of my life.
  3. Correct! I think that they do NOT use an autoclave, which is what they should be using... Have you ever worked in a lab which requires sterile tools for cutting toenails? I have.... We always use an autoclave such as this one to protect the clients....
  4. ONLY if I brought my own tool. Otherwise, it might not be so hygienic...
  5. Why is Imogen Heap so.... TALLLLLL? Certainly, Imogen Heap is a true beauty. I would like get some of her.... Unfortunately, WAY, WAY, WAY....Out of my league.... What a SUPREME Doll! Is she really REAL? She beat Uriah Heap, hands down! Are the two related???? Maybe she is Beck's answer to Basketball dunkers....
  6. I don't know about you.... But I cut my toenails as seldom a possible. Cutting toenails always reminds me of my age and my fat belly. You gotta REACH DOWN and sometimes TURN AROUND, just to cut the nail on the big toe. After that, you have NINE MORE to go! Sometimes, I just let my toenails grow and grow, until my feet look like those of Howard Hughes You gotta reach down.... When cutting toenails, when one is old, you can't fool around. If I had a GF who worshipped the light shining from my adze, I might not need to pick a bale myself. But, some of us are not so fortunate. I expect to die alone. And this is fine. But, I just do not like cutting my own toenails, especially at my advanced age.... Why should I break my back doing so....????? Any good suggestions how I might avoid this unwelcome chore in my life? Thanks to all. Regards, Gamma
  7. The only problem with TV is the unwashed amongst us. I might not be able to smell the posters here, but their posts smell, anyway. a. Bathe daily. b. Bathe, preferably, twice per day, or more. c. Wear a shirt before sitting down to the keyboard. d. As for me, I mostly type in the nude.
  8. Hope you YAWN away the rest of your life... Hiding behind your coffee cup. Still Licking, I see..... What more do you have to say for yourself?
  9. What an idiotic comment. Do you pride yourself in making such?
  10. I am interested in second-language acquisition, of course. But, Chomsky, here, is speaking about INTERNAL LANGUAGE, per se. (Far more interesting at the fundamental level....)
  11. Hi My Friends, Here is one of the best Chomsky interviews I have seen in recent years. I hope you will enjoy it. I am a Noam Lover, and not a Midnight Toker..... Here is where Chomsky states his views concerning things like whether or not language influences perception of reality. This is definitely one of Chomsky's best interviews in recent years, simply because the interviewer is not a fool, and asks the right questions to draw out Chomsky on more interesting questions. And concerning Midnight Toking.... You might like the Steve Miller Band, too.... ALL GOOD.... Any thoughts? Gamma Gametes! I just LOVE your Peaches!
  12. OK, then... WHO are you doing on Xmas Day? Your landlady? Regards Gamma
  13. Don't you know, yet, what a TOM is in Thailand?
  14. 1/2 of a friend, after his dive. The point is: Think before you leap! Otherwise, if one lives, then one is bound to regret what one had thought would be one's last bound into oblivion.
  15. Why did humans invent gallows humor? Some questions are obviously beyond your ken.
  16. I once had a friend. I once had a friend who "fell" out of a window on the 9th floor of what is now the Cosmos hotel in Taipei. He was inebriated and heartbroken over the loss of some tramp. He fell from the 9th floor to the first floor. The arcade which enclosed the entrance to the hotel was made of glass on top. It was the glass and the arcade structure which broke his fall, and helped him to survive. I had not seen him for awhile, until after his fall. When I next saw him, he was in a wheelchair with a catheter, a urine bag to go with it, and a chagrinned smirk on his face. I asked him why he leapt. He told me he leapt for his loss of his tramp. Sometimes, it just does not pay to be too impetuous while in love. Love is pain. And, after he leapt, the truth of Shakespeare was made known to him. Still, I think he went down in history when he leapt from the Cosmos. The arcade entrance is still there...after repair. Note: The guy who leapt from the 9th floor to the roof of the arcade entrance was NOT a Farang. He was a WaiShengRen (a mainlander) who loved the bars and the bar girls.....too much.
  17. All of what you mention seems sensible. I am sure many here will agree.
  18. Speaking of JUMPing.... The fish are jumping. The cotton is high. Amazing rendition....
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