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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. My favorite: He's just a BENCHWORK Chemist. Knows nothing about Theoretical Chemistry. Has not a clue about Quantum Chemistry, which is now the basis for Biochem, Organic Chem, and Inorganic Chem, too. This is my favorite insult. Some don't appreciate it, though. FORE!!!!!
  2. You are ENTIRELY correct about Hewitt. She is a true angel of the keyboards. And, listening to her play the works that she has practiced to perfection has improved my life, as well as the lives of so many others around the world. She also always dresses to perfection. Everything about her is so..... angelic, IMHO. Thanks for your expression of thoughts similar to mine. I have been listening to her JS Bach interpretations for many years.... Pure bliss. Tks!
  3. Correct. Somehow, I must have been thinking of the Nature article. Still, Crick's thesis was more meaningful than most feces produced these days.
  4. Well, as we all know, Kurt Vonnegut probably lost his mind several years before he lost his life: https://www.heraldscotland.com/default_content/12775092.kurt-vonnegut-writers-writer-dies-brain-injuries/ This is the Catch-22. The longer we live, and who does not long to live longer, the more likely we are to die a tragic death. Heller and Vonnegut. Two great writers. Two friends who were rich. One is now on Saturn. The other wrote No Laughing Matter. Heller had many rich friends, like Hoffman, Puzo and Brooks. But, when your time is up, it's up.
  5. Enough of what? Had he had enough of life? Had he had enough of hypocrisy? Had he had his fill of fools? Enough of WHAT???
  6. Let's get this straight. You say he bonged the laundress?
  7. Little Joe never once gave it away. Everybody had to pay and pay. Never got rich, as far as we know, though...
  8. FTX gave it away. He got rich. Richer than your wildest dreams, buddy.
  9. There seems to be something amiss about the grammar of the headline of this Topic. I keep on reading it... But, no sense is made of it by me.
  10. If you really want some tune to hum all day.... Then, try this: Reminds one of the good old days when the Vietnam war was just beginning to heat up for REAL... Such good times.
  11. I once heard that Bruce Willis often walked on his private beach, naked, exposing his shortcomings. And, one of his neighbors left him a note to this effect, on his doorstep. Bruce enjoyed walking naked on the beach, as far as I know. Tighten Up is an amazingly riveting tune... A tune to rivet by....even....
  12. No, this is not the problem. The problem is that there is not enough juice from the USB ports on my desktop PCs. When I connect both scanners to my very old laptop computer, a cheap one at that, both scanners work flawlessly. My old desktops, it seems, are just not providing enough umph to the Canon scanners. This is what happens when some guys get old. They do their best, when they stick it in to their GF's socket....BUT..... Their GFs no longer LIGHT UP like they once did when their old men were just a few years younger. Personally, I can still recall the good old days, when I was once able to hump my GF for Three Hours Straight, non-stop. My GFs loved it, and their boxes would tighten up, the more I pumped. Now that I am old, I prefer Angela Hewitt, any old day. But when I was younger, and when I could hump for hours, I preferred music like.... Hope you can dig it.... When you are humping away.... That thing just gets tighter....and tighter....and TIGHTER.... Those were the days. Those were the tighter days.... DIG......
  13. I call him Glenn Ghoul... He's a genius, alright...BUT.... He's a strange one, for sure!
  14. By the way... Do you never sleep? You are always posting, at any odd hour of the day or night. Personally, I have a valid reason for being UP at this hour... I have just spent six hours trying to determine why the scanner light does not turn on in BOTH my Canon 210 and 220 scanners. I think the problem might be that the USB port from my PCs are now failing to provide enough power to activate the scanner light, even though the scanners both make the scanning sound, and seem to be working correctly, mechanically speaking. It's just the light that will not turn on. And all scan results come out TOTALLY BLACK. Maybe I need a new motherboard, but I think not. I think I just need a better cable to ensure enough juice is getting from the PC to the scanners. THIS is why I am not yet in bed for the night, Sir. What is YOUR excuse?
  15. Dear Friends, Anytime I need to edit a 150-page MA Thesis, there is only one pianist in this world that helps me to reach the 6th Chapter.... The MA Thesis is divided into SIX PARTS, usually, As you might know. By the time I reach the Conclusion, the concluding chapter, I often feel like vomiting. Most MA Theses are no better than your average feces, in fact. Even a PhD Thesis is no better than white dog feces, .... as my fellow alumnus, Musk, has often stated, correctly. The Thesis was never intended to be anything more than a boring exercise to teach budding research students how to do research, and how to publish said research WITH STYLE, and Class. Therefore, when someone like me edits one of these theses, it is understood that, after the thesis is published, the thesis will never again see the light of day. Far better just to trash it. The exception, maybe, was Crick's PhD Thesis on DNA.... But Crick was a genius, and so was the woman who did the XRAY crystallography work, without which Crick and Watson would NEVER have been able to publish what they did. So, back to the Heading of this Topic: There is ONLY ONE woman for me, when doing any editing, writing, or housework, such as mopping my floors: ANGELA HEWITT is a very gifted pianist with a unique interpretation of JS Bach. I agree that Richter does better with the WTC. But, in most cases, Hewitt is the girl for me. I love her hands. So dainty, and so skilled. With such dainty hands, I bet she would give a good HJ, too. And, no doubt she has. Maybe she even has given head, once or twice. Truly, Hewitt is a MARVEL. I guess I have listened to at least a THOUSAND hours of Hewitt during my Thesis Editing Days. Thank the Lord, my thesis editing days are now over. I cannot take the torture, any longer. I am not as young as I once was, several years ago. So, anyway, I often choose Hewitt's Goldberg Variations, and even her WTC Book One and Book Two, and also a few other long Bach pieces that she has recorded. Here she is in her full glory.... And, what do you think? Is she the Cat's Meow, or WHAT??? Regards, The Globule Note: When I do an ESL Thesis Edit, I do not just edit it.... I completely REWRITE it!!!! (Haha) I know that I shouldn't, according to academic standards. But, I don't give a .... (Nobody cares in Thailand, anyway, if I just completely rewrite the whole nonsensical thesis to make more sense. It's more fun for me, this way, anyway.....) Angela Hewett is a true Angel of JS Bach's creation....
  16. Sure! No problemo. Photos will be forthcoming, soon, after I have purchased a new phone. My Note4 is dead, as you know.
  17. Elephants never forget anything. This kindness of humans towards elephants will not go unforgotten.
  18. Who knows... The Japanese language may yet become the Lingua Franca for the entire world, including India and China.
  19. When writing in English, grammar is paramount if one wishes to communicate clearly. English grammar is difficult. Japanese grammar is equally difficult, maybe. These days, maybe due to social media, so many of us continue to lose the ability to write grammatically correct sentences. But, still, I do not complain, much... Just a sign of the times, I guess....
  20. I actually happen to agree with you, wholeheartedly. I have never much appreciated lowbrow humor. When one chooses to go lowbrow, one completely loses the part of humor that keeps us entertained. Humans, most of us, anyway, were born with brains. Unfortunately, some human brains atrophy more quickly than other human brains. Keep the humor intellectually stimulating, and I will be satisfied. Or, what I really mean is to keep the humor intellectually provocative.
  21. Obviously, a thread on moderation can be very helpful, provided that the thread is well moderated, and moderated well.
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