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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Speaking of the beef farm....(牛肉場 = beef farm) When I was much younger, living on the Isle of Formosa.... We often invited our customers to partake of the delights at the local beef farm (牛肉場)... I can guarantee you that a visit there, to the beef farm, might put a few more hairs on your chest. Thank Goodness!, those days are now behind me.... KOBE beef, though, is still something that I can appreciate.... (Please don't misconstrue: The beef farm is only for those looking for HEIFERS!)
  2. Hey, Man! I'm game for some Kobe Beef anytime you say the word! Send me a PM invitation to meet you in TOKYO for some Kobe Beef! It melts in your mouth, but not in your hands! Beef is GOOD...but... I cannot afford the real beef in Thailand, even if the real beef were to be found. Also, I have plenty of hairs on my chest, ears, and down below. Too many hairs for my liking. By the way.... Did you ever wonder why Michael Caine was so hairless, even though he is the epitome of MANLINESS? I could never figure this one out, try as I might. One of my favorite actors, even though he hasn't even one hair on his chest... Michael Caine is one of the more amusing actors who refuses to take himself too seriously. Wish there were more like him in this world... These days....
  3. I am a subspecies, but yet a full-fledged member of Homo Sapiens Sapiens! DUMB BOOK, but....the following song is far better than the book, fortunately... So, this is a good lesson to learn... Sometimes the song is better than the book....
  4. My Friends, Here is a word which encompasses ALL, or almost all. Don't you just love the way this word, EPISTEMOLOGY, rolls of the tongue? But, what does it really mean in our day-to-day mundane lives,...IF it should mean nothing at all? In fact, we NEED this word, today, more than we ever needed it before! Any thoughts? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology EPISTEMOLOGY is a word that we should all be more familiar with. Just for our own good, me thinks. What do YOU think?
  5. DON'T Give UP! UTUBE might continue to bother you for awhile...off and on...but... In the END, the UTUBE Artificial Intelligence algorithm will finally... Just give up. After all.... Even an AI knows, full well.... Google Can't get blood from a stone.... It UPS to you... But, I will NEVER pay Google for content provided by people like me.... UNLESS, the people like me get, at least, 90 PERCENT of the profit.... Google is WAY too BIG, now..... NO COMPANY should ever be allowed to get THIS BIG.... We NEED to fight back. I will NEVER PAY under these circumstances.... But....UPS to you....as I say.... I will NEVER PAY the tax to Google....WITHOUT representation. Google NEVER listens to anybody....Not Even Congress. So..... They can try to get blood from a stone if they like.... Good Luck!
  6. Who? Me? Never..... Ever! (Running out of ideas? You gotta be joking. Right? I still have a few Freudian allusions yet to be posted.)
  7. Baby, I feel good From the moment I rise.... I Feel good from morning Till the end of the day... Take a sip of Virgin Oil, each and every hour... And feel as I.....
  8. You see.... The THING about the KINKS, guys, is that the quality and staying-power of their music NEVER DIES.... a. Sure, it is true that I might drink a few gallons of Spanish Extra-Virgin, just to make a name for myself on ThaiVisa... b. But, what would that be, compared to the amazing gift of the KINKS to the world at large? I love Spanish olive oil. I love the KINKS, even more. Anytime I need a boost in spirit, I can ALWAYS depend upon the KINKS to buoy me up. While, drinking a gallon of olive oil always just gives me the runs. Spanish olive oil is my favorite. The KINKS are my favorite band, no contest. Thank gods I am still alive to hear them.... Because... Someday, maybe in the not too-distant future... I might not be able to hear them again... Depending upon where I am heading. And we ALL know where I will be heading, soon. I HATE the sound of harps, anyway.
  9. You know... Sometimes I think... That, IF EVERY DAY were a KINKS' Waterloo Sunset, ...then... I might not even need resort to drinking so much Spanish Olive Oil.... But, no matter how beautiful the song... It's just a song. You cannot live inside it... Forever.... Right?
  10. Look, Sir... I REALIZE that you do NOT realize just how much I appreciate your good comments. And this just proves how much you do not know about me. I have the GREATEST respect for a chemist who has spent most of his life solving real=world problems in chemistry. Therefore, I am just saying that you go me wrong, Sir. I DO respect you.... Even though...I am sure... You don't even care.... Take care, Sir!
  11. No biscuits for me, these days.... ONLY virgin.... Most biscuits, these days, are NOT virgins, as you know...
  12. Not exactly. I only know that Extra-Virgin Olive Oil costs .... TOO MUCH!
  13. In my opinion, all of these amino acids can be synthesized by the human body.... And, so... What? Me worry?
  14. Unfortunately, if they did... Then... You would not be able to qualify... No matter how hard you tried. You need to be a Talented Poster to qualify for almost ANYTHING worthy.... This takes talent, Sir....
  15. Still, Olive Oil is better than this.....! NICHOLAS CAGE was a MUCH better actor than I originally gave him credit for being...until.... I watched this movie... And also one other. Unfortunately, he wasted his talent, at times....on stupid films of no import...
  16. OK. I WILL! Everybody has heard of the BigMac Diet... But, far too few have heard of my Spanish Extra-Virgin diet.... In my opinion, my body can convert Spanish Oil into all the amino acids I need for life. Also, MAN! Thank you for your interest in my new endeavor to prove that Extra-Virgin oil is all we really need to survive in this world. During my long life, I have had only about THREE Real Virgins.... One in Vietnam. One in PA. One in Tainan. But....I have NEVER HAD.... A girl who was an EXTRA virgin... This is why I have resorted to swilling this Spanish Oil....which tastes even better. I am already hooked on this stuff. I just wish it were not so expensive here, in Thailand. ===== Note: A few weeks ago, I visited the shops and purchased about THREE GALLONS of this oil.... Must have cost me about BAHT...5000, or more.... Still, I think it's gonna be worth it!!!!! What do you think? a. Better to have a REAL virgin? b. Better to have an Olive virgin?
  17. Dear Friends, I am thinking about trying to survive on nothing but Spanish Extra-Virgin Olive Oil? How long do you think I could last on this kind of diet? Some say that Extra-Virgin Olive Oil is the Elixir of Life. Certainly, I enjoy the taste. I could even chug a gallon of it, if I had my wish. I am tired of the same old Thai-food fare, if truth be told. And, if you do not know, Spanish Extra-Virgin Olive oil is pretty spicy, and has a BITE to it. I would not touch the stuff from Italy, these days, no matter what the price. What are your opinions? How long can I live on nothing but Spanish Oil? Best regards..... Note: Spanish Fly is a MYTH....!
  18. I, most sincerely, would not have voted for myself...IF... There was just one other likely candidate.... I am a better poster than you,... For example....
  19. You are confusing my posting of this Topic with ANY attempt upon my part to change your mind!!!!!!!
  20. IF we are not ALL to become "Human Animals", then...we must hold ourselves, whomever we might be, to the SAME STANDARD. As for me... I am UNABLE to tolerate the taste of genocide, wherever it raises its ugly head. But....Genocide? I know it when I see it. And, ...No need to get a Supreme Court ruling on it, .... Either?
  21. I think I can. I THINK I can. I KNOW I can.... I would gladly nominate somebody else.... But, I just DON'T want to name the writer.... My choice.
  22. Food for thought? Do you think? Has your world been turned UPSIDE DOWN? Or not? Did you once think you knew what GENOCIDE referred to?.... And then...recently.... You had to think AGAIN? Or not?
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