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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. Looking at the doors that I finished... I am reminded of why I did not continue to study SHOP in 7th grade.... I had not the ARTISTIC touch.... It was not that I botched everything I touched, willingly... I just was not good at it. I was like a potter without a wheel. Thankfully, I left public school, in the USA, after 7th grade.... NO MORE SHOP, for me in boarding school. Still, I might have stayed in public school, ... IF only I had been better at SHOP classes.... The PROBLEM with SHOP in 7th grade is that they never asked the students to make something BEAUTIFUL, from wood. Always the same old things... Like a coat rack to hang on the wall.... And, there are just TOO MANY coat racks in this world, already.... Why didn't they TEACH US to carve wood....INSTEAD?
  2. Personally, my honest opinion is that .... NOBODY here can even TOUCH me...as far as posting goes. This is because.... My IQ is just ..... SO HI! (And, I am a Man of Taste.) Also, I have the required basic understanding of understated irony, which is just.... The very basic requirement for posting here. Irony. IRONY. I know....! There is a guy in Australia who OFTEN states that Americans have NO Irony!!! What a NITWIT, is he, for making such a statement.... Listen to him talk...and you will soon see..... Anyway.... He thinks Mark Twain knows nothing about irony..... What a twit....truly.....! Still....I am so happy that he has expressed his view....FOR ALL TO SEE.....! PS: Other than yours truly....there actually IS a good poster here. However, in recent years, he has become mostly a lurker, and not so much a poster....as we would prefer...
  3. Anytime I see someone who has a passion and a talent for METICULOUS model building, whether it be out of wood, or some other material....I am very impressed. And I am ALSO always reminded of this film, too.... Joshua Slocum MUST have been a very unique individual...because..otherwise.... WHY Would I be talking about him, after all these years, if he had not been. What an inspiration he was, and is.... Models, SOMETIMES, are NOT just models. And we build models to test in wind tunnels, made out of wood, sometimes.... Our first aircraft were of wood.... And, Even The Great Waldo Pepper flew aircraft made out of wood and glue.....and canvas Such a shame that anyone needs to die in war, though. Still, the Blue Max is good for those wondering how to make an airplane out of cloth, glue and wood, maybe....
  4. Looks like a few HEXAGONAL BONDS here.... Maybe sounds like BENZENE ring....but....NOT. I am just saying... By now...I have forgotten ALMOST ALL the organic chemistry I once knew... Which was not much.... Still... I have GREAT respect for outstanding Chemists worth their salt.... Richard Smalley....for one...
  5. Anyway....ANY TIME...you see a POLY........ The FIRST thing you need to think about is a VERY LONG chain molecule.... Why do you think they call POLYPEPTIDES ....POLY? If it were not for POLLY...that girl.... Nobody would even be HUMAN! I think, if you really want to become a TRUE woodworker, then... It's always good to know a bit of Organic Chemistry.... And, I am NOT talking Sniffing Glue, here, guys....!
  6. I was born in a world of WOOD and, maybe, Bakelite.... But, most of you guys reading my words have been born in a world filled with NOTHING but PLASTIC.... Says a lot about BOTH you and me.... Right? You guys don't even know what BAKELITE might be....right? Polyoxybenzylmethyleneglycolanhydride! WOOD is Good! And, Bakelite is not bad..... Polymerization is the KEY to Organic Chemistry. I have NOTHING against polymerization, actually.... After all....POLYURETHANE is......what? Some sort of long chain molecule?
  7. In my opinion, J. Beck is the REINCARNATION of JS Bach. I know the same magnificence when I hear it. And, it's really the same for TRUE BEAUTY, almost anywhere. Have I gone off the deep end? NO! Shipwrights have been singing, rhapsodic, for thousands of years....about their woodcraft. I am no different in the praises I sing here.
  8. I'm talking BEAUTY, now, my friends. When you see it.... You recognize it. Beauty can happen almost ANYWHERE.... It can easily happen in the art of woodworking, especially....
  9. Well, although it might be unreasonable to cry over a chair... Still, it IS reasonable to weep over the perfection of a beautifully crafted wooden chair.... And, this ain't no lie....
  10. Also, speaking of being "wooden".... Jeff Beck was NEVER wooden in his playing. This is why, even today, it's possible to listen to Jeff Beck....always like new. JS Bach and J Beck are birds of a feather.... Although one was greater than the other, why should I care???? There is BEAUTY in Beck's mastery of his guitar. There is, obviously, BEAUTY in JS Bach, playing for his God. And, in woodworking, when you see something of beauty, then there IS NO difference.... You just gotta cry!
  11. There is just something about wood, and the beauty of it, and the pure design of it..... Quite special, ....really.... I love beautifully worked wood. But, I am just too much an A-hole to even attempt it.... And, I am too cheap to buy it. Still..... I APPRECIATE it.....!
  12. Cooking can have a different meaning among the druggies. I hope that this was not your allusion....
  13. One more thing.... I realize that most people here believe that.... I have NO CLASS...when it comes to the appreciation of wood. But.... Not TRUE, guys! Take a look at this:!!!! My love of wood, and getting wood, has a long history.... Artisans who are talented enough to create TRUE BEAUTY from wood.... Are guys to be valued for their true gifts! I just think that the guys who are able to create this beauty are NOT appreciated enough, by most people. Today....it's all about IKEA garbage...!!!! And so, we become lesser mortals just through our acceptance of IKEA Crappola! https://www.stagandsquire.co.uk/shop/early-20th-century-windsor-chair-by-druce-and-co Beauty is something that is still important.
  14. You know....even though this guy is just working on a "model".... STILL, he is a STICKLER for detail ...... And he cares so much about getting the stains right, and EVERYTHING done so well.... Any woodworker, I think, might enjoy this video of the building of the reproduction of Slocum's SPRAY!!!!
  15. No, Man! Not overthinking in ANY way!!!! But, I always think.... If I were Joshua Slocum....such a GENIUS woodworker, AND peerless seafarer of wooden boats.... Then... What wood I do, with my doors? (Also, my doors have failed....because....the surface of the doors feels like SANDPAPER....very ROUGH!!!! I think it must have been because I did not sand enough between coats of this DECKING OIL.... (This product, I wish I had NEVER used, in the first place....))... Oh well... Maybe in my NEXT life... I will get things right, for a change....
  16. By the way, guys..... I have ABSOLUTE RESPECT for all you great woodworkers, out there....! Joshua Slocum is my WOODWORKER HERO, because, not only was he a peerless woodworker, but he could also sail anywhere he wanted, and repair his wooden boat, come what may....! This guy is NOT such a learned person.... But...this OLD GUY is quite "cute". JOSHUA SLOCUM is really my hero... I have read a LOT about Joshua.... What a F'ng Woodworker.... Maybe somebody else might want to add, here, some more INFO about Joshua Slocum....? Ups to you! Woodworking is a talent that has been with us since Christ....(haha!)
  17. I think you meant fluffery. Yes. Japan is still in the cards for me. These days, due to recent events, .... The very best place to live in hermitness is Japan, I would think. The Japanese respect hermitude, for sure...
  18. Benchwork is fine....Sir.... And, I really hope you are feeling better!
  19. Red White Blue ? I don't think so. You are just still sore about my BENCHWORK joke. But, actually, I meant no ill will. Hope you are feeling better...!
  20. Concerning your beliefs about what Noam believes, or has said... Are you nuts? Rounding up the unvacinated? You might have mentioned Noam's wish to round up the uncircumcised... Which is a good idea... Because, after all, who likes the looks of penises with foreskin, anyway? Noam is too often misquoted. However, I think most women prefer a penis with a visible head, like mine...
  21. Enough is now ENOUGH! Recent days are too much. AI might not be good, but.... What can be worse than Humanity???
  22. You are mostly correct,... except, I do not feel saddened. I do not feel saddened. I feel disgusted. I feel utter disgust. And, I once felt outrage... But, never again. You might enjoy reading the book, Tombstone... Now available in both Chinese and English... As for me, no more outrage... Only disgust...
  23. The difference is that the those who have been oppressed have, in such a short time, forgotten about oppression. The difference is that those who should MOST feel empathy for the oppressed... Still feel zero empathy. The difference is that my longheld sympathies have changed, in a heartbeat, during recent days. And, my beliefs have been shattered, just because my beliefs were not based on anything other than misguided faith. The true nature of humanity has been laid bare, these recent days.
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