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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. You cannot help but know far more about noodles than Trump knows about Science. This is totally true. Trump, for all his other accomplishments, has very little understanding of science, either Natural Sciences or Social Sciences. Although, he might know something about unnatural science....for even .... Weird Science..... (Such a classic!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  2. CO2. No living creature, such as one that breathes oxygen, can hang on the ceiling for long, in the face of high-concentrations of CO2 gas. Just be careful when using CO2...that you...too.... Don't breathe in too much. Otherwise, it might be curtains. Note: CO2 is heavier than air (mostly nitrogen 78-percent, and a bit of oxygen 21-percent)...and so...how to get the CO2 to stay up in the rafters, might be difficult. If, for example, the lizard were inhabiting your basement, than use of CO2 might be far easier.
  3. Dear Drummer Boys….. Can anyone tell me how Gene moved so fast? What made him so SPEEDY, for example. Also, do you recall where and when you first heard this guy on the drums? Was it SING, SING, SING? Probably so. I first heard Krupa play when I listened to him on FM Radio, maybe when I was about 12. Unforgettable. Has anyone here actually MET Krupa, and what was he really like? Was he totally obsessed with his drumming, for example? Did he drum his fingers on the dinner table, when he was young, and go to bed scolded by his mother for doing so? Just so much to wonder about. Also, in your opinion, what are Krupa’s TOP 10 recordings? By the way, you might wonder what is the inspiration for this second glorious Topic of the evening: Easy to answer, really…. I have been sitting here listening to the TERRIBLE drumming coming from small-sick bands around my house, probably much the same sick and too-intrusive drumming that is now happening throughout the country, at this time of year, when unschooled drummers use HIGH-POWERed amplification to advertise their questionable drumming talents. It might be OK if they were actually able to drum better than drummer boys in some out-of-sync army. Anyway, back to the questions of the Topic: a. What made Kroupa’s moves so fast? b. What were his Top-10 drumming performances…OTHER than…Sing, Sing, Singha!, one which almost everybody has already heard. Best regards, And keep on drumming, but, just…. Not near my house…. Please! Gamma Note: Don’t you just LOVE Gene’s facial expressions….He is really feeling it…..! ((Take…THAT….Ginger….!!!!))
  4. Did you mean Caribou Beer? I recall drinking this while on fishing excursions up in Timmins, Ontario. They would helicopter it in, by the pallet-load. Not a human in sight, for months, way back then, and the only access was either portaging from lake to lake, or by helicopter. Those were the days, and the Canadian Caribou beer was rather good. https://northernontario.travel/sites/default/files/2023-04/SunsetCountry.jpg One could, back in the day, leave the road in Ontario, and never see another human soul for months. Just me, the fish, and Caribou beer. Maybe, Singha is the next best thing, now that one is in Thailand. Tiny bubbles. Pristine lakes. And, occasionally, the haunting call of a far-off loon. Magnificent.... Really.
  5. OK. And, after 10 years of staying clear of it, Singha Beer, for no particular reason.... I will try a case....after Friday. I think I agree with you in your analysis of the three beers that you mention. But, also, I really wish I were in Germany, if and only if for the better-beer availability.
  6. It ain't easy. But, there is much to be said for volunteer work to improve the lives of so many.
  7. Dear Casual Beer Imbibers, Leo and Singha beers, sold locally, are roughly the same price. Why should one drink one brand rather than the other brand? As a casual beer drinker, myself, there is really only one reason that might dissuade me from drinking one beer, compared to the other beer…. And this is the important matter of….BUBBLES. It’s impossible to buy good German beer here, if one is not independently wealthy. But German beer holds an attraction for me, due to tinier bubbles. Still, this is not the issue at hand, since German beer is out of my price range. Therefore, for most of us, it’s just a question of which you might choose, either Singha or Leo. I have not had a Singha in like…. 10 years. The last time I tried one, was the time I noticed that the beer tasted as if someone had added a large pad of cows-milk butter to the brew. Is this the way it’s supposed to taste? I only had one, and then went back to Leo. But as I say: I care MOST about TINY bubbles, and the tinier Thai bubbles the better. German beer has a mouth-feel which is great, due to the micro-sized bubbles. Leo has HUGE bubbles, sort of like you might see with a great dishwashing soap, in a sink of warm water, as one prepares to soak one's dishes before washing. Or, maybe some sort of Apple Cider brew. I really wish I could drink German beer here in Thailand. I have not the financial backing to do so, however. Therefore, considering Leo versus Singh, and since they both sell for approximately the same price…. What are Singh’s advantages over Leo, and not ONLY the bubble consideration, and not just due to the butter-taste of Singh, but anything else of import... Any thoughts? Since I am a casual drinker of beer, and since I cannot afford expensive cognac, which would be my ultimate preference, then how goes it with Singh? Also, can we PLEASE not even mention the unmentionable,,,,Chang….please, please, PLEASE….. Thank you. Gamma Note: I prefer the Singh packaging, far more than Leo packaging. Is this just due to my higher sense of aesthetics, do you think? Or, just a quirky-quirk of mine? As I say, I am no connoisseur of beers. Note2: Since someone recently mentioned that tomorrow, Friday, might be a dry day here in Thailand, perhaps we can just TALK about these two beers, rather than drinking them. Note3: If we cannot settle this matter before Saturday, then I might need to just…. Go on the wagon. This entire issue of beer bubbles is causing undue stress, about now…. NOTE3: Please DO NOT misunderstand me.... BOTH Singha and Leo are GOOD QUALITY beers. We can be very thankful of this, and the good brewing techniques which provide healthful beer to most of Thailand. Truly, high quality, in my opinion...and...I am ONLY talking about BUBBLES here, and nothing more. Great Quality in Thailand beer can be had by drinking both brands. So, this is an important consideration for this Topic before entering the discussion of BUBBLES..... Thank you!!!!
  8. Please just watch the many vids that are appearing now, on the Internet.... Nothing difficult about it.... And, I think....Much Fun to watch, and participate in, as much as one might have interest in doing so.
  9. Yes. Such parochial views are full of ignorance and not forward thinking, and not helpful to Mankind. I know a lot more about China than even XiJinPing, as you know. And, the Chinese are nothing of not helpful. If I had my wish, I would replace all/most of the people now inhabiting the USA with good-quality families from China. THIS is MY idea of MEGA....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just replace most of the people in America with Chinese families. I have already discussed this, obliquely, in many of my Topics here. I am, and have always been....VERY PRO Chinese culture. Such a work ethic, even better than the Protestant work ethic. And, Chinese people, in my view, are much more caring about their friends. THIS is why I came to Asia, in the first place. And this is why I choose to live in Asia until the day I am cremated, with the smoke from my funeral pyre, rising in rings up to the Heavens. I am NOT JOKING, here, friends. I came here to enjoy and live in the Culture of China, the HAN Culture, might I add..... I do not see a clear and present danger in anything I have found here, and quite the contrary. Just sayin'' I do love China. I am....as has been said..... And OldChinaHam, and have been so for many, many years, since back in 1971,,,in fact.
  10. OK. If you say so. No skin off my nose, anyway.
  11. This costs more than my microwave oven, or almost. Why not just use a skillet with a saucepan lid to cover the sandwich? So much better, and cheaper. Also, you can hear your sandwich sizzle....
  12. Brain damage I can accept. I just hope I now have the least amount of ear damage, so far in my long life.
  13. Of course, I was, from the very beginning of this glorious New Year's Topic....NOT, in any way, considering use of the "app". I do not consider the AI download to PC, to be run locally, as an....APP, as you call it. I am not referring to the download for Apple Phones, and other fruity fones, even obliquely. I am talking about REAL computers, such as mine, and others.
  14. Upon what evidence do you base such an assumption? Are you not being just a bit overly presumptuous????
  15. Have you downloaded DeepSeek, and do you run it on your PC? How large a model are you running? 7b, 32b, or 70b model? I think you should try the 70b...personally. Are you running ollama API on Linux, as I? https://cristianzsh.medium.com/installing-and-using-deepseek-ai-c7fd97332e0f This kind of thing, as is said, is here to stay. Might as well enjoy it. Happy Computing, and.... As SUSE Says... "HAVE A LOT OF FUN".....!!!!
  16. Some people, probably a very small minority, are not too bothered by reading them. I work very hard, and slave away at my keyboard, just to provide decent content to TV. Not sure why more members may not like the fruits of my efforts. But, maybe they don't. IDK.
  17. You will have no worries from the likes of me. I am always respectful of others' feelings and sensiblities. And, it has never taken a kick to the teeth to keep me on track, and always respectful. However, I say....More Power To You!!!!!! When you find some guy who behaves like this Swiss guy is said to have behaved.
  18. Worst? I am unable to post the worst. I have yet to reach that point in my life. So solly.
  19. OK. Fine. Your loss. But, some other members might appreciate the video I linked.....to Mike's nice video.... Wait and see, because maybe at least one TV member might say.... Thanks!!!!!
  20. At least, 7-Eleven provides a choice for local consumers. The offerings are low cost, well-packaged, safe.... It is only the choice of what the company has decided to sell which might present an issue. For example, very high sugar content in drinks. Mostly snack foods. Ice cream, which is not healthy, by any means, no matter who makes it or sells it. So, this is just a matter of choice for consumers, whether or not they wish to eat a ton of these kinds of snack food. We know from research whether or not these kinds of snack foods, even these kinds of packaged sandwiches, are healthier than other choices. We know what kinds of food 7-Eleven stores sell in Asia. Therefore, just a matter of choice, but 7-Eleven cannot be faulted for selling and offering what consumers seem to wish to buy. There is also a question of increases in rates of obesity and diabetes among the younger generations. This, too, is a choice. Nobody should be telling us what we can and cannot buy, as they sometimes have tried to do in NYC, for example. Personally, I really wish I could buy the kind of sandwiches once offered by 7 in the USA, decades ago. Even in the USA, 7's offerings have changed dramatically. In addition, were the sandwiches offered in the past really that healthy? Maybe not, since we are talking preserved meats, etc. I no longer eat preserved meats, such as Lebanon Bologna, even though I like this kind of stuff. Very high salt content, preservatives, etc.....so then....cannot be the healthiest choice, even though we used to think it amazingly tasty, when slathered in GLOBS of mayonnaise...... No doubt, there are healthier choices. For beer, 7 is still good. I guess coffee is good too, which I do not drink. I rarely shop at 7 here in Asia, and have not since the 1980s in Taiwan, when I would buy cups of hot tea, in Taipei, and around the Isle of Formosa, while driving my BENZ, north and south, up and down, visiting factories, and 7 was always open. One thing I never bought from 7 were those huge Styrofoam bowls of prepackaged instant noodles. Again, coming from President Brand..... So much salt, you wouldn't believe. Just a matter of choice. 7 sells what sells.
  21. Oh Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven? NOT anymore!!!! If you are old enough to recall when 7-Eleven sold REAL food, then you are old enough to remember when sandwiches were made on the spot, were healthy, and this is a time when you could selectively order any kind of cheese, meat or bread or roll, and any kind of dressing. As soon as I saw what they did to 7-Eleven in Taiwan, I fell into a deep funk, and have not yet fully recovered. There is really no comparison. The service and product is totally not the same. Only the brand remains. The sandwiches REAL ones, were not expensive, and looked something like this, except you could add what you wanted, and sold by weight of the meat and cheese that you added. There were all types of sandwiches, and not just this type. This is why I do NOT buy anything edible from 7-Elevens in Asia. Because, for me, the shock has not yet worn off.
  22. Just in case some readers might have less knowledge of what AI is, and how DeepSeek might work, and a few other things which differentiate AI models... This Guy: Mike Pound is based at the University of Nottingham here speaks in a very nice video presentation....and explains much, simply. Mike is very personable. Must be a good teacher and researcher, and I can spot them a mile away. So, if you want to know a bit more about DeepSeek and how it might be different, or have taken a different approach....(mixture of experts, for example) ....then watch...
  23. It's really up to 7-Eleven. If they wish to cater to my tastes, of REAL FOOD, and supply quality meats, cheeses, FRESH, and not packaged, then FINE... I will definitely buy. Until then.... Beer only, for me. So, I am happy to buy the 7-Eleven beer, because it is sold at a decent price, is very cold, and mostly always available, if not near a university or school.
  24. Oh. You are quibbling about my word order? I see...no problem. Yes, correct, there is chicken breast meat. Also, there is chicken skin. Sauce. Some kind of batter for deep frying. The point is that they always orient the meat in the sandwich so that it appears deceptively large. Then, after you open up the sandwich by lifting the bread away, there is really very little meat, and not as much as you had thought just by the appearance of the thing. This is all that I meant. And, this is my experience after many decades of 7-Eleven evaluating in Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Thailand, etc... And in the USA, in the early 1970s, and late 60s. After 7 was bought out by Asian companies, such as Taiwan's President conglomerate, the 7-Eleven is just a brand, and does not sell good food, same as it once did in the USA.
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