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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. She looks like a char woman, only meaner. Hope she doesn't get a dime. Hope she loses the house, too. What a dried up old unhappy bag. Maybe she needs counseling of the Freudian variety.
  2. A baggage handler, no less. What is it that drives Postal Workers and Baggage Handlers mental.....? Perhaps the repetitious nature of their work? Obviously, this baggage handler was not thinking clearly, and had no logical plan. Why was it that his coworkers were not able to identify issues with this man... In advance. Fortunately, no one seems to have been injured.
  3. And, what would happen if they did this in India? In fact, let's send them to India, posthaste.
  4. Is this the same fat guy who, on the forum, reportedly evacuated his bowels on a public street, and then went skinny-dipping in the temple pool next-door? I always wondered what had become of him. And now, here he is, not just once, but twice if you count the first time he showed up in prison, in last week's story. Probably the same guy, and he never seems to move, either. He remains chained to the prison bars in perpetuity. Wish we knew his name so that we could learn more about him, and how he ended up where he is now.
  5. It''s very easy to get things done, and to get others to help you get things done. Just always remember to do one thing: Say KRAP at the end of each sentence you utter.
  6. Too expensive. In 1990, I often stayed at The Courtyard for USD100 per night. Now, the cost is USD396 per night. Not worth it for me. I would rather spend my money in Thailand, where I am doing some good, and helping the Thailand Woman. I would never spend my money in the land of the American Woman....not now...after all these years. I am happy with the wonderful women in Thailand, and I mean just happy to respect them from afar, or chat with them in everyday life. I could NEVER do that with the American Woman, simply because they would DEBATE me from the first moment, and they would be far too overbearing from the beginning... What would we even find in common? Would I talk to them about my love of Chili Peppers, for example???? No. They just would not care.
  7. Of course, I know that song, too. Two great songs, all in one thread... Mercy! The Mercy is a river, you know. And what great band made this river famous? (I was never a great speller....alas...)
  8. Reading your paragraph, I don't know where to even begin. So, I guess I will not begin. Except to say, as I just mentioned, it is impossible to educate someone who is unwilling to be educated. This is the same problem we often experience when leading a horse to water, before crossing a desert, when the horse refuses to drink, not realizing what is up ahead of him.
  9. NO. I am not talking about your experience. I am talking about Child Development. Maybe this simple Piaget page might help... Please also remember... It is useless to debate. Why? Nobody is ever convinced that a contrary position might be correct, and thus change his mind. This just does not happen. Any change in view, or in belief, must arise organically and not through argument. Meaning that one changes one's own views through experience. You might think that you are exceptional at reading Chinese facial expressions, but I DOUBT it. You have not had that much time at it. You are unaware of the subtle mannerisms. And, I don't really doubt, that you even think all Chinese look alike. But as I say, debate is always pointless. Just an exercise in futility for those that enjoy this kind of thing.... Sort of like auto-eroticism.... It is completely one-sided.
  10. Good. Belt and Road was a scammy project deamt up by Xi. Xi has had his eye on dominating Africa for decades. Wake up before China, Xi's China, bleeds you dry. Xi is a psychopathic megalomaniac compared to Trump. If you want to live under a repressive authoritarian rule, then by all means, join up with Xi, and let him Take the BELT to thee...
  11. What will this do, if the Canadians become angry, to the price of Molson beer? a. South of the border in USA? b. Overseas in Thailand?
  12. As you say, it was his fault for exposing himself in/to these conditions.
  13. I agree with you. Also, you are completely correct about the Chinese-American "reporter". Instead of thinking for herself, she sucked in the uni-pablum at one particular time in America, and she did this without first subjecting this garbage pablum to critical analysis. She was warped by taking the wrong courses at the wrong school, and doing so without the experience to see other sides to every tidbit her profs were feeding her. There have been many young families from China who emigrate to the USA with very young children. And then, the parents and children never again see eye-to-eye....and FILIAL PIETY is thrown out the window. I would NEVER take children the USA, if I were Chinese. Wait until the kids are at least at college age. Or, better yet, skip the undergad years and just go for the grad schools in the USA which are good. But the undergrad schools are a WASTE of money. Pure WASTE. You can get a good undergrad education in Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and China....and then, maybe, go to the USA for grad work. The American Woman is full of rage, even if this American Woman is of Chinese ethnicity. America is worse than a Re-Education Camp for young Asian Women. Therefore, Chinese Parents.... Please beware of this trap.
  14. I beg to differ. This is not how child development works. a. When I meet Chinese who have mostly grown up in the USA, or when I meet Chinese who were born in China, and only left china for high school and college, and then a few years of employment, they are completely different and exhibit culturally-influenced behaviors, compared to those that have not left China for the USA. b. It's easy to see the rage in this woman's face. This is a face that could only have been created in the USA, and not China. You have not lived in Asia or China long enough to pick up on certain important queues that allow you to see the differences between women in China and the American Woman. There is really a huge difference. c. This woman reporter was and still is quite an idiot, because she is attending the WH briefing in order to have a debate with the president. This is stupidity. I bet this was intentional just to try to quickly further her career, and do so by using distasteful, though not illegal, ways. She should have been banned. And, I believe she should have been sent BACK to China, where Xi could have beat some sense into her, though sending her to one of the Chinese re-education camps near QingHai Lake, or someplace in Qinghai province to be treated as any other political prisoner, until she can mend her ways, and act like a professional reporter. d. I am only telling you that it matters NOT what might be one's skin color. And, a woman of any color, if exposed to American culture, the NEW American culture, will quickly be converted and warped into an American Woman, if exposed at an early enough age. And, the most dangerous age for being converted and warped in this way is pre-junior high school. Normally, this process will take eight years. However, even worse is to arrive in the USA when one is TWO or less than two. When this happens, the muscles in the face will change a bit, and then we will see this kind of RAGE FACE that is so apparent on this reporter's face. Truly she IS a new American Woman. How can her parents even stand her? And, in truth, they probably cannot. If you still do not know what I am talking about. Just read Joy Luck Club and other books, real books.... I am not saying that you, or anyone, might understand it, if anyone had not spent a great deal of time in the families of Chinese in places like China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, especially Hong Kong in this case. If you have not become a part of Chinese families in these places, then you will just never get it, and you cannot. You do not understand Asia. You are a Tourist in Asia....ONLY. And then, you cannot possibly know much about this Topic. ================== "Many have done research on facial expressions and culture. An interesting topic, and there are differences. If one has not spent the time in both the USA and in Asia, then it's difficult to notice these differences. A Chinese woman born and raised in China, and a Chinese woman born in China and living in the USA since the age of TWO, is a completely different animal....believe me. There is much information concerning research on this available on the internet. Maybe we should start a Topic on TV, too......!!!!!!
  15. So then. Please remind me to not come to you for references requested by future prospective employers. Or, do you think there might be any chance of my winning you over to my side?
  16. I actually thought you were engaging in hyperbole when I first read your assertion. But then, I decided to check it out. Astoundingly, you are just about on target: a. I think it's all that corn. These youngsters are true Children of the Corn. Corn soft-drinks, corn burgers, cornbread, corn up the wazoo until they are too fat to be healthy, or too fat to go on dates. b. Of course this is not healthy. The diet must change, and it must change from the first weeks of life. Food preferences are developed early in life. Children were meant to drink water, and NOT sugar water. So then, what's with all this juice drinking? c. If I were younger, I would not date a woman so fat. I would not want my potential off-spring to learn from a fat woman about eating habits. Fat women should do other things like, maybe, work at the circus. d. This obesity did not begin on my watch in America. I left in 1979. America is on the wrong track. And, it is the women who are leading children in the wrong direction. This will not change until some catastrophe. Therefore, best to stay away for the next 50 yeears.
  17. They're basically just kids, really. Arrested development. There ARE humans who refuse to grow up, you know. And, the best places to find these children. most male, are courts with balls. Anywhere you find a ball, you will find one of these types. And, to make it even worse, they get paid exorbitantly for not growing up. Those who pay them and idolize them wonder why they go off the rails, maybe punching a woman in the nose, or worse. They are basically psychiatric cases, such as Tyson and others, especially the American footballers and basketballers. As you say, despicable. And, they swing on hoops with one are just like..... You know what,... Those other related primates. This is the most important reason we need to either cut them off at the knees, or find player of average height, plus or minus about 5 centimeters.
  18. Please just examine the algorithm. An algorithm, once written, is a mindless beast. Computers never do the wrong thing.
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