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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. I left the pulling to them, actually.
  2. Yes. 100-percent AGREE. Those ankle-biters will never become scientists and engineers if they do not immediately get in the swing of things with a good STEM curriculum, and plenty of MATH, preferably using RPN. Just go online, and one can read so many testimonials from users of RPN...that it isn't even funny. Also, the REALLY funny thing is that the critics of RPN, most of them, have never even used it for a year, or so. If they had used it for a minimum length of time, then they would probably understand its advantages, and never go back. But, little minds... You know what they say... Can't teach little minds tricks that might help them improve themselves. One also need not be an engineer to appreciate RPN. But, it helps if one is solving more complex equations. Even if not, then it's just a pleasure to use RPN. And, I have been a convert since the early 1970s.
  3. Old Spice? Now THAT really is detestable. Even more detestable when one tries to drink it. Fit for nothing else, though.
  4. Yes. Thank you. I mentioned this above. And shared an image of the thing. Good on Android and on Apple phones.
  5. You mean Section Eight, if I am accurately reading between the lines.
  6. Actually, I agree with you....BIG Time, as Trump often says. Let me see. When was the last time that I held a stick in my hand? Must be about.... 1981. I used to buy Mennen, the last time anyway, upon my visits to Hong Kong, which occurred regularly, about five-times per year. Then, I though, why bother. As you say, the stick just gets sticky, after application. Fortunately, I do not stink.... Much. Just a waste of money, time, and resources. Also, not too good for expensive shirts, or so I found. Therefore, I do agree with you, for various valid reasons. Note: The only thing is....I enjoy the smell of it, if for no other reason than that of nostalgia for boarding-school days, etc.
  7. Should there not, then, be better prior screening of those welcomed to Thailand for a holiday, if for no other reason than to avoid these otherwise inevitable calamities?
  8. It was called GREAT jazz singing when Satchmo blessed us with it. Now, it is a curse, especially when women try it. And, it seems to be among the worst examples of pollution emanating from the American North-West, probably places like San Francisco, maybe Oregon.
  9. Dear Folks, Is it still possible to get on the stick in Thailand? I have such fond memories of using Mennen Speed Stick once each morning, beginning back in the 1960s. What about you? And, do you still get on the stick once each morning, here in Thailand? Has the original fragrance of the stick been in any way altered? I bet it has. All good things must come to an end. On Amazon, I found that they do not ship this to Thailand, for some unknown reason; maybe due to cultural reasons or the fact that Mennen helps get one up for the morning, and maybe Thai culture is just typically slower-paced, in the AM? Maybe if more guys in Thailand were to get on the stick, then things might actually get ACCOMPLISHED around here, meaning things like solving the annual smoke problem and PM2.5 overload. If you want to know what it means to “get on the stick”, then watch this video. And, if you know anything about the fragrance formula and availability of Mennen Speed Stick in Thailand, then what is the situation as of 2025? And, has the product packaging been downsized while the price has increased? Need we even ask? I know that we all miss it….getting on the stick... Especially in the mornings, even before breakfast or heading out to the office. And, especially as we continue to age. Best regards, Gamma Note: Latest rejection from Amazon. This seems to be happening to me much more frequently, these days....
  10. In my experience, my misogyny is directly proportional to the increase in vocal fry. (an affectation I cannot abide) Nothing more.
  11. Apt Pupils never grow up. One is never too old that one should stop with the playfulness.
  12. No worries. Jared will have his moment in the sun, in due time. Say, around the year 2028, just in time to guide us into the 2030s.
  13. It has always been my understanding that, back in the day, the engineers just did the creative work. And that they then hired scores of girls and women to do the actual calculations using non-digital old-school calculators. Digital calculators are just as fun to play with these days as they ever were 50 years ago. I do not know why, but calculators are just fun to play with, whether they are handheld or just an RPN scientific calculator app on one's phone. In my view, calculators are the REAL Adult Toys of recent decades. .
  14. I guess you know that I attended school with this clown Franklin for about a year until they made him leave. I stay as far away from churches as possible, no matter if someone might tell me that there are grounds for my going to one. When Trump calls himself a Christian, he is only having another one of his humorous jokes. The USA cannot save the homeless outside its borders; One reason is that it must first solve the homeless problem inside its borders. Therefore, refugees smeffugees. The USA can only assimilate so many per year. And, of those, all should be Chinese people, the smart ones, of which there are many. Also, I just prefer Chinese culture to Mexican culture, if there is one to speak of. There is no national religion, nor any designated church. If there had to be, then I would choose that Snake Cult in the Deep American South as my preferred National Religion. I am happier to have Trump than Biden. Big Time! And Harris doesn't even bear thinking about.
  15. KSA likes to talk about PRODUCING oil. What a joke. They like to think of it as oil being PRODUCED. This is so they can feel less lousy about themselves and their sandpit.
  16. All I can tell you is that we were NOT using calculators at PENN in 1971 for math class, first year, second year, etc. Yes, we had access to compute power, such as via the DEC 10. But, we never used it for Math Classes. Only for computer classes. First time I needed a calculator was a statistics course, during summer, I took at some slouch college,...I think the name was either Ursinus College, or Uranus College. If I am young, then I am also younger than I look. The good thing is that, during my lifetime, the HP calculators have dropped in price by a factor of ONE-HUNDRED. Also, my phone, with the proper app, is almost better than any calculator ever was. The only thing I miss, or miss most, is the HP Trapezoidal-Keys. If I could put those keys on my phone, then it would be an improvement, for me at least.
  17. But, other than just for amusement, should good students at good schools use calculators? No. I don't recall using a calculator in the 1970s. But do the students use them today? Well, maybe for statistics, or something.... Still, as I say, handheld calculators are mostly just for amusement at frat parties, etc. They should never be used for serious academic work. This is the only reason I mentioned the use of RPN in this Topic, of course... For the amusement of TV members. One exception might be in the labs. In Physics labs for example. Sometimes calculators can be useful in such places.
  18. The thing that really puzzles is: Where did the Saudis get so much money, in the first place? They don't actually produce anything, do they? When I was there, all I saw was sand. And, I would never want to go back there... For sure.
  19. Another HP RPN emulator... But, USD10.00 seems pricey to me. Yet, cheaper than the emulators offered by HP, perhaps. So then the question begs: After one finishes installing about FIVE RPN calculator emulators on ones Android device.... Then what? ============ I knew you would ask. And I have the solution for your problem.
  20. Although RealCalc app is the best, and if one might want to try an HP48 emulator instead...for FREE on Android... Then there is always this one: ========== HP sells its own emulators for Android...but...not FREE...and much more expensive than RealCalc app for Android. I guess, judging by the number of Play Store downloads, RealCalc is still the winner.
  21. So, anyway....re the RealCalc Scientific Calculator RPN app for Android. This app had not been updated since 2015, until recently when it was updated, but only for Android 14 and higher. I am using Android 14. And, SciCalc Plus works well and....Looking Good, Billy Ray..... For less than four dollars, nothing to lose here. I would upgrade to paid version just in order to support the developer. But, use the free version as a test...and....also.... Just to see if you are smart enough to use this calculator app. Note: If not smart enough, then obviously do not upgrade to the paid version.
  22. It suddenly occurred to me that... If you love tables so much... Then why not expand your HORIZONS and invest USD396.00 in a vintage BOWDITCH????? Believe me, there are plenty of TABLES in this book. You could pore over a Bowditch for a year, and never be fully satisfied. I recall the day when I would use a slide-rule with a Bowditch. A slide rule never runs out of power, if you have your hands. Back in 1852, if you had a slide rule and a Bowditch and a Sextant, you could travel the world in just a rowboat and never get lost. Vintage books does not allow copying of the actual celestial tables, such as the Lunar tables, etc. But, if you pay USD395.00, then you can see these tables, if the book belongs to you.
  23. There is a "switch" for going from RPN to AN and back, for those who are weak-kneed.
  24. Do you REALLY think Trump calls himself a Christian? I don't. And, I do NOT. What to you think? The USA can save the world? I do not. Let the bishop play chess, instead. Or, let the bishop get back to her pots and pans, and stay out of Politics. This nitwit bishop believes she finally has Trump as her captive audience, sitting in a pew. She is wrong. Why would anyone attend the Episcopal church, anyway? I stay out of churches. She should stay out of Politics, attend to her knitting. Thankfully, Trump got up and told her where to go!!!! "When the men on the chessboard get up and tell you where to go" Airplane....!
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