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Everything posted by GammaGlobulin

  1. These are actually ALL much needed improvements to the game, if only the government would mandate the changes. Only thing, though... Can we change the string-across-court to braided wire, or maybe even electrified-fence wire? And, what about having not just one basket, but two baskets on each side of the court (4 total, of course)? They could have one height for height-challenged people, and one for the super-tall people. And, right, NO SWINGING on hoops. I hate that.
  2. I am not the only one. Even Randy Newman. He never once sang about tall people.
  3. Just curious: What is the deleted word in the headline of this Topic? Were you trying to say: Some British brute? Or, did you mean: Some Brutish british? Or, what, exactly?
  4. Dear Folks, Have you ever considered the height of most NBA players today? They are tall, right? Do you think it’s fair that the NBA is able to select such tall men, without giving due consideration to us shorter guys? Would it not be more “just” if the NBA were to set an average team height which is the same as the average height of the American male? In this way, more men would be able to have an equal chance to play pro ball, and to reap hugely oversized salaries. Here is the average height of present-day NBA players: And, here is the average height of American males: Can we not see a bias here in the present-day drafting of players for the NBA, just based on height, alone, and not on other equally admirable qualities, not to mention equal rights to play ball? Is this fair? Also, is this entertaining??? No, it is not fair. And, no, it is also not entertaining for most shorter sports fans. Obviously, it would be far more entertaining and equitable to set the maximum average-player’s height at 5 feet 9 inches..And to have some players shorter, or taller, at the coach’s discretion. Personally, I would love to see a team composed of 5 players, ranging in height from 7-feet tall down to 4.5-feet tall. This would make the dull game of pro-ball far more entertaining, and level the field a lot. Short guys would then enjoy watching NBA basketball…that much more. I realize that, these days, America is becoming far more merit-based. But still, short guys have merit too, and they surely can play ball, when they want to. Would you not prefer to see a much more heterogeneous population of "team players" on each team of the NBA, composed of both super-short guys, as well as super-tall guys, plus an average guy? I would. Would you be more interested in watching American basketball if this tallness-bias could be totally eradicated from pro-ball? Remember, back in the day, the great Harlem GlobeTrotters? They were not tall, but they were truly great. Also, they were true Americans. I just hope that Trump will look into this, and fix it, when he has time to do so. Super-tall is not a handicap. Therefore, why should the super-tall players receive this type of special consideration? Not Fair!!!!! Best regards, Gamma Note: This kind of height-based favoritism really makes one mad. Obviously, short/average guys have rights, and they want to play, too.
  5. And even better to be a male in either country, IMHO. Although, there is something to be said for being able to look great in real silk stockings and a sheer negligee.
  6. This is truly very good news. For some strange reason, Americans misconstrue Conspicuous Consumption with Patriotism. When the Twin-Towers were hit.... Little-Bush's message was: Buy Baby Buy Americans buy too much garbage. This is why American Homes require THREE GARAGES, these days. They don't park their cars in the three garages. They park their cars in their driveways, or on the street. The three garages are to house their excess garbage that they buy for patriotic reasons, and also to impress their patriotic neighbors. When import tariffs increase retail prices in America, then maybe this type of empty patriotism might stop.
  7. And, I would have said... Anywhere dogging is not illegal.
  8. No analysis required that is not free of charge... Just listen to this tune and have a re-think.... Can't hurt. Note: Maybe you will even hear a few helpful interpolations from The Chieftains in this one.... Note2: The Chieftains. One of the most Cherished of all Celtic Time.
  9. Dear Folks, This word VAMP has so many meanings, and means not the same to different generations. What are your favorite-three famous-vamps which became infamous and beloved during the past 100 years? There are just so many good contenders. For example, just two or more possibilities: a. Type One b. Type Two c. Type Three In my view, most VAMPS should be in Black and White, since there should be no gradations of evil, in a perfect world. Have you ever met a vamp, up close and personal? Well, I have, and the experience was ultimately unforgettable. Maybe most of you have not lived long enough, or have not lived in the right places, to meet many vamps. Yet still, maybe you have seen a vamp or two on the silver screen. Do you have any favorites? Most vamps are beautiful. It is only their pure evil and their beauty that enables them to become vamps. Then, you gots your Jazz Vamp, too, of course. All vamps are welcome here. Regards, Gamma
  10. Dear Folks, Just please think back to when you were in Form One, years ago, struggling with your Latin, and not knowing why. You knew that nobody in the world spoke Latin, and therefore, you logically reasoned, learning Latin was a pastime mostly for fools. These days though, maybe you have gained a new perspective on the purpose of learning Latin. And, possibly you wonder if you might take a year or two, these days, to polish and reinvigorate your long-lost Latin skills. What might be the Real-World benefits to you of further Latin study, after you may have long-ago forgotten what you learned when you were just a mere tot? And, is there even any requirement that one might benefit from learning something, just to justify the spending of time learning it? (I think not.) Still, what might be some good reasons for learning/re-learning Latin? (I am NOT joking, this time.) a. You could improve yourself. b. You could speak Latin to the girls in Pattaya, just to astound them, and maybe to get them to buy you a drink. c. You could use Latin roots to improve your understanding of Science Terminology, or Medical Terminology. d. Most importantly, it is said that RIGOROUS study of LATIN might improve Cognitive Functioning. This is a BIG plus for those in the Farang Pub…who are now in Obvious Cognitive Decline. I ask you: Would you be willing to join me in learning Latin, on Sundays? Or, would you prefer to learn Latin at home, by yourselves? And, can you add to the short list of advantages that I have posted in this Topic? Naturally, we will need one of the best Latin Primers. So…Can you suggest at least three choices for our class? My first PRIMER CHOICE would be a free one from Project Gutenberg. Free is Good. Also, when learning such an old and obsolete language, the OLDER the Primer...the better.....so... Here is my preliminary choice: Here is an excerpt from Lesson XIX (And, don't you just LOVE these outdated Roman Numerals??? i DO....!!!) https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/18251/pg18251-images.html In addition, there are many good websites extolling the advantages of other primers. For example, here is just one that I found, and an excerpt from same: https://fivebooks.com/best-books/learning-latin-harry-mount/ The above link provides insight into several good primers, and is written with much Love of Latin, presumably provided by some Latin Lover. Further to the above links, there is always YT content. I particularly enjoy this woman from PBS News Hour. To me, she is one very HOT Lady, meaning her sexy mannerisms... If I had someone like her teaching me, I could make some amazing progress, absolutely. She is my kind of girl....BIG TIME....!!! She even wears glasses....!!!! It is my contention that anyone who is aging might benefit from setting aside about 45 minutes of the day to sit in a quiet place, maybe under a coconut tree, or a palm tree, by the shore, and focus on one’s gradually improving Latin skills, including Latin verbs, noun cases, verb conjugations, and adjective inflections. Moreover, learning Latin is one of the best ways to distract the learner from worry over things in life beyond his control. Seems to me that such a pursuit is most important for the expat living in Thailand, what with visa worries, and such. It should be very obvious that when one is forced to learn Latin in school, at a very young age, one just does not adequately appreciate the privilege that one has been afforded. This time around, now that I am older, I will work harder. How difficult can it be? Like riding a bicycle? One never forgets? A facile mind, one focused on Latin learning, is a clean mind. A clean mind is also one that is never tempted to visit local bars. Wishing you Happy Latin-Learning…soon… Best regards, Gamma Note: If you have any suggestions for better Latin Primers..then please add here. Thank you. Note2: After we finish with Latin, then we might consider mastering Attic-Greek. And, from there, we can progress to the reading of Ancient Scripture, and Sacred Texts. Fun! ======================= IMPORTANT NOTE: I just must tell you.... The PBS girl in the video I posted above is.... TRULY....MY KIND OF GIRL...in almost every way. Why cannot I meet a wonderful, and COMPLETELY CUTE girl like her????? Maybe I should have decided to study Latin before waiting so long, I am thinking. She is just SOOOOOOO CUTE.... I love her mannerisms....to death.... Or, did I already mention this.... I might try to write to her, tomorrow.... But, for now, I will just dream of her...and then wake up tomorrow... Completely refreshed. She is REALLY my kind of woman..... I bet she, too, spent her early years in Greenwich.
  11. Dear Folks, Are you a dreamer, or are you a non-dreamer? If you are a dreamer, then what is the dream that you dreamt this morning, ... Or, yesterday morning, just in case you missed your dream this morning? Some say that we dream many times during any 24-hour cycle in our lives. Most of our dreams, we thankfully forget. Such as the I HAD A DREAM speech. Can we ever rid this dream from playing in our heads, over and over, ad infinitum....? Do you have any better dreams to report, this morning? I had a dream, and it was a BEAUTIFUL dream, as our president often says. Here is a tune that might help all of us to dream a dream that is HIGHER..... Can we force ourselves to dream good dreams, somehow? If so, then how? Maybe by inhaling DEEPLY, before bed? Best regards, Gamma Note: Let's Dream the Dream....before it's too late.
  12. One emoji I am totally confused about, not to mention being confused about the purpose of it. I worry most about the CONFUSED emoji. What are they confused about.... Exactly? If only they would tell us what confuses them, .... Then we could provide some clarification. Yet, they just HIT and RUN..... They hit you with a CONFUSED emoji, but they never provide enough input to the writer so that, next time...maybe... The writer can write less confusingly. This is what confuses me most. And, almost always, this CONFUSED emoji pops up when one least expects it. The CONFUSED emoji .... "It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven".... Without explanation. Maybe this is what heaven intended.... IDK.
  13. Well, after all, .... It DOES have the word SHAG.... In the title of the tune. Therefore, why would the "ladies"... NOT like it? ========= Still, Rastus is more my kind of music.... RASTUS...oh....RASTUS.....! Sock it to me.... Rastus....
  14. No Like. Repeat...NO LIKE. Just a matter of taste, of course. (Or, lack of taste, as the case may be...)
  15. I have always preferred Asahi, while in Japan. So, this is my preferred taste for an Asian beer in Kyoto. Full Moon Malt: I have never heard of it. However, if this beer offers tiny bubbles, then I think I should try one. Again, I will say, that the Singha has the LINGER of apples-peaches, and...Cream Soda (do they add vanilla to Singha, one wonders). Not much to my liking, I am afraid.
  16. It is actually possible to be poisoned, not fatally, with adulterants slipped into one's drinks. Definitely, this is just one hazard of not maintaining proper vigilance when one is out and about... In the evenings.
  17. Please feel free to call me "Mister openSUSE", anytime. I take this as a great complement and honor to be so honorifically addressed.
  18. Does anyone here agree with me that both Leo and Singha taste a bit too much like Apple Juice? I wonder why this might be. Surely the brewery could change the taste if they wished to do so. Yet, they choose this Apple-Juice LINGER? Do they think this is popular here for downing a bottle with Thai food, or what? I would say that this LINGER of APPLES, not to mention the BIG BUBBLES, which makes me wish for.... GERMAN BEER. Am I right? Or, am I correct?
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